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excellent @kmareefor the 600g's lost. and the 15cm over 4 weeks and the 5.6kg 4 weeks all up... this does work doesnt it!

Thanks Juliana. :grin: It's definitely working! :heart:
Gone up a tad again for me to 61kg despite being really good. The last few kgs really are the hardest!!
Hiya #35 reporting for this week with a 1.1kg loss. Very very happy as once again I was convinced my snacking habit, which has got worse since giving up alcohol was going to mean a sts at best...I think it's about time I started believing in this woe a bit more

Managed to stay alcohol free for 13 days so far (probably the longest since starting uni in 1997!) Despite a massive meltdown on Friday, thanks to @carrieoats and the rest of the sober tent gang for keeping me on track
I also ducked out of 2 running sessions, mainly cos my ankles are hurting, managed to fit in an extra step class so I still hit my 5 sessions of exercise

Only 3.2 kg to go left, hopefully I'll be able to set a new Christmas target soon
No 17 update at end of week 2:
Weight: on 13/10/14 123 lbs, up 2 lbs, now 1 lb over target, oops!
Wheat free: Yes, but grain-free no. Aberration of the week; creamy rice pudding. The rice; bad, the sugar; bad. Oh dear.
I will begin weighing myself tomorrow, as that is the week I've chosen to get the 7 days value I will average for a Libra value.
I am LOVING not logging my weight every day. I am still hopping on the scale every few days, to keep up with my ticker and make sure nothing dreadful is happening, which it wasn't. I had been obsessing too much about the Libra trend. So it has been very freeing NOT to weigh every day.

When I did weigh, after my two fast days this week, I was in the same range as I was before my trip to visit my son. So no damage has been done. So this may well be maintenance, but that's fine with me. OH doesn't think I need to lose anymore, probably because my neck is looking really old-lady now that the double chin is gone.
TripHOPmamma wrote: Hiya #35 reporting for this week with a 1.1kg loss. Very very happy as once again I was convinced my snacking habit, which has got worse since giving up alcohol was going to mean a sts at best...I think it's about time I started believing in this woe a bit more

Managed to stay alcohol free for 13 days so far (probably the longest since starting uni in 1997!) Despite a massive meltdown on Friday, thanks to @carrieoats and the rest of the sober tent gang for keeping me on track
I also ducked out of 2 running sessions, mainly cos my ankles are hurting, managed to fit in an extra step class so I still hit my 5 sessions of exercise

Only 3.2 kg to go left, hopefully I'll be able to set a new Christmas target soon

wow 1.1kg loss how good is that @TripHOPmamma

well done to no snacking. its the key... check out my new POWER 21 FASTING diet plan. here 5-2-diet-chat-f6/my-5-2-or-4-3-21-power-fast-diet-t13272.html
Im so excited
peebles wrote: I will begin weighing myself tomorrow, as that is the week I've chosen to get the 7 days value I will average for a Libra value.
I am LOVING not logging my weight every day. I am still hopping on the scale every few days, to keep up with my ticker and make sure nothing dreadful is happening, which it wasn't. I had been obsessing too much about the Libra trend. So it has been very freeing NOT to weigh every day.

When I did weigh, after my two fast days this week, I was in the same range as I was before my trip to visit my son. So no damage has been done. So this may well be maintenance, but that's fine with me. OH doesn't think I need to lose anymore, probably because my neck is looking really old-lady now that the double chin is gone.

Doing the same @peebles. I used to advocate daily weighing but now leaving it to weekly and looking at Libra weight trend. I am thinking that for the first 6 months of IFing.. daily weighing isnt a bad idea as you really get to know your body and appreciate why Libra trend weight makes sense so i dont regret my initial daily weighing regime.

