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Group Challenges

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Well done @Fat_Teacheron yr loss and please call in and give us yr news when the time when the time is right.
Very well done all challengees on taking the challenge and giving it a go..its all we can do really,take each day and make the best of it,to the best of our ability on that particular day. :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory:
Thanks so much @cblasz for running the challenge.. It has helped me finally get to my goal of 100 lbs down. Ive lost 12 lbs in 12 weeks on the Solstice Challenge and hit my 100 lb off goal today. The challenge helped me keep focus when i was starting to get a bit weary of low carbing.
Big pats on the back to all ....perhaps we shd give ourselves a small treat today or over the next few days? Doesnt have to be food related.
Ps am going to try to slowly lose another 10-14 pounds over the next year
Big hugs all round to fellow challengees!
@Fat_Teacherintrigued by the Fasting Mimicking diet! Off to find out more!
@Fat_Teacherand everyone,.a link to info on Fasting mimicking.. ... 18081.html :razz: :razz: :razz: xx
@Fat_Teacherand everyone,.a link to info on Fasting mimicking.. ... 18081.html :razz: :razz: :razz: xx
WELL DONE EVERYONE!!! It looks like almost everyone made at least a little progress on the challenge (except for the couple that we lost along the way.) The total number of stars earned was 48!! :party: :party: :party: I think that's pretty good!!

I hope that if you haven't already, you'll consider joining the July challenge. it's a smaller time frame, so hopefully easier to stay focused on a smaller goal. If nothing else, as someone said, it's a great way to stay involved!

Once again, Congratulations!
By-the-way @CandiceMarie - Congrats on your 100lb. total loss. That is quite an achievement!!
Whoo Hooo @CandiceMarie!!!! that is so awesome!!! :victory: :grin: :heart: :like: :victory:
Yes, congrats @Candicemarie for having the commitment to stick with your eating plan, for which you have reaped the results! :smile: :smile: :smile: You must be very proud. :like:
Just a brief report in and sorry I missed the 4th July deadline. My final result is 148.4 pounds. 1.4 pounds more than my target but at least it is within my two pound maintenance range, so I guess that's something - even though there are a few stars to remove! :cry:

Many thanks to you, @cblasz, for organising this challenge. It has been great to be losing weight alongside my fellow fasters and sharing the highs and lows of people's 'journeys'. I still have family staying and have found it impossible to fast, or indeed to eat sensibly, while they are around so, after they leave on Tuesday, I must settle down to some serious fasting before my holiday on the 19th July!

Well done to all the participants in the challenge and good luck if you join in the next one. :clover: :clover: Onwards and downwards! :smile:
Great job, @StowgateResident! I'm glad the challenge helped!! Enjoy your company!
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