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Fasting today?

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Fasting today Thursday 30th may
29 May 2013, 21:14
Morning all Thursday Faster

Ready for another fabulous day
I'm just getting ready for another very busy work day then looking forward to satay turkey loin for tea tonight

Who eles on board this fine fasting day?
I'm on board. Having a lazy start to the day and then it's grocery shopping. Cooking chicken saag tonight.
I'm here Tammz, On the train heading to 'work'. Only coffee thus far but will probably have mini protein bar later, followed by curried veg/lentils/chickpeas.. ready in freezer. Weigh in day Friday so hope I have lost a bit after putting on last week. Still the scales will end up in the right spot sooner or later!
I'm feeling a little like a saaaaggy chicken Wineoclock!
I will be with you in the morning...
I have had a very indulgent week with visitors here, so need a couple of low cal days to get back on track. I just hope that my progress hasn't been completely kyboshed!
Hi a newbie here so pleased I have found this forum.

Still 29th May here in UK. I shall do my fast tomorrow (Thurs) did one on Tues because of Bank Holiday, but will do Mon and Thurs. Looking for appropriate menus and interested to hear what other people have on their fastng days.
Yep I'm in. This will be something like my 18th fast and I find it just gets easier every time. Had my usual skim latte this morning, then it will be nothing until some home-made pumpkin soup later this afternoon. Then I might have a huge stir-fry later. It's rainy and very cold so I'm already looking forward to that soup!
I am fasting today as well. Tammuz sounds yum and GMH haha
All the best fellow fasters may the day be very pleasant for everyone
Yes, I'm here for my usual fast day.
I've been for a swim, it's sunny here in Sydney so I was in the outside pool again. :smile:
I have left-overs for the family tonight- Yay, so will probably just make myself an easy vege stir fry with a poached egg- I'm SO gourmet!
Have a good day everyone.
I'm here. Saw my GP this morning for regular stuff and she gave me a slip for my usual blood tests. Had them done last in Nov so she said there was no rush, do them when I'm ready. Ive been doing 5:2 since mid Feb so I'm planning to wait till at least the 6 month mark to give it a chance to bring down my cholesterol. Then I returned a library book, bought a birthday present and next on the agenda is changing the sheets. I get so much done on fast days!
Well getting to the pointy end of the day now and I have been really hungry this fast - might go back to my original veg soup for brekky - lasted till 11am b4 having a mini protein bar and will be home about 3.45 so will have an 8 cal hot choc, walk the mad beasts on the beach as it's 23C today and then get back and scoff into my curried veg - can't come soon enough today! but it is the 3rd fast of the week - hope the scales show my dedication tomorrow :grin: :grin:
I'm in today in my first week of 4:3- 3rd of the week. It's been easier than I expected so far. Hoping to kick start the loss again.
Nothing until tea time then ususal poached eggs on toast, semolina and dried apricots. 48C at the moment (0945) and I need to go out later. Yugh.
Will do the shred thing in a wee while then just loaf about. Not an exciting life...
I'm in and I'm a bit scared! Another day at home with the kids on school holiday.

All planned out, porridge and blueberries for breakfast, yummy poached eggs (thanks to my Dad's lovely chickens) with asparagus soldiers for tea.

I will try to get out and about instead of hiding in my room this time, but my ideas of places to go usually involve coffee shops :curse:
I´m in too. Had my common fasting breakfast and rest of the day goes with tea and water. We are having unusually warm May here in Finland and I really like it! :)
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