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I knew I shouldn't have trusted my very low weigh-in result on my Sunday weigh-in! :pissedoff: The damned scales have been consistently above my 145.6 pound reported weight ever since and that is despite a fast day on Monday and fairly sensible days since then! To say I am cross would be an understatement! :curse:

The result was that yesterday I went out for lunch at the pub, drank wine and ate loads of carbs in the evening - no fast today either as I was out for the day and it involved eating cake! Goodness knows what weight Sunday will bring but I think that you will need to remove some stars, @cblasz! I'll let you know! :frown: :cry:
StowgateResident wrote: I knew I shouldn't have trusted my very low weigh-in result on my Sunday weigh-in! :pissedoff: The damned scales have been consistently above my 145.6 pound reported weight ever since and that is despite a fast day on Monday and fairly sensible days since then! To say I am cross would be an understatement! :curse:

The result was that yesterday I went out for lunch at the pub, drank wine and ate loads of carbs in the evening - no fast today either as I was out for the day and it involved eating cake! Goodness knows what weight Sunday will bring but I think that you will need to remove some stars, @cblasz! I'll let you know! :frown: :cry:

Human bodies are weird things. So many factors can influence it. I think we've all been there, done that with the frustration. Don't be too hard on yourself. How would you respond if your best friend came to you with that post? Be your best friend in this, and be kind to yourself. You haven't strayed far and you know you can get back on track.
Dear @Stowgateresident, I echo what Tracie says.

I totally understand the source of your frustration - and that was one of the reasons why I stopped weighing myself.

We tell others all the time that we can't infer anything about change in amount of fat from small changes (and that can be up to a few pounds) on the scales. Hydration levels and amount of food waste can vary a lot. And of course there is measurement error as well. We need to remember that ourselves!! (I do despair a little of people's understanding when they report changes of a fraction of a pound... It says nothing. One glass of water weighs about half a pound.)

In particular, the scales do NOT tell us whether we have been eating nutritiously and sensibly, and this is much more important than what the scales are saying. We tend to focus on getting to a particular weight, but what is so important about that actual weight?? Much better to concentrate on what we are doing with our eating - which is something we can control (in theory!!) as opposed to our weight, which we cannot directly control.

I do understand that the scales are an easy way to track progress and are a more sensitive indicator of weight than measurements or how clothes fit. It can be harder to realise that you are gaining weight when you don't weigh.

And I also understand that the scales going down is rewarding and motivating. But when they go the other way, some are better than others with dealing with that!!

Anyway... You seem to me to be a very sensible and realistic person, and I am sure your reaction will not be an every day occurrence! :grin: :wink:

Best wishes. :clover: :smile:
Thank you, @Sassy1 and @Tracieknits for your very sensible responses to my post. I do not usually allow myself to be so affected by the weight on the scales and I am pleased to report that I have now got over myself and my mini tantrum! :oops:

Today I am fitting in a fast day to make up for my minor over-eating in the last three days. I haven't eaten anything too bad, just rather carb heavy (even for me, who doesn't do 'low carb') so just reining myself in a little before the arrival of daughter and two granddaughters on Monday. There will be no fasts while they are here but I will try not to over-indulge - just be moderate in what i eat. That is very difficult for me and a challenge that still defeats me! I'll just keep trying!

Onwards and downwards! :victory: :smile:
@StowgateResident - I think that not matter what you have done VERY well on this challenge! Think if you weren't trying at all. Let's wait and see what the scale says on Monday before we take away any stars!

We will be wrapping up this challenge on Tuesday, but I will be starting a new one today for the month of July!

So please post your final results here soon!
Will do, @cblasz!

Slight change of plan for today because I was unexpectedly taken out for lunch. Red wine and dessert have put an end to fasting for today but we had a very good time! Tomorrow's another day! :smile:
well, I found my original post on the challenge. I was 207.1 today I was 204.0. So I'm down a whole 3.1lbs rofl. Considering how my spring went, it's nearly a miracle I lost anything at all.

So let's close out this challenge for me at 3 pounds down. Hey, any loss is a good loss and I will take it.

@Stowgateresident - glad to hear you're feeling better and no longer so down on yourself. :-) I hope you have a lovely visit with your family.

@Sassy1 - I'm fairly certain that losing 0.1 lb is absolutely 100% a fat loss, however gaining 0.5 is *obviously* water weight. It's scientific. I'm pretty sure about that. :razz:
Of course @Tracieknits - what was I thinking!!! :razz: :grin: :curse: :bugeyes: :geek:
Tomorrow is the official last day of this challenge, so please try to let us know how you did by then!

I am going to wait until tomorrow to report my final weight, as it is a bit high from the weekend. I didn't come anywhere near my goal, but I'd still like to see the best number that I can!
Hi @cblasz and fellow challengees... :heart:
Good luck to all for final weigh in! :like: :like: :like:
I cant get weighed til thursday at DDS,so i'll report back then xxx
Well, waiting until today paid off. I'm down a little from yesterday, bringing my final weight to 167.2. Now that's only a total of 3.5 lbs. for the challenge, but I truly believe that if I hadn't done the challenge I wouldn't have lost anything and maybe would've gained weight! And it got me thinking about what I need to do better and prepare me for the July challenge!!

I think this quote sums it up perfectly!
"Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
- Henry Ford
Hello everyone. I have vanished for a little while. Taking a holiday from school but also taking a holiday from focusing too much on my weight loss. That doesn't mean I'm not weighing every day. Just trying to keep it in perspective.
My end of the challenge weigh in on fourth of July was 101.8 kg. I think that means a total loss of 11.2lbs overall.
I cannot thank you enough @Cblasz for organising the challenge. It has been great struggling with all of you and it has kept me going, despite some disappointing losses over the past few weeks.
@StowgateResident, stay strong- you are my rock! You have done some amazing things over this period.
Thanks too to @Sassy1, @Tracieknits and @CandiceMarie for your wisdom and experience. Thanks everyone else for just being here!
I am not leaving by the way. I am just going to report in a little less often unless I really think I need to be back amongst old friends for your support. I will still do my weekly blog.
I am seriously going to have to shake things up a bit. Has anyone tried the Fasting Mimicking Diet? I suppose I shouldn't just be lazy and search these pages myself! :wink:
Rawkaren tried the Fasting Mimicking Diet - but she's not on here much these days. You should PM her !!!
Thanks @Lovemyparrot. It looks pretty tough and I certainly don't think I could do it five days out of every 30. The lab mice seem to like it though :wink:
Thanks @Fat_teacher :like: :smile:

We will miss not hearing from you as frequently, but understand - and being active on the forum can take a bit of precious time, especially for those busy with work and family.

I look forward to updates from you whenever you do post.

Very best wishes and good luck. :clover: :clover:
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