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Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 09:44
OK. So am I allowed in here if I'm going to aim for 150gms of carbs in the first week?

gets me my oats, milk and yogurt and teaspoon honey breakfast.
for my milk for tea for the day
15 gms
in one slice bread
30 gm
in vegies
in 100gm yogurt
in one pear

I've no idea how to get it down to 70gms. Any suggestions on how I can halve my consumption? What should I do without?

I'm at the end of fast day 7. new goal drop carb count.
any suggestions gratefully received.
jo x
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 15:25
Hi Jo

Hard to tell you what to drop, as we doubtless have very different tastes ! For me, I'd swap the oats etc for an omelette for breakfast -I adore mushroom or tomato omelette cooked in butter. I'd drop the bread, I only have it if I'm at a restaurant or out, never at home. And I'd drop the pear, as I'm no fan of fruit, so I'd just "spend" my allowance on veg and dairy (and possibly a square or two of dark chocolate).

Good luck :grin:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 15:38
rawkaren wrote: Will you let me back in here please? I fell off the low carb wagon since I moved here but have been food shopping today so I'm ready to get back into it.

Come on@rawkaren Hope you're a little better and the allergy calming down I would have thought the food choices quite good never mind get OH to bring you a few non chocky treats over to you, :heart: come on then we'll sneak in together no one will notice they're all cooking Sunday lunch and don't tell but I've got a which in the oven love this with salad and I assume I can have it on tomorrow's fastday meal if I remove all the pastry if not that Tues sorted.
Must get that book because that gratin sounded wonderful @Silverdarling was it good?. :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 16:30
It was good Sue - will have the rest today with some lamb and red cabbage (Delia recipe) and the rest will be frozen (CBB suggests this)
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 16:48
We're having falafel burgers tonight (er, yes, I know they're not low carb, but having them with salad) and I've just made Celeriac remoulade. Should come in at 75g carbs today.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 17:14
I had a bit of a carb fest on Fri and Sat with pizza for breakfast on Saturday! Mind you I had lots of energy for my run this morning, though yesterday I felt so full and heavy I could hardly move. Looking forward to a lower carb day today (under 90g) and a 20g or under fast day tomorrow.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 17:17
PennyForthem wrote: We're having falafel burgers tonight (er, yes, I know they're not low carb, but having them with salad) and I've just made Celeriac remoulade. Should come in at 75g carbs today.

I had a gigantic celeriac to use up so finally got round to trying some chipped rubbed with olive oil and smoky paprika yesterday but family weren't keen to be honest. I also did a remoulade @PennyForthem but with the addition of a grated apple and mixed with lemon juice and Greek yogurt instead of mayo. That will keep in a sealed tub in the fridge for a few days. :like:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 17:27
Hi @Jo05 like @Minumonline says plus sounds like you're trying to low carb with a high carb mindset!

I would chuck the bread oats milk honey, eat half the pear or replace it with berries, what kind of yogurt are you using 10g carb seems high? Some of the things I would eat instead include; cheese cream `soy milk` `oat bran` flax eggs `industrial quantities of salad`.

There are some books you should try to get that are mentioned on this thread, I found them useful. It is a conceptual change and takes a while to get organised so just take your time and figure out how you can do this in a way that suits you. I'm veggie so probably different tastes and also I am used to wading through package info, still took me a while though.

Good luck with it.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 17:32
Experimenting tonight with ways to do swede - I've chopped and boiled 1/2 of one with 1/2 a sweetheart cabbage, shredded, mashed them up together, and fried them, bubble and squeak style. I've pinched a bit, it's quite nice, but not amazing. Hopefully will go well with tonights roast chicken and buttery leeks.
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 19:35
:heart: OK tried my first roasted beetroot :heart: yes loved it another one added to my ever growing list.

Has anyone tried courgette chips?
There's a recipe for them along with the celeriac version and also pumpkin chips in the Sunday magazine with our paper, I've bought some courgettes to try this week firstly on "spaghetti" and maybe a spicy sauce. :heart: Sue
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
16 Feb 2014, 19:37
@Sue.Q - I had roast beetroot with the rest of the celeriac gratin and lamb steak!!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
17 Feb 2014, 00:07
Sue.Q wrote: :heart: OK tried my first roasted beetroot :heart: yes loved it another one added to my ever growing list.

