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Re: Your super summer challenge
16 Jul 2015, 10:13
Thanks Liz@lizbean x no i havent had the tape out but can get into two previously unwearable prs troosers so the inches are getting whittled away!
Good luck for tomorrow! :like:
Re: Your super summer challenge
17 Jul 2015, 11:28
I'm happy, a good week for me, arriving well within my maintenance range at 125.2.
Re: Your super summer challenge
17 Jul 2015, 11:40
Start:- 76.0kgs
Today: 74.5kgs
Not great but will try not to sabotage it this weekend, nano weyhey only :0)
Is there two weeks left on this challenge?
Re: Your super summer challenge
17 Jul 2015, 12:42
AB@azureblue yeh 2 weeks or thereabouts but a few of us have asked that,seeing as its a summer challenge,can we go on til the end of August x
Re: Your super summer challenge
17 Jul 2015, 13:05
Ok, I know it's a little late to join in, but I'm *finally* ready to get back into regular life.

Today I was 226.2, which is a total loss of 45.6 (and still up 1.8 pounds from July 2 when I left on my trip). That's not great considering last November I was at a 53 pound loss :-(

I'm actually not famished today, which is a very good sign. I've been having to take thyroid meds when I wake up, which have been making me super hungry. For today, I seem to be ok. So I'll see how it goes :-)

Off to walk the dog and feed the fitbit.
Sorry I haven't been around these parts recently, but yes, let's extend the challenge!
I have had a visitor, then unfortunately broke my finger, necessitating two visits to our local MIU, then a visit today to the Fracture clinic for bone reset.
So, shall we extend to end of August? That will take us neatly into a pre Christmas challenge!
Sorry to hear about your finger @pennyforthem ouch,that must hurt :confused:
Thanks for extending the challenge x x
@tracieknits welcome to the SSC ! never too late to begin x
I'm weighing in today even though I'm fasting tomorrow. Had to switch my fast around as I'm out tonight instead of my usual Saturday.

I'm doing 3 fasts now, Mondays fast seems to correct my Saturday nights out, Wednesday and Friday I tend to loose a lb for each.

I'm presently 214lbs which is my lowest to date. I really wanted to be at 212lbs making it a 4 stone loss, however I am still going down. I'd love to be in the 14 stone + rather than 15+ for my brothers wedding, 2 weeks tomorrow. Dress may be too big though! :bugeyes:

Love the idea of the Summer challenge ending and sliding right into a Christmas Challenge!

Good luck all. X
Re: Your super summer challenge
17 Jul 2015, 16:23
Target weight 120 lbs, start weight 120 lbs
05/06/2015. Week 1. 120 lbs
12/06/2015. Week 2. 120 lbs
19/06/2015. Week 3. 121 lbs :frown:
26/06/2015. Week 4. 121 lbs :frown:
03/07/2015. Week 5. 122 lbs :frown: :frown:
10/07/2015. Week 6. 121 lbs :frown:
17/07/2015. Week 7. 123 lbs :frown: :frown: :frown:
Congratulations And commiserations all round folks x
With the extension,we'll all be Skinny Minnies by the end of August! :victory:
We'll be able to see thru keyholes with both eyes at the same time! :lol: xx
See through keyholes with both eyes Candy?! What a funny thought :-)
Well I've put on a pound this week. I'm pretty pleased with that, though because I've had a wonderful final week with my sister and the boys. Yes I had glasses of wine, yes I had the odd naughty thing but I didn't go too mad. Next week I'm sure it'll be gone. I sure am glad this challenge has bean extended ;)
I'm now 12.05 ...will I EVER get rid of that number 12?!!
:-) xx
Yes you WILL Beano! X just give it time...x
Extended Challenge - that is so great. The motivation is so needed here. And even despite my 'minibreak' last week (5-days holiday-style eating without the actual holiday) there's an outside chance I might see 10-stone something by the end of August. Which would be AMAZING!!
I like the idea of going until August. :-)
Moi aussi @tracieknits x
And it was all @margotsylvias good idea!
It will be getting frighteningly close to crimbo when this ends..
Where has this year gone! X
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