As to any possible aged appearance affect of weight loss, I strongly believe thats when you stop. Im hoping my OH or anyone that sees me tells me "when to stop"
Debs wrote: Gone up a tad again for me to 61kg despite being really good. The last few kgs really are the hardest!!

the last few certainly are @debs
Ive asked myself this.. .does there come a time when we listen to our bodies that might be telling us "it's enough" .. start maintaining, start getting physical and exercised and toned... dont lose any more weight. I am going to see how my new diet plan works for me then make a decision in January.
No 8 reporting in : today's weight 88.2 kg. Struggling with the sugar on a couple of days, but a good day yesterday! Have an acidity problem which is affecting my health generally, so really have to stop. Will be good from now on!
I thought I wasn't going to join this year, but I really want to get back to goal weight (63kg), so why not. I got to my goal weight originally last year during the Xmas challenge, but that was the last time I saw the number. I'm about 5kg over goal just now (some of which is sure to be water weight from half-marathon related inflammation), which is about where I was when I started the Xmas challenge last year. I'll put an official start weight in later this week (I can't remember exactly what the scale said this morning, and would like to start with a more realistic weight; i.e., after the inflammation goes down).

For an extra challenge, I would like to minimize alcohol intake. I overdid it in the last month with a lot of leaving parties, etc., for some friends who left Okinawa about a week ago. I won't say zero, since it would cut out my social life, but I'll try for zero on my own at home, and low amount at parties, dinners out, etc. I really need to minimize sugar, but my previous attempt at that was a disaster so nothing official there...

I'll stick with 4:3 and reintroduce modified 16:8 on non-fast days (my modification is to allow a soft-boiled egg the morning after a fast outside of the 8h window). I was doing quite well with that before I went to Italy in May. I had almost gotten back to goal.
barbarita wrote: No 17 update at end of week 2:
Weight: on 13/10/14 123 lbs, up 2 lbs, now 1 lb over target, oops!
Wheat free: Yes, but grain-free no. Aberration of the week; creamy rice pudding. The rice; bad, the sugar; bad. Oh dear.

The other week I made a rice pudding with half a can of full fat coconut milk (topped up with normal milk) with vanilla extract - it was so heavenly I had to almost physically restrain myself from devouring the whole lot in one sitting. Topped with cold roast plums in honey, cinnamon & star anise....droool. Yes the rice & sugar are carby but rice pudding is one of life's great pleasures, and food must be enjoyed - and boy did I enjoy that one!

Ahem, right, so number 95 here reporting that I have shaved 1lb off last week's weight. That Christmas target is looking optimistic. Oh well as long as I am healthy and strong... And can get back into those skinny jeans! Best go easy on the rice pudding for a while...
Hello :)
Its fast day for me and I'm so pleased to report that I'm going to bed after a successful day, little 'hungry' grumbles that I actually like as it reminds me that I'm making my fat melt!! Had a weights class tonight too, actually towards the end/cool down bit, I did feel a bit nauseous, but just keep telling myself 'no pain, no gain'! Had a protein shake within 30 mins of finishing and had 512 cals over the day in 2 meals (soup at 4pm and shake at 8pm) Also, sunk 5.3 litres of water :D somethings got to be good about living in the desert! lol

Off for a wee(!), then bed - actually I'm excited to be getting on the scales in the morning for my 'official' 2 week weigh-in - something got to be happening as I can fasten my abaya round my tummy again!! ahahahhaaa......
JB x
2nd weigh in yesterday 3/4lb loss am happy with that!
Have struggled to fast this week, too many reason so list but persevering!
Member 22 checking in with the last 2 weigh ins:

8/10. 11st6.5
15/10. 11st6.5
greenmonster wrote:
The other week I made a rice pudding with half a can of full fat coconut milk (topped up with normal milk) with vanilla extract - it was so heavenly I had to almost physically restrain myself from devouring the whole lot in one sitting. Topped with cold roast plums in honey, cinnamon & star anise....droool. Yes the rice & sugar are carby but rice pudding is one of life's great pleasures, and food must be enjoyed - and boy did I enjoy that one! .

i loooooooooooveeee rice pudding. never thought of doing it with coconut milk... storing for January your idea as im not supposed to be eating sugary foods or avoiding them and i couldnt imagine not eating the whole lot in one go
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