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# 20 reporting in.
Current weight : 156.4
Total lost: 1.7 lbs Oct 10
Thanks Juliana!
Sassy1 wrote: Hi again @Juliana.Rivers - I see you have got managing this thread down to a fine art! :)
Re your own weight loss journey. You no doubt have told us what you think might be the reasons for your bit of a weight gain in recent months - I did have a look at your posts to see if I could find some info on this, but you have so many posts, of course, that it proved too difficult. :(
I wonder if the fact that you were never aiming to lose much might be a factor?? Perhaps you are spending too much time caring for the rest of us! Have you thought about how you got to goal last time - can you repeat whatever it was you did?
I am finding that keeping my fast day cals under 400, and a record of what I eat on other days to ensure I stay around TDEE, has really paid off. Mind you, it has only been a week - I know how easily I can sabotage myself! - so I am trying not to get too smug and self-satisfied!!!
I know there is a lot of variety in what works for each of us, so it is really important to work out what works for YOU. Of course, it is worth trying what others advocate, but their strategy may not be your thing. Maybe your body/brain does not respond well to the exclusion of certain foods.
As I mentioned elsewhere, last night I had 3 high sugar desserts, one of which had white rice and another white flour. All home made at least. They were scrumptious and I enjoyed every mouthful. I did go over my TDEE by 500cals or such. Today I had no bad side effects. Weight was ok, no carb belly, no hunger, and I ended up making this a fast day, tho with slightly more cals than usual, because I really didn't feel the need to eat until dinner time. Which took me back to my childhood when we didn't eat overly healthily and always had sugary white flour baked desserts after our meat and 3 veg dinner, sandwiches for lunch, cereal for brekkie and no weight issues. We didn't snack during the day or evening tho, and certainly had very few processed foods apart from cereal and bread.
Which is not to say that I don't think that sugar is the cause of many weight issues. I am sure it is - particularly as a result of how it is used in processed especially "low fat" foods.
Anyhow, enough of my rant!
Hope you do find a workable strategy to shift that little bit of extra weight.
Best wishes :)

Thank you @Sassy1 I was very touched by your message here to me when i checked the site out just before going to sleep last night. It was so very sweet and thank your words of wisdom.

I definitely have the "carb belly " at the moment. Quite worrisome lately as if i have a "belly" im always a few kilos over what i expect to be. It is worriesome when OH notices the belly and comments

My sis made this amazing chocolate pie on the weekend and i just had to have just a bit. was only 2 pieces over 2 days so i have gone away from my challenge of no sweets but i will try to have a "better week" and as you say maybe really having ultra good fast days. I am snacking a bit more than normal too on fast days and just have to stop.

anyhow thanks again Sassy1
Isis wrote: Hello Juliana I'm reporting in with a loss of 1 lb 2oz!
I'm so relieved because on Wednesday my weight was 2lb more than this. No idea what my body is doing at the moment but probably because of less exercise because I suspect I have a shin splint in my left leg so I've been resting it. I have celebrated with a glass of wine & a chocolate eclair but back to eating more carefully tomorrow :lol:
Well done everyone losing weight & thank you Juliana for running this.

1 lb 2 ounces is huge.. keep going @Isis
swan51 wrote: # 20 reporting in.
Current weight : 156.4
Total lost: 1.7 lbs Oct 10
Thanks Juliana!

Great result @swan51
great results @golarneand @katharina
you are on the way to meeting your goals!
Hi Juliana,
Just lost all my long post. :( I should have learned by now that I must type all posts except for very short ones in notepad first...
I will try to remember what I wrote.
First, just to let you know that I did not get a PM when you tagged me. This happens a bit, I have reported it but no explanation or solution yet... Rather annoying. And I haven't tagged you as I assume I don't need to in this thread!
I do think being strict on fast days is one of the keys to success, based on my sample of one! So no snacking!!! :razz:
And I hope you enjoyed the chocolate pie (is that an American dish? - apologies to our US friends!). If we decide to eat foods that may be less healthy, enjoy them! - there is no point eating it if you feel guilty. (Are you sure that you are happy with your challenge??)
And "nasty" OH for commenting... There are lots of reasons why tummies can "pot out" a bit - TOM, lot of drinks, food waste. I am trying to accept a bit of a tummy in return for eating some foods I enjoy, knowing that I can reduce it with a day or two of low carbs if I need to. (Lots of veg also make my tummy swell, and I am not cutting those out of my diet.)
Cheers! :D
Sassy1 wrote: Hi Juliana,
Just lost all my long post. :( I should have learned by now that I must type all posts except for very short ones in notepad first...
I will try to remember what I wrote.
First, just to let you know that I did not get a PM when you tagged me. This happens a bit, I have reported it but no explanation or solution yet... Rather annoying. And I haven't tagged you as I assume I don't need to in this thread!
I do think being strict on fast days is one of the keys to success, based on my sample of one! So no snacking!!! :razz:
And I hope you enjoyed the chocolate pie (is that an American dish? - apologies to our US friends!). If we decide to eat foods that may be less healthy, enjoy them! - there is no point eating it if you feel guilty. (Are you sure that you are happy with your challenge??)
And "nasty" OH for commenting... There are lots of reasons why tummies can "pot out" a bit - TOM, lot of drinks, food waste. I am trying to accept a bit of a tummy in return for eating some foods I enjoy, knowing that I can reduce it with a day or two of low carbs if I need to. (Lots of veg also make my tummy swell, and I am not cutting those out of my diet.)
Cheers! :D

