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I'm having trouble with the forum again. I posted in here 3 times last week, I can't see any of them. I know at least one posted because I got a reply and an email alert. But I don't see that post either. I can't see anything after the 24th July.

I have deleted my saved page and loaded a new one and logged into that one, still no change. I know it's the forum and not my ipad.

Anyway, I'm afraid I've had enough of struggling and being frustrated trying to post here. Who knows if this will post but it will probably be my last post. I'll continue to use the tracker but obviously there's no point in continuing to post what I can't even see and I can't see replies.

Good luck all. Xx
Well I can see when I look at all the topics that my post did indeed post... But I still can't see anything beyond the 24th July.

Hope you get sorted @jayegirl x
This week ive lost a pound and a half thanks to Slimming World and : 16 1/2 lbs in 8 weeks
More than doubled my original pledge to lose eight pounds x
Hi all,
Oops - been on a see-food binge. Back on the wagon from last Sunday & now only just over a pound up on 3 weeks ago. Planning my 3rd diet day in 5 days tomorrow in the hope of getting even closer to back on track!
WarriorPrincess wrote: Hi all,
Oops - been on a see-food binge.

Love it @warriorprincess! My favourite food too :lol:
JayeGirl wrote: Well I can see when I look at all the topics that my post did indeed post... But I still can't see anything beyond the 24th July.


@JayeGirl, please don't disappear, your fresh eyes on IF is great to see and I'm tagging @Moogie here as shes the clever one.
I'm not sure what's happen to your posts but im hopefull that it's sortable.
I yet hope I am not boring any of you... but had to report on weight fluctuations. I am eating nothing between 18:30 and 15.00 (the next day. Yet my last mail here was frustrated because I had put ON weight on this narrow window diet. I talked about bodily fluctuations... Well, this morning I had lost a half kg!!! It was only that big amount because I had put some on the day before. All in all, I have been on this window fasting diet for 10 days and have lost 1 kg. Cannot complain. Have about 14 days left of this and an other kg to loose, before my next lot of guests and good food arrive! Today fasting is a lot easier, because of the encouraging weight loss.
According to my Super summer Challenge goal, I only have 700 g to lose. But if it'll be a bit more than that, I do not mind to have a bit of leeway. My actual goal weight is still about 1,5 kgs away. Slowly and steadily does it :smile:
Well done @margotsylvia! X
@Margotsylvia -Great news! :like: Do keep speaking out! Hang in there, the journey before maintaining is very slow BUT sure, so we need to be kind patient to ourselves :heart: :victory:
Well done @Margotsvylia and @Candicemarie. Keep on like this and we won't be able to see you at Christmas. Talking of Christmas our local pub has a sign outside for Christmas bookings. Can you believe it?!! It's still July!! Crazy
oops… post deleted.
I see someone else has already tagged Moogie to try to solve JayeGirl's problem...
Wow, well done @CandiceMarie and @Margotsylvia!
I seem to have gone from weighing myself on Fridays to Wednesdays - not sure how this happened :confused:
Anyway, because it's the last of the month I weighed myself today as well - 69 kilos ... :bugeyes: can't quite believe it ... I was 70 kgs on Wednesday... ok, it is after a fast day + migraine, so probably not quite real... Anyway, I'm happy as I thought I was stuck on 70.4 ... but it seems to be that nothing happens for a while and then a big chunk just disappears...
Keep going everybody - we can do it :clover:
Re: Your super summer challenge
31 Jul 2015, 08:41
Target weight 120 lbs, start weight 120 lbs
05/06/2015. Week 1. 120 lbs
12/06/2015. Week 2. 120 lbs
19/06/2015. Week 3. 121 lbs :frown:
26/06/2015. Week 4. 121 lbs :frown:
03/07/2015. Week 5. 122 lbs :frown: :frown:
10/07/2015. Week 6. 121 lbs :frown:
17/07/2015. Week 7. 123 lbs :frown: :frown: :frown:
24/07/2015. Week 8. 120 lbs :cool:
31/07/2015. Week 9. 121 lbs :frown:

I only signed up till the end of July, so technically failed the challenge, but as maintaining it is good enough. I shall now slink off into the shadows.

So long, losers! :clover: :clover: :clover:
Barbarita, please do not slink off. What is a pound! Think how much you'd weigh if you had done nothing like this.
Reporting my Friday weight on a Friday :smile:
52.5 kg Could not quite believe it myself. These bodily fluctuations. No I will not disappear before Christmas!!! I am extremely good at putting on weight . why else would I be here!!! After August is past I am not going to do any fasting, except maintenance Thursday fasting, for a long time. Do not worry.
You can guess, that I am feeling positive, despite this fasting being tough. Really one more hour before our walk time (mushroom hunting!) and then snack time.
And, once again, I am glad this challenge is extended to the end of August, because I am still above my goal for this challenge. Please. all of you guys, be patient with the slow weight loss. It pays off in the end. :grin:
Only lost half a pound this week (but then that's because its my TOTM...I hope!) Anyway, I have now officially lost half a very pleased with that!!
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