The FastDay Forum

Group Challenges

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Hello everyone!

This is the thread where challengers post their progress and I will award stars for how well they stick to their strategies. I don't have much time at the moment to write much, will add more later. So do check this post for edits!

Stars will be awarded weekly as follows:
:star: :star: 2 stars if you follow the strategies all or almost all the time
:star: 1 star if you didn't quite follow them all the time, but are still happy with what you did (you tell me if this is the case).

The challengers are:
Cblasz 1/2 :star:
Margotsylvia :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Fancyfinch :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Loz17 :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Matillian :star: :star: :star: :star:
Stowgateresident :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Nycnyc2013 :star: :star: :star: :star:
Sassy1 :star: :star: :star:

And we of course welcome anyone else who would like to join us.

A brief summary of our strategies:
Cblasz - 16:8 and <100g carbs (weekdays); 10,000 steps
Margotsylvia - regular exercise; no sweet, fatty foods
Fancyfinch - 4:3; daily exercise; 25g fibre/day
Loz17 - 5:2; daily exercise; sensible non-fast days
Matillian - 5:2; less soda, more water; 6000 steps/day
Loversghost - 5:2
Stowgateresident - 20mins walking and home cooked meals 5+ days, 1 sweet treat non-fast days
Nycnyc2013 - 16:8, low carb, no sugar or grains
Sassy1 - 5:2 when possible; mindful evening eating; regular exercise

Good luck everyone! :clover: :clover: :clover:
Hi @Sassy1 - I hope you are enjoying your vacation. My weight loss goal for the challenge will be to lose 5 lbs. It's definitely a big goal, but I'm optimistic! I'm going to continue to do 16:8, carbs under 100g and 10,000 steps/day. The first 2 are mainly during the week, although I'm going to try to cut back on my splurging on the weekends. I'm also trying to drink more water every day. I'm waiting until tomorrow for my last weigh in for the Halloween Challenge, so I'll make that my start weight for this challenge.
I understand that the Christmas Challenge starts today. My current weight is 64 kg exactly. I've been sticking to my low carb., protein + veg. diet now for some days. Today I was supposed to have break-fasted at one o'clock, but it was nearer one thirty till I got round to it. I try to stretch the eating window perhaps even further. We'll see. :smile:
Holiday going well, thanks for asking @cblasz. Had a lovely time the first few days catching up with longtime friends in Adelaide, and now we are on the Yorke Peninsula. The last two days were very windy - not that that stopped us doing anything (apart from having to abort the cycle ride due to the wind almost pushing us off the cliffs) - but this morning is glorious, just a light breeze. Our camp site faces north overlooking a tranquil (at the moment!) bay. Couldn't ask for more.

I managed to stick to not overeating on the first day of the challenge, which I do find tricky when on holiday as my diet is a bit different to when I am at home. Will see how I manage over the next 2 weeks. Especially when visiting bakeries and a chocolate factory are on our list...!

Sounds like you are continuing to do well, @Margotsylvia! You would be happy. :smile:

Best wishes to all on the start of the challenge. :smile: :clover:
Hi everyone! I'm starting this challenge today (having given myself two days to heal from my monthly visitor). Let's do this!

I've already portioned out my food for the day (FD), and I have to work extra hours at work, so that will help me out. I never do well with fasting at home. So, I'm crossing my fingers that no one brings leftover halloween candy to work to harass me :razz: :lol: Just bought some more tea, so between that and water, I should be good until, hopefully, about 3-5pm.

I'm also hoping I'll have the energy to workout when I get home. I haven't quite set up my workout area, but that's no excuse. My chosen workout can be done without that and takes less than 20 minutes. There will always be reasons NOT to workout, today is the day to ignore ALL of them! Heaven help me! :razz:

Good luck everyone!
You continue to sound highly motivated, @fancyfinch, so I am sure you will start the daily exercise routine you promised yourself you will do! Hope you were able to ignore any leftover candy too... (Maybe next year I will remember the date of Halloween... Absolutely no sign of Halloween amongst the retired caravanner community here, of course! :grin: )
Ok, day 1 was a success! 399 calories and 13g of fiber (I don't have a rewritten by that fast days should have the full 25, but I'm delighted in getting more than half that amount in less than 400 calories), and I exercised! Getting one full day down makes all the following ones so much easier!

