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No 17 here at end of week 7

Weight: on 17/11/14 124 lbs, up 1 lb, 2 lbs over target
Wheat-free: Yes, grain-free yes, a little sugar in dark chocolate and mayonnaise.
The upward drift continues! What am I doing "wrong". Well, I am absolutely brilliant at fasting, I can fast until the cows come home; but I am not doing the other 50 % of the job which is, first eat a good balanced meal when the eating window opens (check), then listen to the appetite as regards how much more to eat before it closes NOT have a feeding frenzy. Will really have to tackle this, or I will not dare show my face in the maintenance thread this month.
Hi @Juliana.Rivers, Member # 21 checking in and glad to report a weight of 144.6/10 stone 4.6lb/65.8kg - down 3.2lb./1.5kg :victory: . I am doing an ultra low carb, 16:8 regimen until the end of Nov. and it seems to have kicked me off my plateau. :like:
Me thinks I am now up to date, having posted progress results for last 10 day in post 1.

Let me know if I have missed your result.

good luck everyone.. we are on the home stretch... just 6 weeks to go!
#36 Checking in........
I have lost 11 lbs on this Christmas Challenge with only 2 more lbs to the goal! So excited!
Weight = 202
Christmas Challenge Goal = 200
I have decided to bow at gracefully from this challenge. After a good start, I have been losing gaining the same 3-4 pounds and can't seem to move on from there.
I set a goal for my son's wedding and the spring challenge, and failed both miserably. I am telling myself that at least I have maintained. I will dust myself down in the New Year when we get back from our family holiday in New Jersey.
I hope you all meet your goals and all good wishes for a lower weight for 2015.
Slimmer wrote: I have decided to bow at gracefully from this challenge. After a good start, I have been losing gaining the same 3-4 pounds and can't seem to move on from there.
I set a goal for my son's wedding and the spring challenge, and failed both miserably. I am telling myself that at least I have maintained. I will dust myself down in the New Year when we get back from our family holiday in New Jersey.
I hope you all meet your goals and all good wishes for a lower weight for 2015.

Understand @Slimmer. Maintaining is a success in itself. Come back after your New Jersey Holiday and get back to to the fasting routine with a renewed sense of passion about getting healthy and releasing more weight.
Thank you for your good wishes.
I will make a note on post 1 soon.
No 5 here and a loss of 1.25lb. I am blinking well yoyoing around this same 2-3 lb and it's getting annoying now. Still a loss is a loss so I'm happy with that.
No 37 here

I forgot to weigh yesterday morning. Will do so on Sunday and post. I am dreading it as I am all over the place at present. I saw the specialist for my arthritis pain and he's changing everything about. as a result I am all over the place, with pain, sleep when I can and want to eat you name it I'm confused. Very tempted to bow out like "Slimmer". I am waiting on more scans and other tests and until then nothing will really change for me.
I too have been suffering with various aches and pains and have been taking Naproxen and paracetamol. Shoulder pain wakes me at night and I have made a GP appointment for next week. It has just occurred to me that since my pain increased my weight loss has stalled and the will to fast has disappeared!
I'm at 65.5kg now. Still 2.5 kg from goal but 2.5kg down from the start. I'm not expecting to make it in time, but I don't mind as long as it keeps going in the right direction. I think last year I modified my challenge goal from 63 to 63. anything (then I ended up getting to 63 anyway. ) Perhaps I should modify my goal again this year too.
#12 Checking in.

Last Week: 79.5
This Week: 79.4
Down: 100gm
Halfway to the end of the challenge and halfway to my goal. :)
I am also seeing results on the tape measure:
2.5 cm off my waist
3 cm off my hips - since November 15th
MaryAnn wrote: I'm at 65.5kg now. Still 2.5 kg from goal but 2.5kg down from the start. I'm not expecting to make it in time, but I don't mind as long as it keeps going in the right direction. I think last year I modified my challenge goal from 63 to 63. anything (then I ended up getting to 63 anyway. ) Perhaps I should modify my goal again this year too.

Hi @MaryAnn. 2.5kg is fantastic in 7 weeks. How about making the goal 64kg and really going for it. the extra 1.5kg you can attack in January.
Alexandra wrote: No 37 here

I forgot to weigh yesterday morning. Will do so on Sunday and post. I am dreading it as I am all over the place at present. I saw the specialist for my arthritis pain and he's changing everything about. as a result I am all over the place, with pain, sleep when I can and want to eat you name it I'm confused. Very tempted to bow out like "Slimmer". I am waiting on more scans and other tests and until then nothing will really change for me.

Thank you for sharing and hope things get better for you generally
Regarding the challenge its totally up to you @Alexandra. Perhaps give yourself another week and reassess.
chinchin wrote: #12 Checking in.

Last Week: 79.5
This Week: 79.4
Down: 100gm
Halfway to the end of the challenge and halfway to my goal. :)
I am also seeing results on the tape measure:
2.5 cm off my waist
3 cm off my hips - since November 15th

well done on both the weight and the inches! @chinchin earlier you said
Method: I'm regularly doing 5:2, sometimes adding a 1000 calorie day between fast days

are you still doing this? Please share your successful method in case any of us can benefit. How do you do your fast days?
Keep the updates coming. im on top of this this weekend :like:
No drama at all as its easy to kind of drop off any online challenge.. but just in case this helps trigger an email to you or a teeny reminder, looking for updates from the following. If you have bowed out of the challenge, hope to see you next challenge, probs January sometime.
If you have told the forum in another post that you wanted to no longer be in the challenge or are suffering any ill health or other hardship, take care and ignore this message.
If you have indeed posted updates, please let me know when you last posted and I will rectify.

Member 4: @Sue.Q
Member 14: @croftmaclean
Member 16: @Sallyo
Member 18: @Loversghost
Member 24 : @hilaryjane
Member 25: @danielle21711
Member27 @Juicydee
Member 30: @azaleagirl
Member 31: @rockchik
Member 32: @bobshouse
Member 33 : @Geekycat
Member 39 @juliewil10
Member 47: @Sarah293
Member 49:@devo
Member 53: @Deirdreg
Member 54: @Mawdie
Member 55: @SoTellMe
Member 56: @lizchuter
Member 57: @Nasus999
Member 59: @Jensen
Member 60: @TracyAndaluz
Member 61: @swisscal
Member 62: @jeannecmt
Member 63: @Allthatglitters
Member 64: @minniemills
Member 65: @Patchworkperson
Member 68: @Gosia
Member 71: @qwerky
Member 72: @Mokolodi
Member 74: @Karenm
Member 75: @mowdeur
Member 76: @drDee
Member 77 : @faith
Member 79: @Julieshaun
Member 81: @Rbrum
Member 82: @gillymary
Member 85: @revmk
Member 87: @Kmaree
Member 88: @Carrieme
Member 89: @Jai02
Member 90: @Lianne K Douglas
Member 93: @Wannalose
Member 97 : @Mavesse
Member 98: @CaSuffit
Member 99: @Antonio
Member 100: @Gina2013
Member 103 : @smash_m
Member 104: @Guineapig mammy ]
Member 107 @happymama
Member 110 @Tanmc
Member 111 @blondie1002 [
Member 112 @Mystic
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