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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 23:21
I just have a Philips hand mixer and a stick blender ... And agree about good knives, PFT! Will obvs need them on the celeriac!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 23:40
:heart: Well done @Wendy Darling NOW who's getting a low carbers degree?? Glad your trials went well and they went down well with other family members. :heart:
With tomorrow's shopping I'm now going to get sweet potatoe to try out @Pennsylvania baked dish also getting cauli+ courgettes for the spaghetti and rice dishes to try next week but yes as of thus moment my favourites are celeriac and butternut squash love them sprinkled with spices and roasted. have only ever tried courgettes fried with butter so I'm thinking they'd be good roasted also. :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
13 Feb 2014, 23:55
Wendy Darling wrote: <snip>Is the Celia Brooks low carb vegetarian book worth having? The kindle edition is £7.99 which seems a bit expensive. I don't mind shelling out as long as I use it. Thanks x

If you're a low-carb veggie @Wendy Darling I reckon it's well worth getting. Not sure how many recipes I've made from it (gave my marked up copy to the VBF (kept the "new" duplicate - long story, see log!)) but probably more than half a dozen. And it's inspired many more, I'm sure. Don't know about the kindle version - even though I've now a lovely tablet-y thingy I'd still get the paper book... :) FatDog
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 00:00
Minumonline wrote: Jolly glad everyone is tucking into the celeriac chips. I have a swede and a butternut squash for the weekend, so will be experimenting with roasting them, although from memory, swede doesn't taste good as chips, its nicer mashed.

I have *never, ever* managed to get swede to turn into oven chips @Minumonline. Whatever degree of "done" it is, even well burnt, it is ***soggy***. If anyone knows how to get it to do otherwise I'd be delighted to hear!!!! xxx FatDog
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 09:34
Sorry for delay @Pennyforthem and @Callyanna tomorrow will be a feast day and d'you know what? I'm gonna have eggs for breakfast! I must ... Not ...cereal, I ... Must ... Not ... eat ...cereal!

Not sure what I'll eat the rest of the day...but it's a start!

Bean :starving:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 09:41
Try a teaspoon of coconut butter three times a day for added happiness :0)
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 09:49
nursebean wrote: Sorry for delay @Pennyforthem and @Callyanna tomorrow will be a feast day and d'you know what? I'm gonna have eggs for breakfast! I must ... Not ...cereal, I ... Must ... Not ... eat ...cereal!

Not sure what I'll eat the rest of the day...but it's a start!

Bean :starving:

Good Bean! :angel: You know it makes sense! x
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 09:52
Internal or external? :wink:
Haven't seen coconut butter other than in body shop I must admit, and not sure I want to eat that!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 17:02
Here's what I suggest @nursebean because it's obviously breaking your heart not to have cereals.
Now, I counted 'two handfuls' of cereal as 30g each, but I could have been waaaaay out, couldn't I? Why don't you just weigh out each cereal and work out from the packet (or My Fitness pal), what the actual carbs are. Then do the same with your milk (yes, weigh that too, its the most accurate way) and then the sugar.

That way, you will have a true carb count for that beloved breakfast!! You may find that, with a little tweak here and there, you may eat breakfast cereals sometimes!!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 20:10
Thanks @PennyForthem you're right, I will have to try that. I'm pretty good with sugar in that I rarely add it to cereal. I guess having cereal every now and then won't harm too much but will try other things first.

What is a typical breakfast for someone from the low carb tent?

Bean :starving:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 20:34
Hi @nursebean

I make muesli with;
Flax Seeds - Milled
Desiccated Coconut
Ground Almonds
Mixed Nuts {
Brazil nuts - chopped
Pumpkin Seeds
Poppy Seeds
Sesame Seeds - Toasted
Sprinkle of Cinnamon

I Have with soy milk and about 50g berries
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 20:44
@nursebean my mainly seedy mix is similar with @caitlin I mix up in a large jar pepita seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, flaked almonds and I spoon a good couple of tablespoons of this seedy mix over my berry fruits (I add a banana too) and add 2 good tablespoons yoghurt a splosh of good quality flax seed oil and some lecithin. This keeps me going to lunch no probs

It is so lovely I swoon over every bowl and so good for your tummy. Beautiful yogurt is the key in the Mediterranean style. Haven't eaten cereal in years now and have this breakfast 3/7
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 20:57
From the woman who doesn't do carbs, today I've had ;

Quinoa(?) With lunch - never again
NY cheesecake with fruit - sheer heaven
Polenta for supper - not worth it
Bread - divine
Cornish pasty on the train home - food of the gods

Well. Thanks St Valentine. Sort of.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 21:09
What was wrong with the quinoa @Minumonline, did you not just like the taste of it or just not worth the carb content?
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
14 Feb 2014, 21:13
I had it in canteen at work for lunch. I had to add loads of salt and it was still bland. Would have preferred veg with the lovely sword fish steak.
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