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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
31 Dec 2014, 10:29
Who's dexter ?
Sounds like you've NYE partied out then bean. We went out when in Brisbane to see the new year fire works and such. It was a family affair with kids paddling on the man made beach, was good but then the crowds to get home are horrendous.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
31 Dec 2014, 10:38
Who's Dexter?!!! Who's Dexter?!!! :shock: :shock: Oh dear. I'm guessing you've never watched a single, solitary episode of "Dexter". Maybe you should check it out...its is Michael C Hall!!
Yes, the crowds are the worst part of New Year's Eve. The best part about New Year's Eve? "When Harry Met Sally". A film that never dates. It is a brilliant film and so amusing. A great film to watch of New Year's Eve!
Bean :smile:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
31 Dec 2014, 14:28
Just heard from my sister. My poor little nephew Jeremy is suffering badly with an infected lymph node. He can't even lay down to sleep it hurts him so much. Poor little man. Please send him your best wishes and magical vibes for a quick recovery.
Bean :heart:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
31 Dec 2014, 18:55

Happy new year everyone. Wishing you all health, wealth and happiness.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
31 Dec 2014, 19:48
Poor little nevvy @nursebean and poor sister coz she' ll be so worried
Hope he gets well soon
Bed for me coz can't sit up any longer..all around me party preparations going on in the apartment block..others going off out to a concert..little old me hitting the sack!ho hum!
Happy Noo Year dear Bean n Oates ..thanks for yr friendship & support xx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
31 Dec 2014, 21:39
I'm still here luvly. Not keen on NYE
Hope nephew is ok bean,

Here's to 2015 everyone.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Jan 2015, 09:53
Oh boy! Next door's party went on until 4 this morning :shock: :sleepy: I've a right mind to turn my music up loud this morning...with lots of bass...but I'm not that shallow...or am I? :confused:
My poor nephew. They were worried that the swelling was getting bigger. As it was New Year's day they didn't want to wait so poor little J had to go to hospital for IV antibiotics. He has to go back again today and tomorrow I think. Poor little chap. What a way to start the year. At least all the tests they've done have been positive so thats a relief. My poor little Sister :frown:
Poor Candy too. Hope you woke up this morning, raring to go and looking forward to a healthy 2015...oh and the odd fast or two!
Oatesy? Did you watch Hootenanny last night? Thats how we usually see the new year in.
Blimey, its nearly 10 o'clock and I'm still in my jimjams! :shock: Will attempt some yoga later...feel tired just thinking about it...doh!
Oh, and by the way...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Bean :heart: :party: :party: :dog: :dog2: :chicken2: :jump: :meeting:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Jan 2015, 18:49
Hi girls from Candy'sCorner..all fired up for a New Year full of resolve to do well in every area of life hehe! X
Lets get this show on the road! X
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
02 Jan 2015, 13:02
Hello girls. I had an impromptu fast yesterday. Want to bed with a grumbly tum. Yay
Today I'm cooking up meals for the freezer chilli, carbonara, curry amd leak +potato soup. Will save loads of time over the next week or so.
Happy new year and when's the first fast Ms B ?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
02 Jan 2015, 14:26
Oh Oatesy! You are always so organised!
Well, the Bean is back! Today is my first proper fast after the holidays and for some time :dazed:
I have it all planned, I've weighed, measured and yesterday undertook my first yoga session in ages (35 mins) and today I did another 30 mins plus a 40 minute walk with the girls! I haven't eaten yet but I think I'm about to :wink: (I'm trying Krista Varady's advice to eat at lunch time with a small snack tonight (a cuppa soup maybe?)
Anyway, my weight was horrendous but I am back in the saddle and ready for action!
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
02 Jan 2015, 17:26
Just two words Beano..clippety clop :like: x
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Jan 2015, 08:38
Well, I'm pretty pleased with myself this morning. I've managed to lose nearly 2 pounds...after just ONE day!
Yesterday's meal was pretty awful (a real Bean special ;) ) I heated up some white cod (as opposed to the pink cod...doh!) some peas and I added to that eggy bread (made with a Warburtons thin and one egg). I then added to this some Baked Beans (cold) that needed using up. I know I have weird taste buds but even I found that meal pretty horrendous. The fish was hard (so the girls had most of it). I did end up having an After Eight Mousse afterwards, so all was not lost!
So, how are you two today? Candy I see you've changed your Avatar. What happened to Papa Moomin?!! :shock:
Bean :wink:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Jan 2015, 08:51
Well done that woman.....very proud of you bean. Sometimes the good just doesn't want go be eaten does it,
Great start for you, let's hope you can keep up the ADF superwoman.

For me it's back to class today, ooooh I've missed it. Will see you in the gasting today thread on Tomorrow then, we will be oit of sync, but I will be back to fasting MWF from next week.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Jan 2015, 09:26
Thanks buddy!
We will be out of sync for a bit won't we. Its just like old week in sync, the next out of sync...doh!
Oh I'm so glad you're back to your class today. You've missed it haven't you!
Enjoy :wink:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Jan 2015, 13:10
well done @nursebean on yr return to ADF and 2 lb loss
Just think of the health benefits too :like:
My Moomin family have gone on holiday with their friends The Flumps so the unicorns are keeping me company for now :lol: xx
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