Has anyone tried courgette chips?
There's a recipe for them along with the celeriac version and also pumpkin chips in the Sunday magazine with our paper, I've bought some courgettes to try this week firstly on "spaghetti" and maybe a spicy sauce. :heart: Sue

Not chips, please no... oh, so cruel to a lovely courgette: this was / is, honestly, one of my best:

FatDog wrote: Saturday, day one-hundred and seventy-four, weekend feed day

creamy courgette & cannellini bean gratin, a FatDog bottom-of-the-fridge concoction
cannellini beans, canned, waitrose, 89c/C13.3/F0.6/P7.5/Fi6.4/100g
......... 235g 209.15 31.26 1.41 17.63 15.04
courgette, sainsers, 20c/C1.8/F0.4/P1.8/F0.9/100g
......... 301g 60.20 5.42 1.20 5.42 2.71
clotted cream, tesco, 587c/C2.3/F63.5/P1.6/Fi0.0/100g
......... 183g 1074.21 4.21 116.21 2.93 0.00
cheddar, cathedral, grated, 416cal/C0.6g/F34.7g/P25.3g/Fi0g/100g
......... 50g 208.00 0.30 17.35 12.65 0.00
ginger, blitzed, 90c/C17.8/F0.8/P1.8/Fi2.0/100g
......... 25g 22.50 4.45 0.20 0.45 0.50
tarragon, fresh, 295c/C43.0/F7.0/P23.0/Fi7.0/100g
......... 15g 44.25 6.45 1.05 3.45 1.05
hazelnuts, medium fine chopped, 695c/C7.0/F60.8/P15.0/Fi9.7/100g
......... 45g 312.75 3.15 27.36 6.75 4.37
black pepper
......... an extra good grinding 0.00
total for creamy courgette & cannellini bean gratin 1931.06 55.23 164.78 49.27 23.66
FatDog's 1/3 portion of creamy courgette & cannellini bean gratin 643.69 18.41 54.93 16.42 7.89

Method: 1. quarter then slither / fine slice the courgette long-ways and place in a grill-proof dish; 2. add the cannellini beans evenly over the top; 3. blitz the ginger and tarragon, and then the cream (I ended up pinging this for a few seconds to liquify the cream) and spread this over the top; 4. sprinkle the cheese over, give it a jolly good grinding of black pepper, and bung under a pre-heated grill until going golden; 5. sprinkle the hazelnuts over the top and grill until these are roasted (next time I'd roast these separately)

This doesn't really get cooked - just heated and "browned off".

It goes without saying that ordinary double, or even whipping, cream would be a dramatically less calorific choice here - but bargain-hunters can't be choosers...

Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
17 Feb 2014, 00:23
And, whilst I'm at it @Sue.Q, here's my offering for roast beetroot from back in October somewhen progress-f4/topic6427-240.html#p104185

FatDog wrote: Friday, day one-hundred and three, repair day

So the dinner plot is beetroot - plain 'baked' as for a baked potato; carrots - roasted too with whole garlic cloves, ginger and ground coriander; dried apricot fine chopped and mixed into crème fraîche with whole and ground cumin seed and coriander leaf; and watercress leaf without adornment. Not sure if it will all be a bit too sweet. No idea of the macros - better go work them out before I get too excited, it is a repair day after all. Well, I'll only be able to have part of a beet as they're *heavy* and carbiforous: ~360g and 7.6g carb / 100g would be my carb allowance for the day, plus some, gorn in a munch. Will need to take care with the carrots too (7.6g carb / 100g), oh, and garlic...

