The FastDay Forum

Not losing weight?

Help us to help you! Please give us as much information as you can about your situation in order for us to be able to help you as best we can. For example, it's helpful to know your BMI/weight, how much you want to lose, any medical conditions which might affect your weight and (if you've started fasting already) how you do your fasts in terms of splitting up your calories, what you eat etc. Thanks!
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74 posts Page 5 of 5

I wrote that back in January before I was enlightened by PhilT![/quote]

Thank goodness for that!

Silly me - I didn't check the date on your post I just assumed it was current as it was in active posts :confused:

Thanks for replying with added information. Cheers :like:
Ok,maybe I am not eating enough
I am hungry ,irritable and tired.i have been doing 4.3 plus 16-8
Have lost just over two kilos in 10 weeks but this week put on almost a,reason
I am middle aged,short and have only a few kilos to lose
My bmi is 20.4 ,started at 21.6 and would like to be under 20
Just can't seem to do it
I worked out my TDEE to be around 1300
I don't actually count calories but have cut carbs and fats and sugars so eat very little, mostly veg and good protein
Feeling like giving up
It's probably slower for you Sarah as you are close to "goal" or in the "normal" BMI range
Your TDEE sounds quite low. Try checking on another calculator as the all vary. Caroline has posted one here somewhere - do a search for it. Good luck
Sarahg wrote: Ok,maybe I am not eating enough
I am hungry ,irritable and tired.i have been doing 4.3 plus 16-8
Have lost just over two kilos in 10 weeks but this week put on almost a,reason
I am middle aged,short and have only a few kilos to lose
My bmi is 20.4 ,started at 21.6 and would like to be under 20
Just can't seem to do it
I worked out my TDEE to be around 1300
I don't actually count calories but have cut carbs and fats and sugars so eat very little, mostly veg and good protein
Feeling like giving up


There are many posts on this site that reflect plateaus and slow weight loss by short women that have very little to lose. TDEE and water retention explain it.

5:2 is a way of eating, not a weight loss diet. If you have a weight loss diet in mind that can get you to your goal quicker, I suggest you follow it until you reach your weight loss goal and then come back to the 5:2 way of eating to maintain your weight loss.

The truth is I don't have weight loss plan in mind
I have tried everything including WW and lost nothing
This is the first time I have managed to lose a few kilos , problem is now i want to lose a bit more
So , any suggestions?
Sarahg wrote:

The truth is I don't have weight loss plan in mind
I have tried everything including WW and lost nothing
This is the first time I have managed to lose a few kilos , problem is now i want to lose a bit more
So , any suggestions?

Yes, but you seem to have already rejected it.

My suggestion is just keep on going as you have been.

TDEE explains pretty much everything about your slow weight loss. There is really little you can do to speed it up unless you starve yourself, and I can think of no reason you would want to starve yourself just to lose weight a little faster. This post explains TDEE and shows you a way to estimate how much you can reasonably expect to lose given your statistics. I would guess your estimated weekly average loss is quite small.


Your weight gains are probably caused by water retention. If you weigh daily, as many do, you will see daily swings of up to 3 and 4 pounds. If you don't weigh daily, it might happen that when you do step on the scale, you are up 4 that day and your small weight loss for the week or whatever is masked by the water retention. But water weight doesn't really count, fat weight loss does.

As I mentioned, 5:2 is a way of eating. You can eat the 5:2 way forever. It is not diet you start and stop. As you probably know, pretty much any weight loss diet works to cause weigh loss, it is the keeping it off where almost every 'diet' fails. But that is where 5:2 shines.

So in a word my suggestion is PATIENCE. :clover:
Simcoeluv,my TDEE is 1500 so does that mean I eat less than that on non fast days?
And how many calories on fast days?
I am trying to be patient :)
Eat that on feed days and quarter of that on fast days. Use the tracker here as that now works it out for you.

Patience indeed!
I find I lose loads after a fast day eg going from 60.6kg to 59.4kg in one day, then bounce straight back up after a feed day. It is water I am losing, I feel I am weeing a lot on a fast day....
Sarahg wrote: Simcoeluv,my TDEE is 1500 so does that mean I eat less than that on non fast days?
And how many calories on fast days?
I am trying to be patient :)

Your TDEE is very low and explains your slow weight loss.

If you eat an average of 1500 (your TDEE) on your non fast days, and 500 on your fast days, you will be cutting out 2000 cal. per week from your diet. As a pound has around 3500 cal., that means you will be losing around one pound every two weeks. Even if you go to 25% of your TDEE for fast days (375 cal.), you only cut an additional 250 cal. out per week - that is only an additional 4 oz.

You are dealing with such small numbers that even eating nothing at all on your fast days would result in less than a 14 oz. loss for a week (3000/3500 * 16 oz. = 13.7 oz.)

Layer in water retention and you can see why you are losing so slowly, or gaining sometimes.

It works the same with any other 'diet'. My point is weight loss is never a fast process, and it is even slower when you are a small person and have little to lose.

Just eat on average your TDEE for your feast days, and 500 (or 375 if you want) for your fast days. You will lose the weight, so don't worry about that, but it will take time. Patience is the key. :clover:

(PS. The numbers also explain why you might easily regain lost weight. Just an extra hamburger a week could have you regaining a pound every 2 months. That is why 5:2 is so helpful there - you know how to cut calories out of your diet, even if you don't know where they came from in the first place.)
Thanks for that,I know you are right but its hard to accept
My husband has been telling me for years that I am small and tht is why I have to eat so much less than other people and even less if I want to lose weight
I suppose its something I have always known deep down ....just needed to hear(read) again
Feel better today and back on track
Plan to just continue with5/2 and be patient
Thanks for your patience with my complaining
It may be that you are at your ideal weight. That is what I am struggling with at the moment. I always want to loose just a bit more and then it goes on again so quickly, where as if you get to the optimum weight it is a lot easier to hold. Have an honest look in the mirror and ask yourself if more weight loss is really needed or if you just need to maintain what you have already achieved.
I used to think that but I gave found I gave a few ideal weights.and if I let myself put on a few kilos I tend to just keep going up
Basically ,for me I have to,watch myself all the time or I would get bigger and bigger
However, having said that,I am now at a weight I like and can live with so will try to maintain and not worry about loosing more....Maybe just 1/2 a kilo?
I am going on a short holiday so it will be interesting to see what happens
Doubt I will be able to fast as I am with my family and its a resort with breakfast included
Will just try eat well
cathy_rainbow wrote: I find I lose loads after a fast day eg going from 60.6kg to 59.4kg in one day, then bounce straight back up after a feed day. ...

Hi cathyrainbow,

Welcome to the group. It's normal to see a 1-2 kg weight variation each day with feed days being a bit up and fast days being a bit down. Take a look at the Progress Tracker. It has a trend line that damps weight variations so that you can easily see what is actually happening. If the line slopes down and to the right you are losing weight no matter what the scale says.
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