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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Re: fasting and CFS
06 Nov 2013, 15:05
I thought I would post a little update as its been a long time since I wrote anything.....Im afraid to say I just couldn't cope with the 5:2 method as well as having CFS and having to work! I was just getting too severe energy crashes to be able to continue. So I gave up and have put on weight over the summer as haven't been careful with my diet...oops!
But with a new flush of enthusiasm.... I have found recentley that the 8:16 method on alternate days works well for me. I am also combining this with a low GL diet. So I am feeling the benefits of the appetite regulation and don't seem to be getting any severe energy crashes/craving as am still eating a good balanced healthy diet with plenty of carbs but just low gl ones.
I know this is a 5:2 forum but just wanted to say there are other ways to reap the benefits of fasting...just in case there are others out there like me who didn't get on very well with it.

Good luck all.
Re: fasting and CFS
06 Nov 2013, 15:13
Well done on finding a fasting method that works for you. Ballerina has a very long thread topic5557.html about 16:8 and many of us do 16:8 alone or alternate it with 5:2. Keep on posting your progress. :)
Re: fasting and CFS
06 Nov 2013, 15:16
Thanks I will have a look at Ballerinas posts! I would like to lose 1.5 stone in all, obviously not all before Christmas!!
Re: fasting and CFS
06 Nov 2013, 15:23
:heart: Hi crackers and Welcome back. :heart:
Does'nt matter what version of 5:2 you do you're still welcome on this Fantastic Forum :heart: :heart:
I've been doing 4:3 since my start with a few @ 16:8 added to my week and I'm doing very well on this mix however I still have a very long way to go so I'm sticking to that mix :heart: :heart: :heart:

But on a couple of weeks I've only been able to do 16:8
and i have lost weight doing that so Good Luck :clover: Sue
Re: fasting and CFS
06 Nov 2013, 15:26
Hi crackers,

Nice to see you back and I hope things work out a bit better for you this time. Betsy very kindly gave you the link but in case you missed it it is on my signature so, good luck and let us know how it goes,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: fasting and CFS
06 Nov 2013, 15:30
Many people with CFS have found that going gluten free helps tremendously with their symptoms.
Also get your thyroid checked, a full test not just the TSH, you will need T3 and T4 doing as well. Your thyroid my be producing enough Thyroxine, but your body may not be able to convert it properly into T3.
Re: fasting and CFS
06 Nov 2013, 16:29
Yes thankyou for the tips, I know I have an intolerence to Gluten and dairy as discovered with Kineisiology and sugar just does me in! Why is it so hard to stop these subatances even when you know how badly they affect you?! Anyway I have stopped them and am feeling very motivated at the moment, the low GL way of eating really helps with any cravings etc.
Re: fasting and CFS
06 Nov 2013, 17:08
Hi Crackers. I wasn't around on this forum when you first posted your message. I'm sorry to hear you couldn't cope with doing 5:2 with your CFS. I also have this wretched illness and have managed to lose my house, my job and any sort of life. I've had CFS/ME for about 18months now and as a result of becoming so sedentary but with no lack of appetite I managed to put on at least two stone. Anyway, here I am...I found this diet and haven't looked back (although this is only my fourth week doing it :-) ). I must say I'm starting to feel much more human than I did last year.

Hope you stay in touch on this forum and your new method works for you. I must admit I'm not fully up on all the different types of fasting so I'll just stick with 5:2 until I hit a plateau and then might try the 4:3..I'll see how it goes!

May I ask how long you've had CFS? How do you cope with working? (Questions, questions!!)

Just wanted to say hi really :bugeyes:
Re: fasting and CFS
07 Nov 2013, 20:58
Hi Nursebean,I am so sorry to hear how tough its been for you, Cfs can affect so many areas of your life! Ive had it since 2007 but not to the point of being bedridden or anything like that. Work has been really tricky and Ive had to take months at a time off here and there which is tough financially. Luckily I have some very understanding bosses who allow me to pace myself at work.
Something that helped quite a lot was Cranial sacral therapy and I see a nutritionist who uses Kineisiology to prescribe supplements etc. A lot of my problem was due to Adrenal fatigue, liver problems and food intolerences. Definately work on eating a clean diet, avoid too much sugar and gluten, easier said than done , I know only too well! I also find yoga and meditation a huge help especially if you are prone to depression. Hope this is some use to you.
Warm wishes to you!
Re: fasting and CFS
07 Nov 2013, 22:00
Thanks for that Crackers. I must say I've found yoga helpful, like you. I try and do 20 mins a day if I can. I guess pacing is the main thing to help. I also think this WOE has helped me over the past few weeks. I feel lighter which is wonderful.