dog's dinner no. 17 - baked beetroot, carrot & shallot
beetroot, 42c/C7.6/F0.1/P1.7/Fi1.9/100g
......... 344*(124g dog's portion / 270g cooked wt)g 66.35 12.01 0.16 2.69 3.00
carrot, baby, chop ½ lengthwise, 35c/C7.7/F0.3/P0.6/Fi3.0/100g
......... 98g 34.30 7.55 0.29 0.59 2.94
ginger, fine chopped, 100cal/C15.8g/F0?g/P1.8g/Fi?g/100g
......... 7g 7.00 1.11 0.00 0.13 0.00
garlic, chop ½ lengthwise, 149c/C33.06/F0.5/P6.36/Fi2.1/100g
......... 9g 13.41 2.98 0.05 0.57 0.19 leave whole unless sprouting green bits
shallot, chop ½ lengthwise, 24c/C3.3/F0.2/P1.5/Fi1.4/100g
......... 46g 11.04 1.52 0.09 0.69 0.64
toasted sesame oil, 827c/C0/F91.9/P0/Fi0/100ml
......... 5ml 41.35 0.00 4.60 0.00 0.00
coriander seed, fresh ground
......... 4ml 0.00
chilli flakes
......... 2 large pinches 0.00
s&p 0.00
total for baked beetroot, carrot & shallot 173.45 25.15 5.18 4.66 6.77

Method: 1. make sure your beetroot is truly mud-free, then prod all over with a sharp implement about a dozen times and ping for 6 minutes, YMMV; 2. arrange the beet, chopped carrots and shallots prettily on an oven-proof plate; 3. dob the garlic, ginger and chilli flakes over the carrots; 4. drizzle the oil over all but the beet and season everything; 5. bake in a pre-heated oven at 200C for about 30 minutes, until your veggies are caramelising and smelling heavenly; 6. wheech out and check that the beet is done - shove a sharp knife into it and it should just fall straight back off (mine was done - but my contingency would be to move the platter somewhere warm and, depending upon the degree of undone-ness, bung the beet back in the oven or give it another ping for a minute or two); 7. serve with the apricot crème fraîche and some nice soft salad leaves (wouldn't really recommend watercress for the sane).

dog's dinner no. 17 - apricot crème fraîche with cumin & coriander leaf
crème fraîche, 204c/C5.5/F18.4/P4.0/Fi0/100g
......... 92g 187.68 5.06 16.93 3.68 0.00
apricot, dried, co-op, very fine chop, 185c/C36.5/F0.6/P4.0/Fi8.4/100g
......... 30g 55.50 10.95 0.18 1.20 2.52
coriander, fresh, rough chopped, 23c/C0.87/F0.52/P2.13/Fi2.8/100g
......... 8g 1.84 0.07 0.04 0.17 0.22
cumin seed, whole I'd do a couple of ml ground too, given time
......... 5ml 0.00
total for apricot crème fraîche with cumin & coriander leaf 245.02 16.08 17.15 5.05 2.74 135.00
FatDog's ½ portion of apricot crème fraîche with cumin & coriander leaf 122.51 8.04 8.57 2.53 1.37

Method: 1. mix it all up and serve with your lovely beetroot!

If you're not on a repair day, I'd double the quantity of apricot crème fraîche for a really lush experience. If you are on repair day and are trying to keep your carbs below 20% the beet won't much help your efforts!
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
17 Feb 2014, 00:33
:heart: Thanks @FatDog that sound so much better and I didn't realise they were quite high carbs until much later the idea came from the veggie game not this post :shock:
Think I will try the spaghetti with one of my courgettes (3) so a few ideas from you also and later in the week I'm going to get all the bits together for the low carb linseed bread of yours. :heart:
Re: 2014 Low Carbers Tent
17 Feb 2014, 23:16
Minumonline wrote: Hi Jo

Hard to tell you what to drop, as we doubtless have very different tastes ! For me, I'd swap the oats etc for an omelette for breakfast -I adore mushroom or tomato omelette cooked in butter. I'd drop the bread, I only have it if I'm at a restaurant or out, never at home. And I'd drop the pear, as I'm no fan of fruit, so I'd just "spend" my allowance on veg and dairy (and possibly a square or two of dark chocolate).

Good luck :grin:

This helped @Minumonline :clover: :like:. Thank you so much for this. This morning I had fried eggs, half avocado and one tomato and some yogurt. I'm used to have eggs AND oats. So I hope this keeps me going.
I'm going to drop the pear and the bread. Thank you. Now the square or two of chocolate. Yes. I wonder if I can control myself yet with that. Perhaps next week I'll try.
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