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[quote="slimforevernyc"]Hi All!
I'm a little late to the party, but I'd like to register for the challenge!
Current weight: 227.2lbs
Goal: 212.2 (15lbs)
Method: I just started doing 4:3 on Monday, Oct.6.

@slimforevernyc welcome in. a good 11 weeks to go so not too late to get to your 15 lbs loss.
Well done on some losses in weight seen by several in week end weighin
@Slimmer, @Catscratch, chinchin, @piper

dont worry @skippy, everything @sassy1said. (thanks sassy1.. I welcome anyone giving encouraging comments to anyone not quite there yet. when one declares such things its good to get an almost instant response and being on other side of world to many im often asleep. been keeping up really well i think jumping in here every few hours.

Keep the weigh-ins coming
Hi @Juliana.Rivers
You are doing a fantastic job with your individual feedback - it is much appreciated and thank you so much for taking on the challenge and giving so much time to it. :) :)
I enjoy reading the weekly reports from everyone plus your feedback - tho I have enough trouble finding time for just that, so goodness knows how you are managing... Hope you have enough time to look after yourself, tho I guess it keeps you from eating!!
Best wishes and thanks again. :)
Sassy1 wrote: Hi @Juliana.Rivers
You are doing a fantastic job with your individual feedback - it is much appreciated and thank you so much for taking on the challenge and giving so much time to it. :) :)
I enjoy reading the weekly reports from everyone plus your feedback - tho I have enough trouble finding time for just that, so goodness knows how you are managing... Hope you have enough time to look after yourself, tho I guess it keeps you from eating!!
Best wishes and thanks again. :)

@Sassy1, thanks for your comment.. This is certainly keeping me focussed.. Got the replies and updating down to a few seconds each with a tab on post 1 and a tab on the last page of posts and a quick copy, paste. Occasionally if someone has had a fabbo result i feel the necessity to reply individually. Some peoples success are a great inspiration to others.

I wish it had the effect for me though as the scales simply arent moving. Really cut the sugar but not to nil. Just a phase im going through like my body really needs this last 2 kilos or something. I declared to myself this morning never to angst about the scales unless its above 72kg. I dont mind if i shed it slowly. Certainly does make you eat more healthy
Member #26 weigh-in 105.6lbs which is within my maintenance range so I'm pleased.
I've managed the One Minute Meditation every day but one so the ancillary challenge is progressing well for now.
#96 here reporting with a week two weigh-in loss of 1.8KG
mas54321 wrote: #96 here reporting with a week two weigh-in loss of 1.8KG

WOW.. @mas54321 Nearly 2kg loss IS AWESOME! Congratulations!
Number 38 back with a quick check in. As I have only just restarted I wasn't going to report this Saturday, which is my normal day, but as I had a bit of success I will. I had my first full successful fast yesterday, after a five week break and today am 1lb down, so will log that quickly before it disappears again (or should I say reappears).
Good luck everyone.
#2. 11th October, 2 weeks after start and chuffed with the incredible changes which must be because of extra promises which I kept and it is easy: Especially with this renewed motivation.
Start 134.0 lbs
Today 131.8 lbs. overall loss 2.2 lbs
( this weekend up in London will be a challenge but I am determined not to wreck my progress. So....I "cannot drink wine because of my cold", and have " lost some appetite" excuses should anyone comment!)
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
mas54321 wrote: #96 here reporting with a week two weigh-in loss of 1.8KG

WOW.. @mas54321 Nearly 2kg loss IS AWESOME! Congratulations!

I'm happy because, whilst being really disciplined, i still went to a party on Wednesday (beer and chips!!)

Best part is a designer coat i bought in January fits me now- time to get some use from it before it's too small!!
Hi again @Juliana.Rivers - I see you have got managing this thread down to a fine art! :)
Re your own weight loss journey. You no doubt have told us what you think might be the reasons for your bit of a weight gain in recent months - I did have a look at your posts to see if I could find some info on this, but you have so many posts, of course, that it proved too difficult. :(
I wonder if the fact that you were never aiming to lose much might be a factor?? Perhaps you are spending too much time caring for the rest of us! Have you thought about how you got to goal last time - can you repeat whatever it was you did?
I am finding that keeping my fast day cals under 400, and a record of what I eat on other days to ensure I stay around TDEE, has really paid off. Mind you, it has only been a week - I know how easily I can sabotage myself! - so I am trying not to get too smug and self-satisfied!!!
I know there is a lot of variety in what works for each of us, so it is really important to work out what works for YOU. Of course, it is worth trying what others advocate, but their strategy may not be your thing. Maybe your body/brain does not respond well to the exclusion of certain foods.
As I mentioned elsewhere, last night I had 3 high sugar desserts, one of which had white rice and another white flour. All home made at least. They were scrumptious and I enjoyed every mouthful. I did go over my TDEE by 500cals or such. Today I had no bad side effects. Weight was ok, no carb belly, no hunger, and I ended up making this a fast day, tho with slightly more cals than usual, because I really didn't feel the need to eat until dinner time. Which took me back to my childhood when we didn't eat overly healthily and always had sugary white flour baked desserts after our meat and 3 veg dinner, sandwiches for lunch, cereal for brekkie and no weight issues. We didn't snack during the day or evening tho, and certainly had very few processed foods apart from cereal and bread.
Which is not to say that I don't think that sugar is the cause of many weight issues. I am sure it is - particularly as a result of how it is used in processed especially "low fat" foods.
Anyhow, enough of my rant!
Hope you do find a workable strategy to shift that little bit of extra weight.
Best wishes :)
Big family weekend last week, and now fighting a virus so have failed at the exercise, but have fended off many cake temptations!
Weight today is 59.3kg so I've lost 0.7. I'm very pleased that the upward trend has halted!
Number 40 here to Report that I've lost 2lb this week so that's 3lb So far.
9 more pesky pounds to go, I'm very very happy but also sad as I'm no longer Mrs average @carorees, maybe next week. :?:

No alcohol, and precise logging of food on MFP plus trying to remember to weigh most days.
Thank you @juliana.rivers and @sassy1. I know you are right and next week may be better. Your support is really helpful and encouraging. I've actually ended up doing 4:3 this week as I find it easier than 5:2. I find the Monday fast hard after normal eating for a number of days but fasting every couple of days seems easier. I guess my body has adapted a bit more and it is less of a shock to go to sudden calorie deficit. I'm very happy to go 5:2 if this becomes more difficult. I think that whatever helps me get back to a healthy size (even if that is slowly) is OK at this point. Great to see how so many find this challenge helpful and I agree that @juliana.rivers is a star for supporting us all so well!
Hello Juliana I'm reporting in with a loss of 1 lb 2oz!
I'm so relieved because on Wednesday my weight was 2lb more than this. No idea what my body is doing at the moment but probably because of less exercise because I suspect I have a shin splint in my left leg so I've been resting it. I have celebrated with a glass of wine & a chocolate eclair but back to eating more carefully tomorrow :lol:
Well done everyone losing weight & thank you Juliana for running this.
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