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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
14 Nov 2014, 19:26
Don't go Bean,stick around even if just for the " craic"
You would be too much missed!
Like @jeninboston second time round harder?
I believe it is. We know IF works if we stick to it..i have faith in IF,but no longer any faith in myself sticking to it..
Too many false starts for me this year,after sept - dec 2013 being very successful.
Going to take pressure off myself for a while,ive over " thunk " it all and my guess is you have too.
I' m just gonna try to eat "normal" and if i can fast, i will ( it still feels possible).
hope i won't be drummed out of the forum,still want to chat,but i won't be trying to encourage others,coz i feel like a fraud! X
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
14 Nov 2014, 19:48
@nursebean Please stick around--I love reading your posts whether you're fasting or not! :heart: :heart:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
14 Nov 2014, 21:10
Oh thanks @Marybeth thats very sweet of you! I WILL stick around. I just won't talk about fasting for a bit :wink: (wish I could though :frown: )
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
14 Nov 2014, 22:35
@nursebean - don't you dare slope off anywhere or I shall chase you with my big stick!

You know that if you stick around you will gain less/maintain even if you don't lose!

My beady eye is on you - consider yourself warned!

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
15 Nov 2014, 10:16
Oh berlimey! I've bean well and truly told!
I just feel a bit awkward because I'm stuck :frown:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
15 Nov 2014, 12:15
I'm going to write the as if I'm standing right in front of you Beany...

If you're not ready to do this again then don't. You will only despise the fast days.
Do you know why you're not happy to fast.
Are you afraid of failing.

I suggest that you look back over our Bean and Oates thread, go right right back to the start. Remember that feeling of sheer pleasure of knocking down that extra fat, slowly but surely.
I know you've got health issues which may now be too bad to even contemplate fasting again. But I do Remeber that you posted on several occasions that you felt more energy, and happiness when you were focused on the weight loss.
I also realise that your little shop may be developing and take up all /more of your time now.

But saying all that, if you're not gaining and cutting out breakfast still then you'll be doing mini fasts, but I know that when we were doing this together at the start of the year. Our birthday week, we didn't realise how much we had to offer. I /we miss you bean and I hope this isn't the end of fasting for you. I really do.
If I went into every fast without planning it carefully I would find it very hard indeed.
I still look up to you with regards to your sheeer determination when you were IF'ing, I couldn't do that and you smashed it.
So stick around as you're a jolly good sort, funny, kind and have an endearing innocence which touches many people.
We will be here and waiting to give you the encouragement you need when and if you ever return to fasting again.
So I shall now go and find @madcatlady with her big stick............... :heart: :oops: :oops:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
15 Nov 2014, 12:23
What can I say?! That is a lovely thing to write Carie. Very touching. xx
I don't' want to give up fasting, I really don't. I just can't...quite...get back into that mindset. Its a great idea to look back through the threads, though. I'll certainly give that a look. You've said some very kind and encouraging words which just go to show why you're such a good fasting buddy! You are so inspirational. I don't think you've ever given up once have you. I am super impressed with that. Maybe I need to get some of your good vibes. Maybe I started doing too many fasts, maybe lots of things. One thing is for sure, I won't be leaving you lovely buddies...and I'm determined not to leave fasting behind.
I really couldn't do it without you guys. Thank you. xx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
17 Nov 2014, 15:48
Well bean, hope you've had a nice weekend.
So where are we now then? I'm not hat great luv....otherwise I would have got to goal ages ago. Life's full of ups and downs so that's whwy we all love fasting as we can still enjoy our life whilst getting all the benefits.
Let us all know what you're intending doing so that we can be there for you. :heart:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
17 Nov 2014, 18:08
What a miserable day, weather-wise!! Yuk!
You are right, is definitely full of ups and downs. I certainly hope to be on the up pretty soon. I certainly don't want to give up's the only way forward ;)
How has your Monday bean? xx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Nov 2014, 07:33
How are your girls Bean ? It was a good day, and today is an eat what a like day.....not all of it and not so much that I feel uncomfortable. Because nowadays if I eat too much in one sitting I feel very uncomfortable.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Nov 2014, 12:49
Good morning Oatsey! I'm glad you're beginning to feel fuller now, so don't have to eat so much! That in itself is an achievement isn't it!
At least today is better outside. There has bean the odd spot of sunshine which warms the cockles and seems to do wonders for my sales too :wink:
The girls are pretty good, thanks for asking. They had to have their rather long toenails cut this morning...which they ABSOLUTELY HATE! They are so funny. They are good though because they just sit there shivering their timbers but do give me their paws!
I'm guessing today isn't a fast day...but a be-careful day. How's it going so far?
Bean :cool:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Nov 2014, 13:12
Hiii Bean n Oatesy! X
Just popping by to have a nose...xx!
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Nov 2014, 13:38
As long as you're just having a nose and not picking it, thats fine by me! :wink:
How are you diddling today Candy? @Candicemarie?
I'm just off to look at printers...I know how to have a good time!

Bean :cool:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Nov 2014, 13:56
I' m off to see Mr Turner..the film, not a person teehee
I don't really feel up to going but don't want to let Beau down..feel bit better than yesterday tho,so ......
I might be a bit crabby but he'll just have to put up with it x
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 Nov 2014, 15:02
Oh glad you're going to see that. I'm hoping to see it when its out. Don't give away the plot though will you!

Enjoy! :wink:
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