The FastDay Forum

Group Challenges

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This is a great challenge for me. I went over my maintenance limit by 3lbs over Christmas. Managed to shed 1lb but need to see the back of the other 2lbs. Please count me in @Juliana.Rivers My trend weight is 10st 1.8
Thankyou! x
Well, I worked out my 3 day averages & Tuesday's was 11.5.75 & today's is 11.3.75. That's close to a kilo isn't it?
Done & dusted!
(Actually it'll rise the next couple of days as I'm out tonight & my next Fastday isn't till Sunday. And I need to get back under 11st so I'm still way off ... but I'm headed in the right direction. Hallelujia!)
Good luck all!
WarriorPrincess wrote: Well, I worked out my 3 day averages & Tuesday's was 11.5.75 & today's is 11.3.75. That's close to a kilo isn't it?
Done & dusted!
(Actually it'll rise the next couple of days as I'm out tonight & my next Fastday isn't till Sunday. And I need to get back under 11st so I'm still way off ... but I'm headed in the right direction. Hallelujia!)
Good luck all!

whoohoo that was quick.. i will convert to metric and do the sums and if all you you are the first to get through!!!! well done @WarriorPrincess

bit behind on updating the challenge thread. need to steal an hour tonight after dinner.
BeautyNovice wrote:
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
May I ask how you found us on the forum... there seems to be a lot of new members which is great..

Thanks, @Juliana.Rivers!
I'm so glad!! This has been the greatest find!

Aside from the super-helpful information I've encountered here, I've found this an extremely supportive, welcoming, intelligent community.
... It's s a testament to how warm and encouraging and knowledgeable you all are. Thank you so much for welcoming me!!!

How sweet is your comment about this community @BeautyNovice.. it is exactly why its the only forum i support. the other few out there.. something about them.. and yes they can get "toxic" as you say. Only exception is some of the facebook groups. i love their energy and activeness. And easy for me to post my food pics.
whoohoo that was quick.. i will convert to metric and do the sums and if all you you are the first to get through!!!! well done @WarriorPrincess

I'm not really there @Juliana.Rivers! My fastdays tend to be Sunday & Tuesday I'll get a great 3-day average on Weds (including Mon & Wed's low weights!) And anyway, there aren't 2 lbs in a kilo, there are 2.2 lbs. I knew that really!
And I'm quite delighted to have this challenge to motivate me till mid Feb. I don't want to be finished till it's finished.
I haven't signed on in several days. Can you please add me to the challenge? My current trending weight is 141.8 pounds.
weighed in this morning and have lost 1kg. Fasted wed and sat.very sad today as our elderly dog has been put to sleep a very hard and heartbreaking decision, but for the best.
Hugs for you @pamie123. Saying goodbye to a loved pet is heartbreaking.
So sorry for @pamie123 for your beautiful dog :(. I still haven't gotten over having to put our lovely cat to sleep three years ago as she was old and had a tumour. Broke my heart, she was such a lovely animal.

I'm in, anyway.

I actually weighed in this morning and I've lost 2 ibs since weighing in on NYE. Currently weighing in at 9 stone 3 (129 ibs, 58.5ish kg) and so very close to my UGW of 9 stone.

I'm curious if I can hit 9 stone by Valentine's Day. I think it's possible as still losing on average just under a pound a week even if there are many stalls. Good luck everyone!
Thankyou all for your kind thoughts.xx
Hi @Juliana.rivers
My Monday morning weigh-in shows a loss of 1lb across the week - and that is after a weekend of eating, so I will take that as a real loss. My challenge is to keep it off, and record a small loss for next Monday too!
Good luck with the Valentine's Day challenge everyone.
Sunday is my weigh in, so my trend weight on the Libra app today was 172.7 pounds. That's a loss of .7 pounds.
Well, I weighed in this morning and I was down a whopping .1 pounds (not even measurable in kg!) But I've reflected on my week and see where I went wrong and hoping to do better next week!
My weigh in day is Sunday but this challenge started fo me on last Monday, following a fast day. Rather an up and down week for me - member no 4 - but my average is 144.2 pounds, down from my starting weight of 145.7 pounds, so I am very happy with that! :smile:
We'll gloss over what I ate yesterday - that will be reflected in next weeks weigh-in! :pig2: :pig2: :pig2:
pamie123 wrote: PLEASE can I join this challenge. Failed miserably with the christmas one but would love to give this ago as it doesn't sound at all daunting.

sorry for delayed reply @pamie123! you are member number 11.. Welcome to the challenge! 1kilo will be a snatch!
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