Thanks @Sassy1. not sure what happens with that tagging
Ive lost long posts too. My machine occasionally has a coronary such that everything freezes up then it reboots. one day i ll get it fixe
The chocolate pie was from a Ree Drummond, Pioneer woman recipe. so so so so good... ... orm-323868

Ive been so so good today on my fast day. only had 2 coffees. not even my usual fruit, no cottage cheese , nothing and about to make this one. Its funny how suffering a little makes you feel good. no pain no gain

i guess its a bit like the AA concept with alcohol.. you dont just cut down the alcohol.. their principle is you have none.. so same with food and fasting.

Only 1 more hour and i can get stuck into this... (quite low joule and very yummmy as ive had it before)


hehe re OH comments and nastiness.. it was done with love im sure as he knows i like to look good. and id rather he tell me
#83 here, reporting a 0.6lb loss. Not a lot but it's at the lowest end of my normal weight fluctuations and I'm feeling good so hope to carry on going down. No booze is helping I think, just need to kick my bread addiction next!!
This challenge has been a great incentive to keep going and stay focussed so thank you Juliana :-)
Good morning

Member 39 - update
Weight on the new scales was yesterday 115.9kg. That's a gain of 300g but probably just due to change in scales.
Hi, Juliana!
#36 reporting in (no weight loss last week so I didn't report)
Start: 213 lbs
Today: 208 lbs (-5)
Goal: 200 lbs
Also... I am keeping up with my push ups... even though I hate doing them. Lol
#87 Weighing in today - 600g down.
Had alot on this week - BBQ's, get togethers etc. Tried to eat as healthy as possible, but only had 1 fast day.
Did a little bit of walking.
This coming week is my son's 13th birthday! So will try not to go too crazy (with food - don't drink)
The rest of the week pretty normal - so should do 5:2 better.
Only been 5:2ing for 4 weeks, lost 5.6kg and 15cm off my waist - happy with that! :like:
Happy weigh in day (for most, I think) :clover:
JennyH10 wrote: #83 here, reporting a 0.6lb loss. Not a lot but it's at the lowest end of my normal weight fluctuations and I'm feeling good so hope to carry on going down. No booze is helping I think, just need to kick my bread addiction next!!
This challenge has been a great incentive to keep going and stay focussed so thank you Juliana :-)

@jennyh10 no matter how small the loss its all important. just over 1/2 a pound over the 2 weeks is still good.

bread addictions tell me about it. we are so bread deprived here with Saturday being the only day we go to our local baker.

have to share this photo I happened to take on the weekend, last.. if only you can tell that the bread was hot (straight out of their oven)! sorry if anyone here is removing bread of the list but i thought it was beautiful when i unopened the packaging and if anything I believe 5:2 still lets you eat some of the "good stuff" and when we do, we enjoy and appreciate everymouthful. So im careful to have no more than 2 slices and it tastes better when you cant have much.

btw am i crazy taking pics of loaves of bread? dont answer that

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Tammae wrote: Hi, Juliana!
#36 reporting in (no weight loss last week so I didn't report)
Start: 213 lbs
Today: 208 lbs (-5)
Goal: 200 lbs
Also... I am keeping up with my push ups... even though I hate doing them. Lol

@tammae- 5 pounds is fantastic for the 2 weeks. well done... i can see 200 on the horizon!
Kmaree wrote: #87 Weighing in today - 600g down.
Had alot on this week - BBQ's, get togethers etc. Tried to eat as healthy as possible, but only had 1 fast day.
Did a little bit of walking.
This coming week is my son's 13th birthday! So will try not to go too crazy (with food - don't drink)
The rest of the week pretty normal - so should do 5:2 better.
Only been 5:2ing for 4 weeks, lost 5.6kg and 15cm off my waist - happy with that! :like:
Happy weigh in day (for most, I think) :clover:

excellent @kmareefor the 600g's lost. and the 15cm over 4 weeks and the 5.6kg 4 weeks all up... this does work doesnt it!
Alexandra wrote: Good morning

Member 39 - update
Weight on the new scales was yesterday 115.9kg. That's a gain of 300g but probably just due to change in scales.

good idea weighing oneself the moment one gets new scales @Alexandra. they can all be so different in their accuracy.
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