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Welcome to chatterbox DILBERT!
07 Oct 2014, 15:46
Yes, after many months, we've given birth to a new chatterbox. I've named this bouncing bundle Dilbert, as I think it's an unusual name!

May we all enjoy chatting here!
After the comic strip @pennyforthem?

GREAT NAME PFT @Pennyforthem
A new baby on the forums..yay! Welcome to the world Baby Dilbert! X
That was a long labour but welcome to the new born Dilbert! (is that a Welsh name by any chance @Pennyforthem?
Hello babu!!!
My thoughts went to the same place as @carorees. Dilbert is a very famous cartoon strip by Scott Adams about office life. It has been going for 20 years and has kept us office types in stitches over the years because it is a little too close to the truth. Dogbert is the CEO, Catbert is the Evil HR Director, Ratbert is the Sales leader and Dilbert the hapless but wise employee..
I'm struggling to clip one of the strips in so here is the website. The leadership ones are the best.
Morning all (and Dilbert)
I'm asking this here as I can't think where else to post it.
A lot has changed on the format of the Forum since I last used it regularly,( or fasted regularly more to the point), has the Home button gone? and has the current weight/weight lost thing gone? Or have I clicked something by mistake that has made them vanish?
Under your picture, left of your name is a cog. Give it a press :0)
Ahhhhh thank you!
I think we should have a daily Dilbert cartoon in honour of this chatterbox. Here's my choice for appealed to my nature as you can imagine!

I am so glad I chose Dilbert! There's just something about a Dilbert!
:like: great choice Pens for our new baby.. @PennyForthem but i wdnt like you to choose a name for me if i had a real new baby!
Might end up with Cuthbert or Egbert! :lol: xxxx
A friend of mine had cats called Cadfael and Cuthbert (named by her literary mother)

Her sister's boys had strange names too but can't remember what they are .........will find out!
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