You're very lucky to have such good bosses. I suppose my bosses were pretty good because they kept me on for almost a year...but then had to let me go. One of the worse things about that was that I never heard from anyone from work once they got rid of me...not even my nursing colleagues. I found that extremely hurtful.

Am wondering what work to do once I'm better. I doubt I'll be able to nurse again but I just don't know what to do. D'you mind me asking what you do? How do you manage?
Re: fasting and CFS
08 Nov 2013, 07:35
Thats great Nursebean that you find yoga a help. Yes pacing is definately very helpful of course and getting to know what can trigger a relapse. There is a lot of help out there but all at a cost!(not on the NHS) I think taking the right supplements have helped me tremendously,alongside a good diet.
As far as work goes I work self employed for a few different people, so my hours are quite flexible, mainly in Agriculture and Horticulture doing anything from working in a farm shop, rearing calves on a dairy farm, driving tractors and gardening.I also have some other part time odd jobs. So all fairly physically demanding work, its been a challenge to keep it up and it can be a bit of a hand to mouth existence at times thats for sure. I do think a more sedentry job would be nice but like you I really dont know what to do!
Re: fasting and CFS
08 Nov 2013, 08:44
I also have ME/CFS and although I am doing really well on this diet I am giving the fasting a miss at the moment as my symptoms, particularly muscle aches and weakness have got worse. Don`t think this is down to the diet, rather a manic bout of hoovering my son`s house before an inspection by his estate agent. Will just have to pce myself better. If you look at my progress tracker it is definatly working, and I`m sure that not having to carry round all those kilos must help eventually!
Re: fasting and CFS
08 Nov 2013, 16:53
Oh yes Chingola, you really have to be careful with what you do each day don't you. Pacing is so very hard to do. So far I think this diet has helped me, though. I certainly didn't want to stay over 13 stone. I'm sure life must get easier with less to carry...won't it?
Re: fasting and CFS
12 Nov 2013, 14:06
Hi Crackers, so glad you have found a way to fast that works for you! looking forward to hearing how you progress. also glad you have a job that lets you still work, that is so often not the case. I appreciate the suggestions on yoga, and diet.

Hi nursebean, I'm so sorry that you lost so much as the result of your illness. we,too, lost most everything when I got sick. we lived in our caravan for about 3 yrs while struggling to get approved for disability payments. Like you, I was a nurse, and generally nurses aren't allowed to get sick. it's almost like, something must be wrong with you if you aren't healthy, especially if you get sick with something that isn't widely acknowledged.

the good news for you is that you have "only" been ill for 18 months, if I remember correctly. generally it has been thought that the best chance of getting back to more normal health is during the first 2 yrs. I'm not sure that complete recovery is possible, but much better is. I think that this way of eating is our best chance of improvement. I haven't had a great increase of energy so far, but I figure it will take time. I have been sick for about 20 yrs, and my daughter got sick at the same time( she was 16) my husband developed symptoms about 5 yrs ago. we joke that between us we make up almost one semi-healthy person. :) please continue to share with us how you are doing. sorry for the LONG reply.

Oh, chingola, you have to watch that hovering, it will get you every time. LOL. I'm glad you have learned to take care of yourself after an attempt at normal. LOL. hope you are recovered soon and able to get back to fasting, as I really think it might be our best chance.

take care everyone. I'm really looking forward to seeing how everyone gets on.
Re: fasting and CFS
12 Nov 2013, 18:18
Thanks for your reply @mountainmyst. I'm so sorry to hear that you, your husband and daughter have suffered with poor health. Have you had ME/CFS for 20 years then? Presumably you had to give up nursing. That's sort of the position I'm in. Sometimes I have good days and think about looking for work then other days I'm bad again and wonder if I'll ever work again. I certainly couldn't do full time work (I used to work such long hours) and nursing can be so stressful. It's all so difficult.

So do you really think this fasting diet helps you? How long have you been doing it now? It's so good to hear from a fellow nurse. When I was finally sacked from my practice I never heard from anyone again. It's so hurtful and made me feel as though I was sacked for misconduct or something. Nobody understands his illness and I think that's one of the worst things about it...don't you? reply is even longer!! :bugeyes:
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