AnnieD wrote: FatRae, you could do 7pm to 7pm, it would no doubt be better than doing nothing, but I think you'll find that the majority of us eat normally the previous day, go to bed & then on a fast day day eat the 500 cals (or otherwise, dependent on your size) during the following day. Go to bed & then get up the following day & eat normally again.

So, yesterday was not a fast day, I ate & drank normally
Today I have had 500 cals max
Tomorrow I will eat 'normally' again

That actally puts the fasting period at closer to 36 hours

Hope that makes sense.

P.S. why are there SO many food programs on a Monday :(

Thanks for that Annie :) I went from 9pm sunday evening till 10.30am today Tuesday 16th :D Obviously I had my 500 calories for dinner then I went to bed. Felt fab actually considering I thought it would be awful lol! Bring on Thursday!! Hope your fasting day went well xx