Now to do it all again today for a second fast day!
Sorry, meant requirement not rewritten.

I haven't been able to weigh in because my scale is not working well. Over the weekend I'll go scale hunting.
My step count so far this week:
Monday: 8229 :victory:
Tuesday: 3512 :frown:
Wednesday: 6148 :grin:
Water intake: ok :victory:

Have a great day!
Good start @Matillian - and if you average your steps, you are meeting your challenge! :grin:

And things continue well for you @Fancyfinch - by the way, if you discover a typo in one of your own posts, you can edit the post. I have to do this too often... :razz:

My start is very average... I do find it almost impossible to follow "diet" strategies when on holiday.

Trust everyone else is doing okay! :clover:
So, I did really great (fasting at 415 calories, did my workout, etc) and then I came home where my husband left the halloween candy he said he was going to get rid of at work :curse: I was going to throw it out, but he hates to waste things and since he bought it, not me, I didn't feel like I could do that.

Well, 15 pieces of candy later... :cry: and I literally yelled at myself as I was going back to the bowl to take another one "Stop! What the hell are you doing!? Get rid of it. Put it somewhere you won't go after it!" So, I threw it all into a plastic bag and flung it (quite truly flung it) down the basement stairs (I hate going down there, it's damp and spider-webby). Then I texted my husband at work and told him the emergency I was having and that if he wanted the rest of the candy he could go into the basement and get it. :razz:

Soooooo, I have no idea how many calories I had, but I'm quite sure it was a lot. I estimate probably two full size candy bars worth. Will have to make it up this weekend to achieve my 3 fast days this week, and its so much harder on a day at home. This is why I don't keep sweets in the house. Also why I would like to pretend that halloween doesn't exist (we get maybe 5 trick-or-treaters so there's no point in buying candy anyway). If I sound more frustrated than usual, it's because I am. Generally when I slip up and overeat it's because of something I was specifically craving and I really want it and I generally don't regret it because it's so good. But this wasn't worth it. I wasn't craving it. It was just THERE! :pissedoff:

I know it's not the end of the world. It probably won't change much in the long run (or even in the short run). And now I know to be super vigilant about letting treats enter my home. But it's frustrating.

Well, thanks for letting me rant.
@fancyfinch - don't be too hard on yourself. The unexpected temptations are the worst!! If you know about them you can prepare yourself. Candy is especially evil! My principal brings candy to all of our meetings, so I have to make a rule not to eat any candy during the school year. But I always know it's going to be there and can be prepared to avoid it! But you have done really well this week, one slip up won't kill you. I wouldn't even try to make up the fast day. Just chalk it up to a mistake and move on. If you are too strict, you will burn out!

I had said I was thinking about taking a break this week., but didn't know how, since I didn't want to just throw it all out the window. I ended up not officially taking a break, but just loosened up a bit and let myself have a few more splurges than usual. I ate these cookies last night that I really like, while working on my class. I have gotten a ton of steps in and a lot more water in this week.

Next week is going to be a little challenging. On Tuesday I'm giving a workshop for teachers and a few of us are going out to the new "Wahlburgers" for lunch. Thursday night is Trivia Night and I'm off Friday for Veterans Day. But I will do my best around those activities!
Of course you can rant all you like here, @Fancyfinch, that is what we are here for!! :grin: Very good advice from cblasz. Being able to appropriately deal with the times when we do eat in ways we would prefer not to is something we all need to find ways to do. We are not perfect. (Would we want to be?) It's life - and in general we need to know how to cope with the variety of things that happen to us, whatever they are.

@Cblasz, you sound very practical and sensible with your approach to your "break", and best wishes for dealing with the week ahead.

We are having very windy weather but at least there is a bit of sun peeking through. More sightseeing and exploring today!

Best wishes to all challengers - would love to hear how others are going!
My lowest weight so far is 63.8 kg. Still keeping off sugar and other carbs. Still doing my 'window eating'. I am about to have my breakfast soon, at one o'clock. Because it is Sunday it'll be bacon and eggs. :grin:
You are continuing well with your strategies @Margotsylvia - good for you! Do you feel you have earned the 2 stars this past week?

How are others doing - it's coming up to report in time after you have completed a week of the challenge. No stars for me, I am afraid... :frown:
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