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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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68 posts Page 5 of 5
Decided to change my dinner to chicken Kiev and some veg, I have enough calories left :cool:
cherylc wrote: I'm fasting today and planning to have around 600 cals rather than 500 as I'm struggling to keep to 500 cal limit without wanting to eat loads more food in the evening. The 600 limit is temporary and the aim is to cut the 100 cals over the next couple of fasts while my body adjusts.

Very good, it does become easier with time so this is a sensible approach. :wink:
Oh no Gamedamsel! I hope you're feeling better soon!

Cherylc - have you actually calculated your TDEE? Perhaps you should be eating 600 calories on fast days. If you are heavy and/or active enough, it's certainly feasible. You can google "calculate TDEE" and there are a number of calculators available. You're supposed to be eating 25% of your TDEE

I'm doing pretty well with my fast today. I spent a few hours at the hair salon - a friend of mine is going to school to get her cosmetology license and she colored my hair for me :-) We're going to have big spinach salads with some steak on them tonight, so I'm really looking forward to that.
Suchard007 wrote: Dinnertime soon - homemade green pepper soup to look forward to when I get in - yummy :smile:

That sounds nice. Can I ask how you make it and how many calories it has?
Thank you, Pilchards, for your advice...unfortunately, I didn't see it until the 14th but I will keep it for my next fast day.

I tell you what...It was nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be. The funny thing is, when I woke up this morning despite not believing others who had said I wouldn't wake up with a ravenous desire to eat, I woke up without a ravenous desire to eat. I even went for my Zombie Run (iPhone app teaching me how to run again after many years) and then came home and just ate now. It really wasn't that bad at all. And the scales...I know a lot is water but it is nice to see a drop into a new number after so long being stagnant on the same weight. Woo hoo. I like this.
Today is my 3rd fast! I ended up having my 500 cals during a late lunch and plan on going to bed early tonight. 6 more hours until bed time.

So far this WOE has been pretty remarkable. After one week, I am down 3.5 of the 20 lbs I'd like to shed. And it was fairly easy! Hope to lose at least 1 lb this week, fingers crossed.

High fives to the all of the fasters today!!!
Congrats!! Yes, going to bed early is a great tool :-)
Ended up with 750 cals, but still a happy and tired bunny!
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