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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
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Hello, I'm new and today was my first fast day. I skipped breakfast, had a lemon and ginger tea for the train journey rather than my usual latte and had a portion of Miso from Itzu at lunchtime. I wasn't really prepared to start today but decided there was no time like the present so dinner was what I could cobble together. I mixed together a tin of WW chicken noodle soup, a tin of spinach and a tin of mixed beans. I added a bit of chilli powder and heated it all up. I wouldn't recommend it as a gourmet meal but it was certainly filling enough as I didn't finish it all.

I decided to give up dieting two months ago as it had ruled my life for the last 23 years and given me nothing but misery and resulted in me being 6 stone heavier than when I started. Unfortunately I've felt myself get bigger and bigger in that two months (I got rid of the scales so that they weren't in control of my moods anymore) so I decided that this approach might be a perfect combination of eating like a normal person but also not putting anymore weight on. Interestingly today was the first time I have thought about food all day in well over a month. I didn't find it too hard but then that might be down to the novelty.

I am still going to stay off the scales though. I'm just going to follow a 5:2 eating plan and try and ignore that I am even doing it.
I went to the gym after work, and wasn't really hungry after that. I made a small salad with tomatoes, spinach, anchovies, olives and balsamic for under 100 caks, and had 2 strawberries as a treat :-)
Iam still at it :smile:
Started after dinner yesterday and will finish at breakfast tomorrow.

This is my third diet day. I decided it was easier not to eat on the diet days rather than worry about food. I still drink tea and coffee with a little milk, no sugar.
It seems to be working for me, no headacres or discomfort
Started getting really, really hungry, at my mom's house so don't have any bouillon, prepared a salad and discovered that I wasn't hungry anymore! lol I'll wait a bit longer and hope I can hold out for dinner in a few hours. :)
My very first fast today, was at work so made it easier. Went all day without feeling hungry, just drinking water, and have just had light evening meal, ( with a small wine) and feel great!
I'm fasting today and I'm so hungry lol. I am new to this forum. I started this diet on st.Patrick's day while everyone else was having fun and drinking but its an easy day to remember it by. So far I've lost about 6 pounds and I feel great but this week has been much harder for me and I don't know why
Fast day for me too. Off to bed in a bit, but have to say the grumbles in my stomach were so loud today it felt like it was trying to have a conversation with some one. A cup of tea soon soothed the noise down!! It's not good when you work in an open plan office, and it didn't help that I couldn't stop giggling.
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