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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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If you can take your BP at home, that should tell you whether you have 'White coat syndrome'. I do have it and the next doctor nurse that tells me its gone up recently, and 'have you thought about exercising? I will punch.

I'm happy to here you are finally being 'sorted'. As others have said with your attitude and better fitness you will bounce back in no time. But do expect at LEAST 6 weeks off. My sister was only 26 when she needed her hysterectomy, a police woman and very fit, but it knocked her for six for 8 weeks.
Wishing you all the best while it is keyhole it's still up there so take it easy and follow the instructions. Great you are fitter and toned it will stand you in good stead. Good idea about checking your BP at home as I whitecoat too, you get a better picture of what it is.

Good luck :clover: :clover: :clover: and speedy recovery
@Carrie, I missed the start of this thread but I will try and keep up from now on. Hugs for Monday :heart:
All the best for Monday.
I reckon that BP measurement was pretty good under the circumstances! I too have white coat syndrome and can send the machine much higher than that. As it happens I had a hysterectomy at about the same age as you. When I was in hospital and nil by mouth and thus no BP medication my BP was fine and the doctor thought I ought not to be on the medication. I think I just gave myself over to the process and my BP dropped to normal. Some years later I did the 24 hr monitoring and have been off medication for ages.
I do agree that the op will knock you about. The pain goes and you get some stiffness for a while but it is the fatigue that gets you. All worth it though. It's so liberating! Good luck with it. Let us know how you get om.
Thanks to each and everyone of you for your lovely, kind honest comments. I'm just hoping that I don't get any infections pre op now.. Told my hubs that I'm wearring a mask like we encountered in Hong long 2 yrs ago... Like I said next update on Monday,
Best wishes for your operation and recovery!
Hmmm! I didn't think about pre-op infections. Thanks for the heads up. Mine will hopefully be soon too and that is something I really hadn't thought about as being a bar to an actual op. But rightly it is.
Oooh I bet you can't wait to be mended, how exciting :) :)

Take care :heart:
I love your attitude about all this. You're obviously a fighter!

I'll chime in on the BP bit as well: that's nothing compared to what mine hits when stressed at the doctor's. After my cancer diagnosis the stress made my weight drop and BP rise to the unlikely extent that my BP actually exceeded my weight one visit. It hit something like 165! o.O And they didn't seem to think there was anything concerning about it! So yours sounds quite reasonable under the circumstances.

Speedy recovery!!
All the best for you op on Monday Caroline. Julieathome is right, I had to have three month's off work after my hysterectomy. We'll all be thinking of you and hoping you have a speedy recovery. :heart:
Very best wishes for all this honey, and do listen when they instruct no lifting, no vacuuming, no stretching initially, all that stuff inside has to resettle and it takes a while! Positive thoughts for you on Monday x
Will be thinking of you next week and wishing you a speedy recovery. Make sure as everyone says to take things easy and enjoy a bit of mollycoddling! :rose: :rose: x
Wishing you a successful op & a speedy recovery Caroline & do take it easy afterwards because you could feel tired just with the anaesthetic. It's a good excuse to be mollycoddled & waited on! I found that having plenty of soups around either tinned or fresh then frozen made easily digested lunches & light meals. Thinking of you on Monday & having some lavender oil on a tissue to breathe in before going to theatre is relaxing & calming & doesn't conflict with anything else plus it smells lovely. :clover: :clover:
Hello - I only just read this. Sending you all the best for Monday, and also for your op. I'm sure everything will go swimmingly, and you can sit back and let everyone else sort out Christmas for you!
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