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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 14:00
Minumonline wrote: Not as bad as me bean - I've just had an almond croissant for breakfast. Plot. Lost. Completely.

I used to *really* love almond croissants, but I reckon that you could plonk one on the table in front of me, along with a creamy coffee, and I wouldn't want to eat it, even though today is a Ferriss-binge-day. I've been doing the low-carb "thing" since June last year and my appetite for such things has really dwindled. So there is much hope yet for tyro low-carbers. :) FatDog
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 15:29
Ooh @Silverdarling I think I could eat a big plate of scrambled eggs and bacon right now! Seem extra hungry today...even after the porridge. Must be the TOTM

Bean :bugeyes:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 15:31
nursebean wrote: Oh Good Grrrrief!!

I've learnt a great lesson today. AVOID blimin porridge AT ALL COSTS!

Bean :cry:

:heart: Nursy That's how I started my carb reduction journey @nursebean On day one dropping the bread from my lunchtime sandwich then quickly followed by stopping all breakfasts thus saving both calories and carbs and I think it took my body sometime to adjust to the new levels but eventually certain health issues of mine saw enormous benefits making me a triple winner. :heart: :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 15:34
Thanks @Sue.Q and I thought cutting out chocolate was going to be hard!

Bean :confused:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 15:39
nursebean wrote: Thanks @Sue.Q and I thought cutting out chocolate was going to be hard!

Bean :confused:

Deffo I think I could give the red wine up first just to keep my chock addiction@nursebean So well done on that alone, small steps at a time = making huge differences. :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 16:06
FatDog wrote:
Wendy Darling wrote: <snip>Is the Celia Brooks low carb vegetarian book worth having? The kindle edition is £7.99 which seems a bit expensive. I don't mind shelling out as long as I use it. Thanks x

If you're a low-carb veggie @Wendy Darling I reckon it's well worth getting. Not sure how many recipes I've made from it (gave my marked up copy to the VBF (kept the "new" duplicate - long story, see log!)) but probably more than half a dozen. And it's inspired many more, I'm sure. Don't know about the kindle version - even though I've now a lovely tablet-y thingy I'd still get the paper book... :) FatDog

I must be looking at the wrong thing as it says there isn't a kindle edition ... vegetarian
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 16:29
PennyForthem wrote:
FatDog wrote:
Wendy Darling wrote: <snip>Is the Celia Brooks low carb vegetarian book worth having? The kindle edition is £7.99 which seems a bit expensive. I don't mind shelling out as long as I use it. Thanks x

If you're a low-carb veggie @Wendy Darling I reckon it's well worth getting. Not sure how many recipes I've made from it (gave my marked up copy to the VBF (kept the "new" duplicate - long story, see log!)) but probably more than half a dozen. And it's inspired many more, I'm sure. Don't know about the kindle version - even though I've now a lovely tablet-y thingy I'd still get the paper book... :) FatDog

I must be looking at the wrong thing as it says there isn't a kindle edition ... vegetarian

That's the paperback version @PennyForthem, the "new" (all but the same) hardback has a kindle version: ... lia+brooks
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 16:45
Thanks for that link, @fatdog. I'll investigate further!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 18:27
... Have just made the Creamy Celeriac Gratin from the new edition of this, about to go in the oven ... the book itself is worth paying for a hardback copy I think if you like her recipes.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 18:31
All these lovely recipe books, but no energy to cook them :frown:

Still working towards the Hairy sweet and sour chicken, but I guess I probably shouldn't mention that in this tent!

Bean :confused:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 20:01
Silverdarling wrote: ... Have just made the Creamy Celeriac Gratin from the new edition of this, about to go in the oven ... the book itself is worth paying for a hardback copy I think if you like her recipes.

Oh I've made that before too SD! but used half fat crème fraiche instead of the double cream. Probably not as low carb then but tasted lovely! :like:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 20:37
I look forward to cooking with this new (to me) vegetable when it comes into season in winter.

I have been reading how to use celeriac with great interest these last few weeks thanks @PennyForthem - i might even check with my local library for celia brooks cookbooks.

My WOE is now quite simple - two fast days, rest of the week 16/8, no bread, no cardboard cereals, no alcohol, no pasta, no potatoes, no cakes or biscuits. Simply proteins, fruit, salads, steamed vegies, lactose free yogurt, and lots of water. No fuss.

Might look and sound harsh but after a couple of weeks you get use to it.

Cheers maggie :smile: :smile: :smile:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
15 Feb 2014, 20:39
I used full fat creme fraiche - very nice! Will be freezing about two thirds as it made loads (and CBB says it freezes well)
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 05:59
Will you let me back in here please? I fell off the low carb wagon since I moved here but have been food shopping today so I'm ready to get back into it.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 08:34
Silverdarling wrote: I used full fat creme fraiche - very nice! Will be freezing about two thirds as it made loads (and CBB says it freezes well)

Also wonder if grating all that celeriac would count as NEAT?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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