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Monthly Weigh-Ins

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After a month of this I've gained 2 unwanted pounds and been so cranky that I can't stand myself, can't concentrate on anything, can't work, can't sleep through the night on fast days, and look forward to fast days with dread and loathing . Why am I even doing this?
Rubylyth, have you checked your base metabolic level TDEE) to make sure you aren't overeating on your feast days? Are you eating enough on your feast days? Are you weighing yourself 'at the time of the month' when you put on pounds and pounds of water weight? Did you weigh yourself before you started or did you guess your weight?
Thanks Caroline for this information. I have been contemplating doing 4:3 but due to these stats I've decided to stay on 5:2, for a while at least. I don't feel like I'm on a diet at all or that I'm losing out by eating this way. I know I'm relatively still a 'newbie' but feel the information you have given and reading posts from fellow forum followers I can make and be happy with this decision. Thank you SO much.
Been following forum, but just decided to post. I have worked 14-20 mile a week running into 5/2 and have lost about 50 lbs. Started at 320 down to 269. My waist went from a 45 to a 40. I'm sure the running in combination with the fast is what is doing the trick. Have about 25 lbs to go..... Hoping I stay on course. My wife went on the diet with me and has lst 20 lbs going from 158 to 138. Size 10 to a 6.

Best decision we ever made.
I love it when your stats are published as it confirms everything I believe in on this site. I was a slow loser and as a result I always try to encourage others to stick with it and this vindicates it all, well done and thanks to the whole 5:2 team,

Ballerina x :heart:
My weight loss is so erratic now!! I've been doing this since February and over the last 6 weeks I have gone (-800gms); +300 gms; (-100gms); (-100gms); (-1.800kg): +2.2kg !! No pattern and no real changes apart from small things so not sure what is going on as I am back to where I was 7 weeks ago!
janet19490 wrote: My weight loss is so erratic now!! I've been doing this since February and over the last 6 weeks I have gone (-800gms); +300 gms; (-100gms); (-100gms); (-1.800kg): +2.2kg !! No pattern and no real changes apart from small things so not sure what is going on as I am back to where I was 7 weeks ago!

I can't tell from your stats, but you have been doing 5:2 for awhile and may have lost enough weight to change your TDEE. This might help: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6600.html
Thanks for that!! I do eat more than my TDEE but see 5:2 as a way of life not a diet so will stick with it and try and cut out the red wine on my feast days perhaps or perhaps not!!!
I guess I am in the stat range. I started off losing the 4 lbs quick but it has averaged .75 lbs per week for me.
I wish it were quicker than that but I guess clothes fitting better is the bonus. I look forward to my next blood test too.
Thanks for the stat report
These resultant and your analysis of them are very helpful. It's important that those of us new to this way of eating have realistic expectations as its easy to get a bit fed up if you're in a hurry to lose weight. It reinforces the notion that 5:2 or IF is a way of life rather tan a weight loss programme.
Trust the math . . .

Due to not wanting to only lose 1 lb a week (I need to stay motivated)After starting 5:2, I switched to 4:3 quite few weeks ago, along with making sure I eat healthy and stay under TDEE on the other days and a am losing 1.5 to 1.8 lbs per week.

When I calculate out all the math with saved calories on fast and, it all works as expected.
My partner and I started 5:2 ing for the health benefits, (anti ageing, body and mind, how vain, ha). Neither of us expected to loose weight but we both lost a noticable amount. I'm a bit bummed out that I didn't weigh myself at the beginning, because now I'm not sure how much I've lost. It would just be interesting to know. I know the weight had been creeping on slowly, but I hate scales so have avoided them in the last decade, I can estimate though I suppose.
Thanks for the data and graph. :)
The one lb a week loss does not surprise me. In fact I calculated it. It takes 3000 calories to gain a lb. 5/2 has you cut back 3000 calories a week, depending on how much you eat the other days.

I warn people to not "eat all you want" because it actually doesn't take much to counteract that 3000 calorie loss.
I believe 3500 calories results in a 1 lb. weight gain, doesn't it?
Or better, minus 3500 cal. is a 1 lb. weight loss! :cool:
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