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Hello, I weigh now 63 kg exactly. And am very tired of the 63s. No matter what I do cannot get below 63 kg it seems. Sigh. Keeping up with my routines, though, what else is there to do! :smile:
As crazy as it sounds, you might try eating a little more. Stick to just 2 fast days. Sometimes it helps your body to have it shaken up a bit. You also might be at the lowest weight you can really get to. The less you weigh the harder it is to lose it. It seems like a very healthy weight to me. Perhaps you should accept it and move onto maintenance!
Hi @loz17, I have added your one star to the first post in this thread - but given your situation (where you are not allowed to exercise) I am very happy to award you two stars given you stuck to the strategies that were within your control. What do you think? By the way, did you see "Mountain"?

@Margotsylvia, very wise words from @cblasz. If doing the same thing is not giving you the results you want, then something has to change in order for you to get the results. Or, as cblasz said, it may be that at this stage in your life, and given the medication you are taking, your current weight might be the "right" one for you, as much as you would like to be slimmer. It is more important to eat sensibly and healthily than to continually strive to lose weight. Whatever, maybe it is time for another break from fasting. (And I know you know that I have said all this before...). I still think you have earned some stars for sticking to your plan (let me know how many you think), but maybe it is time to change that plan??

I am continuing to read the plethora of information available via the Internet about weight loss (and regain). My views do get refined slightly but it is a very difficult area in which to weigh ( :grin: :lol: ) up the evidence, as it seems that for every bit of evidence, someone else has contradictory results. I do feel that common sense can play a big part in deciding what is appropriate eating behaviour. But also that there is a lot of individual variation in how bodies respond to different foods and eating strategies, so we really do need to understand our own body and evaluate what works and doesn't work. :smile: :smile: :smile:
Hi Sassy1, thanks for your thoughtful reply. I guess 2 stars is OK, seeing I was prohibited from exercising. Back in the gym/pool for me from tomorrow. Thank you!
Yes, I DID see “Mountain”, thanks for remembering. I loved it....and it gave my husband a good opportunity for a doze alongside of me... [incompatible emoji removed] Thanks for recommending. You’re doing a terrific job keeping on top of this Christmas Challenge..thank you.
Thanks @loz17, extra star added. :smile: Your hubby sounds like mine... He doesn't even come to the cinema with me any more, no point :razz:
yippee! This morning I broke the barrier. 62.8 kg :grin:
Fasted extra this week and have dropped to 151.8lbs this morning, and now I'm about to undo it all with a Friendsgiving event today :razz: and it will be wonderful :grin:
It is Sunday now and I want to report. I weighed 62.5 kg this morning, which is my lowest weight yet on this. :smile: . I am doing my large window fasting again, and it seems to be working. About 21 hours of not eating, And then eating twice in three hours.
This means I am going to have my break-fast at 15:00. It is OK as long as I keep losing weight. :grin: .
Just a quick note from me to say I have been away for a few days (again!!) with almost no internet access and will catch up with posts later - we have only recently arrived home and I now have to prepare to go out for the evening. :smile:
Now my weight is 62.3 kg. I think I could have 2 stars since I keep on following my eating plan. :star: . :smile:
Hi @Margotsylvia, I think you have been on the challenge for 3 weeks - have you followed your strategies for all that period - if so, you have earned 6 stars! Can you please confirm?

@Fancyfinch, you continue to do marvelously. Have you earned some more stars??

Anyone else with progress to report?

I nearly earned one star over the last week, then blew it over the last couple of days when we were away. I just don't seem to be able to stick to my strategies when not at home. :cry: :cry:

I am not setting a good example... :grin: I hope others are doing better. :clover: :smile:
I have lost 0.4 lbs this week, settling at 153.8 lbs! Two stars for me, please! Despite eating copious amounts on Saturday, I achieved the remainder of my goals for the rest of the week. And what is this way of eating for if not to be able to revel in decadent foods every now and again? Lolol :lol:
Well done, @Margotsylvia and @fancyfinch, you have both broken through significant numbers on your scales this week! A well deserved result of just keeping on! :smile:

I also have a success to report - yesterday my scales showed my target weight of 147 pounds so I am, once again, a maintainer! :victory: :victory: I have to admit that besides two fast days a week, I have also been very restrained on my non-fast days. No cakes, puddings, biscuits, wine or desserts for two weeks has seen me drop from 153.2 pounds to 147 pounds. That is 6.2 pounds lost. Most of that was 'water weight' so I now have to keep going in order to ensure that the fat is also gone! :shock:

Yesterday (after my morning weigh-in) I ate an enormous amount of sugary carbs and fatty food but today I am fasting again so am not expecting any long-term damage from yesterday's splurge! (despite being two pounds heavier again this morning - but I'm not counting that!) Two stars please, @Sassy1

I will keep going with the Christmas Challenge and see if I can lose another pound or two - just to give me a'buffer' for the excesses of the Christmas cruise!

Hope everyone is doing well with their particular challenges. Keep on, keeping on! :grin:
Wow, @stowgateresident, that's fantastic! Well done! :like:
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