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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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I'm nearly ready for this.....
I've finished the Xmas shopping apart from online ordering the fresh hampers for the parents and 2 siblings.
Sent presses and cards to family in N Zealand.
Got my button up nighties and big knickers from M & S.
Got my arnica tablets.
Beds changed.
Cupboards, loo roll, toiletries stocked up.
Ironing done.
Overnight bag down from loft.
Car through car wash and hoovered............I know but I a bit funny about my car being clean and shiny.
Out to see show with my mate tomoz, two very hectic days at work sorting all day practical exams for. GCSE' s then........ Were off.
I hope it goes well and have a speedy recovery, Caroline. You're certainly prepared!
Good luck with your op; I have been reading what is going to happen, not nice, but a huge relief when it is done I bet. Fingers crossed for you!
Very best wishes for your surgery and a quick recovery :) As mentioned by others, you sound very well prepared. (I can understand about wanting to have the car clean! :) ).

I am sure you will have lots of people to support and pamper you in person during your recovery, and I hope you feel well enough to enjoy the Christmas festivities :)

All the best xxx
Sounds as though you've got it all sorted. You'll soon be back home and on the mend, I bet you're looking forward to that :) :)
Ooh I would want you on my team. Was just about to PM you to wish you all the best but will do it here. Take good care of you, sound like you have planned well. So hope all goes well with positive results, rest and excellent recuperation
Sending hugs and good wishes for your op, keep in touch and let us know how you are doing :heart:
{{{+}}} hugs and hope for a straight forward op day x
Wishing you a straightforward procedure and a rapid recovery. May you spend lots of time of this forum to cheer you up whilst in recovery. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Caroline I'm looking forward to hearing all went well & you are in recovery. :clover: :like:
:clover: :clover: Good Luck Caroline :clover: :clover:
Hope all goes well for you, and a speedy recovery :clover: Sue
Aaah...You sound totally organised!
Make sure you have plenty of nice things for YOU tho Carie..little treats for the hosp and when you are home again recuperating
Fingers crossed for you,soon be home again getting tons of TLC i hope
Let us know how you get on..till then,be thinking of you xx
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Sending healing thoughts your way. Phyllis
Hope all goes well Caroline and you're soon back on here.
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