It sounds as though its more likely sober for part of October! Good luck with that Oatesy! I'm sure you can do it
I know I don't drink VERY much but I've given up wine until 25 December. I've also given up crisps and cutting down on puddings. Not much left really is there
SO pleased you've got your pazzazz back Candy @candicemarie I'm doing a Bean dance in your honour...ooh me back! OW! Second thoughts...I'm sending you my Bean vibes! xx
I know I don't drink VERY much but I've given up wine until 25 December. I've also given up crisps and cutting down on puddings. Not much left really is there
SO pleased you've got your pazzazz back Candy @candicemarie I'm doing a Bean dance in your honour...ooh me back! OW! Second thoughts...I'm sending you my Bean vibes! xx