So far it's been an - ahem - "interesting" start to the year weight wise.
I finally got my period for one thing, in fact the first this year >.>. TMI maybe, but I've never missed or so much as had an irregular ToM before, and I've had a few of them. I guess with a busy seasonal period at work, transversing to a 2-3 weeks of being sick on top of stepping up exercise my body freaked out? I have no real explanation for it, but am relieved all the same (not that I or any other girl enjoys the process, but you know

It's a "healthy" sign your body is functioning as a female body of a certain age should, want for children or not...).
As such I've had to contend with being constantly bloated for, well, over a month? Both from increased exercise and that ToTM which never came. The scale hasn't moved past showing a slight weight gain, so for now I've resolved to weigh myself in a week and get on with other things. I'll admit my eating/ logging isn't the best, but 1) fast weight loss isn't so much of an issue as I just have 2-3 ibs to go (I'll gladly take a pound or so a month or whatever. Honestly I personally couldn't keep up with logging for the rest of my life) 2) I'm sticking with ADF (health reasons, and I enjoy practising it), so whatever I do it'd have to be impressive to actually gain weight over a longer period of time.
Even with that said, I know I'm losing. My infamously awful upper thighs are looking a little less terrible these days. Guess I'm just waiting it out to get these last couple of pounds off, but I'm fine with waiting it out.
Anyway, best of luck everyone!