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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 13:04
I came across this thread today and scanned through the topics.
Personally I have cut down the white carbs and sugars and try to limit my fruit intake to the mornings (read that somewhere?) but I am concentrating more on the Cal counting than the carb counting.
I looked back at my MFP history and see my average carb intake is about 150g with days as low as 30g and as high as 300g. :confused:

if you don't mind I will keep on peeking through this tent window watching your progress and experiences.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 13:28
Don't peek in through the window @brian1 come in and join us! I'm sure you'll have some valuable input to the discussions!
nursebean wrote: Hi @Judithn it's great to see you in here as well. :-)

My first "feast day" since joining this tent and I think I've boobed already! I had Shreddies and Cornflakes in one bowl (only a couple of handfuls of each, but even so)

Should have started the day with a boiled egg...minus the buttered toast I presume?

Low carb is gonna be hard (Bean's new motto)

Bean :cry:

No need for it to be hard @nursebean, honest, it just takes a bit of culinary skulduggery.

Four *very* fat slices of OLS bread (I usually have half this amount at a sitting) and generous lashings of cream cheese (instead of butter, it's much less calorific) and fruit spread (made with grape juice rather than sugar, so far less carborific) - there's an exceedingly substantial breakfast for you... Total cals ~271 and carbs 15g.

oat bran, linseed & soya loaf, no. 4, see recips;
....... amount used 64g Cals 205.83 Carbs 8.25 Fat 12.56 Protein 10.45 Fibre 6.17
cream cheese, full-fat, co-op, 260c/C2.8/F25.0/P5.4/Fi0/100g;
........ amount used 15g Cals 39.00 Carbs 0.42 Fat 3.75 Protein 0.81 Fibre 0.00
seville orange spread, meridian, 145c/C33.4/F0.3/P1.3/Fi1.4/100g;
........ amount used 18g Cals 26.10 Carbs 6.01 Fat 0.05 Protein 0.23 Fibre0.25

xxx FatDog

ed. OLS bread (oat bran, ground linseed and soya flour) is on my thread page 32, day 176 progress-f4/topic6427-465.html#p129271 ; up the baking powder to 8ml
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 15:19
callyanna wrote: @nursebean, cereals used to be my downfall too! :frown:
I didn't realise that something touted as 'healthy' could contain so many carbs so as Penny says, step away from them! Eggs would be a much better brekkie choice and would probably satisfy you for longer too! :grin: :grin:

:heart: Me too @callyanna I stopped my lunchtime bread with my sandwich quickly followed by my carb laden cereal breakfasts saving both calories and carbs.
Tomorrow's shopping trip see's me buying courgettes and cauliflower to try the spaghetti + rice dishes on fastdays.
:shock: This coming from someone who 6 months ago said she would never do this :shock: and I do say it myself but I deserve my medals back for that one alone and Thank-You to all for your concerns over their disappearance. :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 15:42
Think we can pat each other's backs @Sue.Q with regards to trying new ways with different veg and reducing our carb intake as well! Well done us I say! :like: :like: :angel:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 16:09
Yes, thanks @PennyForthem my TDEE for someone like me who is "sedentary" is 1690 (quite a lot really isn't it)

Bean :smile:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 21:27
@Minumonline @pennyforthem @callyanna @FatDog and any other interested parties...... I made celeriac chips tonight (used my super duper chip attachment on the kitchenaid food processor for the first time.) They were gawjus and the family have requested them again soon, even the confirmed veggie hater :shock: We had them with a lovely chicken paprika that I made up as I went along, it was all yummy.

I got round the offputting peeling bit by slicing off each end with a big kitchen knife, then with the cut side face down to make a flat base, slicing off the peel in a downward motion. Was easy in the end. I am no longer afraid of celeriac :lol:

Is the Celia Brooks low carb vegetarian book worth having? The kindle edition is £7.99 which seems a bit expensive. I don't mind shelling out as long as I use it. Thanks x
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 21:34
Jolly glad everyone is tucking into the celeriac chips. I have a swede and a butternut squash for the weekend, so will be experimenting with roasting them, although from memory, swede doesn't taste good as chips, its nicer mashed.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 21:37
Wendy Darling wrote: @Minumonline @pennyforthem @callyanna @FatDog

Is the Celia Brooks low carb vegetarian book worth having? The kindle edition is £7.99 which seems a bit expensive. I don't mind shelling out as long as I use it. Thanks x

@wendy darling are you in Norfolk? If so there are 4 copies available in Norfolk Libraries - and you can request it online if you've got a library card :wink:

... And there are 2 copies in Suffolk Libraries, same applies :lol: :wink:

It is a very nicely produced book with some fab photos, so I'm sure it's worth a try-out before you decide to buy :geek:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 21:38
That's how I peel them too. I had the remains of my beany celeriac and swede mash with liver and stir fried cabbage. Yum!

Try this with sweet potato. It's a take on an Ainsley Harriot recipe.
Peel and chop sweet potatoes into roast potato size chunks and roast till nearly soft. I use a little sunflower oil. Add caraway seeds and some garlic cloves plus some cherry tomatoes and roast till soft. Drop some chopped blue cheese over the top and pop back in the oven till melted.
I'll do the calorie count when I'm back at the laptop.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 21:44
That sounds gorgeous @PennyForthem. I'm guessing you could try it with any root veg, maybe beetroot would be good with the blue cheese.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 21:46
Well there is a celeriac reposing in my veg drawer atm - and I have on PFT's instructions got some horseradish in as well ... And I even have cannellini beans ... As everything in the heavens seems to align, guess what I will be making this weekend ... :victory: :cool: :doh:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 21:52
@Wendy DarlingI'm sooo envious of you having a Kitchen Aid! You lucky girl! :like: Haven't tried the celeriac as chips yet but they're definitely on my 'to try 'list.
I've got both the Rose Elliot and Celia Brooks Brown's low carb veggie cookery books, much prefer the latter and have tried 6 or 7 recipes from that. Actually got mine second hand on Ebay, may be worth a look? I've been to the library today and borrowed 5 more cookery books and will be copying some recipes out, so as @Silverdarling says why not try borrowing a copy from your local library?
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 22:22
Excellent idea SD and Callyanna. I have got a library card and will look online tonight. Thank you. PFT will save that recipe to my notes. Thanks for that. I am so excited about trying out all these new taste sensations! Callyanna, I am indeed a lucky girl, have lusted after one for years and got this one half price in the Black Friday sale. Even luckier :clover: I am still learning how to use all the attachments. Tonight's chicken paprika had grated carrot and grated peppers in it to fool the veg hater in the family :cool:

I have been having waitrose beetroot and mint soup with a bit of yogurt or creme fraiche and horseradish sauce stirred in. Yummy.

My TDEE is depressingly low too and I daren't have any bread at all as much as I love it. I really have to watch what I'm eating even on non fast days
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 22:38
I've got a kenwood chef, a cuisinart, a magimix blender, a mini cuisinart and an electric grater, but I still love my sharp knives!! Gadgets have their place, but simple is good sometimes!
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