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Re: Men Only!
30 Jul 2013, 17:53
Faster wrote: OK, so I'm going to try the 5:2 eating plan. Most likely I'll be eating <900 calories on Mondays & Thursdays. I'm fairly athletic. On a Saturday, I can burn between 3000 and 5000 calories going cycling... which is chiefly why I put my fasting 2 days away from that day. Any comments on how 5:2 interacts with heavy exercise (I lift weights regularly too)? Weekly expenditure in cycling is for 80 miles (130 km).

There is a good exercise section on the home page. Many people exercise on their fast days. I would guess for you cycling would be OK, but perhaps not lifting. You sound like you have been exercising for awhile, but sometimes it can affect weight loss: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6543.html

Re: Men Only!
30 Jul 2013, 18:27
Faster wrote: ... I'm fairly athletic. On a Saturday, I can burn between 3000 and 5000 calories going cycling... which is chiefly why I put my fasting 2 days away from that day. Any comments on how 5:2 interacts with heavy exercise (I lift weights regularly too)?

IMV, what you do depends on the amount of weight you want to lose and whether you want to remain carb-dominant or to become fat-dominant for an energy source.

The latter requires far more dedication but promises to be bonk proof if that's a goal for (presumed) competitions. See the Peter Attia threads for links about this.

The former - the vast majority of the population - prefer a carb-based approach for short term quickness and speed you can call on, but risk bonking on long rides or runs - really only maybe a 1% consideration for the majority here.

If you have a fair amount of weight to lose, then exercising on your fast days is something to consider since you'll be burning more fat on those days. It does take time to make the transition; the early days of both fast and extensively demanding exercise can be tough. Again the Attia threads are instructive.

Oh...(and just for of hell of it) you'll discover that the quickest way to get the ladies to read something here and comment is to post something provocative or in the "Men Only" thread. Like the old saying: "If you want something done, forbid your wife and kids from ever doing it."

They'll be along shortly to prove this final irresitible tongue-in-cheek, rile-em-up point. :shock: :razz:

Welcome to the group!

Re: Men Only!
30 Jul 2013, 20:25
ADFnFuel wrote: Oh...(and just for of hell of it) you'll discover that the quickest way to get the ladies to read something here and comment is to post something provocative or in the "Men Only" thread. Like the old saying: "If you want something done, forbid your wife and kids from ever doing it."

They'll be along shortly to prove this final irresitible tongue-in-cheek, rile-em-up point. :shock: :razz:

Welcome to the group!


:roll: Really?! Hmmmph! :razz: :grin:
Re: Men Only!
30 Jul 2013, 21:21
Hi gang,

Since I'm a guy, I'll throw my hat in the ring. I agree with most everyone here in that this is a simple plan. With just two days of weighing, measuring and watching my food, I will be able to do this indefinitely.

My first official weigh in day was 15 April and just 3.5 months later, I have lost 1.9 stone. The weight loss is becoming noticeable, too. Clothes are fitting more loosely, belly and double chin are going away, and my face looks more slender. I'll need a new wardrobe soon.

Beside all the above, I may have difficulty fending off the ladies soon. :wink:
Re: Men Only!
10 Sep 2013, 04:53
Greetings Guys.

Being new to the forum I am pleased to see that there are so many men taking advantage of this excellent diet.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am a senior citizen who has high blood pressure and suffers from a Hiatial Hernia, controlled with medication. My Doctor is always on to me to loose weight to improve my health. Needless to say I have tried over the years to loose weight to no avail, until now.

I am only 5foot 7inches tall and I weighed 96 kilos when I started the 5:2 diet six weeks ago. I am still only 5'7" (strange that eh?) but now weigh 92 kilos, so the diet is working. I anticipate that I will loose more weight over the next few months. I understand that I may have periods when I am not loosing much weight, but I intend to stick to the diet.

I find reading all the various posts on the Forum are very helpful. Just about all the feelings I am having with the diet have been experienced by others, and this sure helps.

I am writing this on one of my diet days and am looking to the evening meal. I have found after the initial week or two it is not too difficult to follow this diet.

Re: Men Only!
10 Sep 2013, 13:14
Welcome to the forum Patrick! :)
Re: Men Only!
10 Sep 2013, 14:46
Sorry to gatecrash but that title..well it means us gals just have to come and suss you out!
Well done all you guys,very interesting to read your experiences and your thoughts and get a bit of a different perspective..and also wanted to take the opportunity to say Grumpyold kev is such a great name,and Dominic,thanks for the avatar advice!
Re: Men Only!
11 Sep 2013, 04:35
Betsysgr8 wrote: Welcome to the forum Patrick! :)
Thanks. It is nice to be here with all these people striving to loose weight and improve health.
Re: Men Only!
11 Sep 2013, 05:18
I a bit curious, how many fellas are on this forum? and why is the percentage smaller, if it is that is. Can't stop me reading the manly posts :smile:
Re: Men Only!
31 Dec 2013, 11:52
Just bumping this for the benefit of @RobMorris Welcome Rob and any other boys that are joining us :smile:
Re: Men Only!
31 Dec 2013, 12:05
Thanks for the bump.. and indeed a very interesting post to hear the pros/cons from the male perspective..

I wonder how many of the men posted on this thread some 8 months ago have continued with the diet and are reading this now?

Please update where you are and offer some stories - good or bad.

Re: Men Only!
01 Jan 2014, 04:17
Hi Rob:

Still here 8 months later.

Best 'diet' I've ever run into.

Do your twice a week fast for at least two months, and then decide if 5:2 is right for you.

Good Luck!
Re: Men Only!
01 Jan 2014, 07:52
Hi Rob,
I started somewhere in July, so not here in April (and I never noticed this thread). Why I like this diet: it's simple, easy and it works. It's also very easy once you are on maintenance. No need to worry about that yet, but good to know in advance. Any diet can make you lose weight, but preventing you from gaining again is something else. My story: done fasts on consecutive days eating three small meals a day (no need to do that, but I liked it this way). Results can be found in the progress tracker and here: 5-2-diet-results-f32/before-and-after-long-before-t8937.html

Some more info (mostly for women, sorry) is here (where you will also find that 11% of the participants in the study from forum members where men) the-5-2-lab-f10/5-2-questionnaire-results-stats-and-everything-must-read-t10065.html
Re: Men Only!
01 Jan 2014, 08:34
I'm still here, ten months in and maintaining since May. Funny, I had wondered about bumping this old thread for the new men and did nothing about it - thanks WendyDarling. Put on a couple of pounds since November but that will be easily fixed over the next month, 5:2 worked like a charm for me and my missus (she did/does 6:1 though) and this forum has been a great source of information and companionship on the way...
Re: Men Only!
02 Jan 2014, 17:29
Great guys - glad some are still here..
It seems most guys go for a 600 cal meal in the eve of a fasting day.. What do you have? Chicken Breast and veggies? Or something more tasty?
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