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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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I'm in, anyone else joining me :?: I've been really hungry all week so I hope this one isn't too tough.
Re: Who's fasting today?
10 Apr 2013, 22:18
Hi - I just realized I've gotten out of the habit of constantly checking for a "who's fasting today" support thread. I guess it's just become easier and I can go about my day without thinking about it. :-) I hope your day went well
Re: Who's fasting today?
10 Apr 2013, 22:23
Count me in Wineoclock. Normal Thursday Fast day for me. About to go to work and I generally find it easier to fast at work than at home. Lovely day here in North Sydney so I will take my book to the park at lunchtime to distract me from food. Have a good day.
Will be joining you when it's Thursday here! Though, come to think of it, I've already started really as I've finished eating for today!
Well I had intended to, but we have unexpected guests for supper, so now I'm not sure... Maybe I should give it a go anyway because I'm out with a friend on Friday morning, so may be tempted by cake! Oh dear, which will be more tricky to do?!
My husband and I are fasting today (Thursday). Unfortunately, I forgot, and we had a snack at 10pm - so our fast will not be quite as long as usual! Dinner, our only meal will be at 7pm, Thursday. Not really long to wait!
Yep im fasting too today. The fasts are definitely getting easier and it gives me two rest days from alcohol aswell. Not that im an alcoholic but red wine does mount up over a week
Yep, I'm fasting today - only my 4th Fast day so still consumed with continuously thinking about it. I'm looking forward to the time when I don't wish the day away!
I'm in. I am definitely in. On the scales this morning and a kilo up from yesterday. Thank goodness I weigh daily. If this was my weekly weigh in day I would think it all a failure this week.
I am fasting today. Lovely day in northern Tasmania. I have had meusli and peaches for breakfast and have made a Jamie Oliver vegetable soup - without the bacon - for tea tonight. We will be visiting someone this afternoon who I know will offer us delicious home made biscuits - but I am ready to say no thankyou. Good luck everyone.
I'm in - after making a pig of myself yesterday I need it!
I'm in too, and already hungry and it's only 10:30am. What? Never been hungry this early before! Suspect it may be because it's cold... and that's only going to get worse as autumn heads into winter. Will have to drink loads of green tea or warm water all day, and then will go for a walk later if the hunger sticks around, that usually stops it.
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