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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

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I'm doing great today. This is far better than how I was managing last Monday. :)

I'm drinking my calories today, which seems to work a lot better for me than eating little meals. I started out with a cup of coffee with milk (no sweeteners) and I've been feeling blissful ever since.
Hi everyone, I fasted with you all on Monday (it's mid morning Tuesdays now and still ot hungry at all! Amazing isn't it?) Am so excited . Having a girls night away :drink: :drink: :drink: in a penthouse by a beach on Saturday and only have 0.4kg to lose by weekend to get toa a 10kg weight loss since any of them hasve seen me -except my best friend who is in on the secret. She has lost 8.5 kilos with a different diet and said that if they don't notice our loss we're gonna slap them with a wet fish!
P.s. I highly recommend Marie2mil's cream of chicken cream and 67 calories per serve-and it freezes well. :-)
@Izzy: Fingers and toes crossed - always have had a very soft spot for doggins...

Sorry about the tofu: I've only cooked with it a couple of times and did so by viciously frying it to make it crispy. I think you need to squidge as much moisture out of it as possible before using - I wrap it in a clean tea towel or two and then bung half a dozen hefty text books on top of it for at least half an hour.

As for soy sauce: I've not had the pennies to get anything other than the cheapo ones for a while but I vaguely recollect tamari as being a gentle one?

Edit: Oh, and if you do the greens recipe, I'd highly recommend that you wilt them separately and drain off the liquid before bunging them in with the oil and the ginger, otherwise your nice thick coconut milk gets considerably diluted.
Hello everyone! I'm back from last week's vacation and fasting again! Just about to make an evening meal. I thought it would be difficult to get back into it, but no, it was fine! Ate a little lunch at 1:30 pm, but only tea and a cappuccino before that... so doing just fine. :) Congrats to all who fasted successfully today!
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