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Hey all .. im all up to date with the progress updates on Post 1. if ive missed anyone please let me know. Congrats to all those seeing rewards on the scale readings and an encouraging push to all those struggling and seeing no weight loss or even a gain.
As mentioned in post 1, if its the same results as say August/September if you were in any weight loss journey. you have to change something, anything.. firstly in what you are eating.. how much and when .. and secondly in activity (if only to feel more fit and focussed)

with the "when" check out my new plan thread... its a personal thing but some people might want to give it a go even if only for the next 10 weeks.. 5-2-diet-chat-f6/my-5-2-or-4-3-21-power-fast-diet-t13272.html
Not many can fast for 21 hours straight but try for say 18 hours or even just 16 hours. Only if you can. i know my sis refuses to contemplate my "madness" as she calls it though i have her skipping a big breakfast now. ahh my power of persuasion can work..
Hi, number 46 checking in, I weigh 177lbs this week which is 1.6lbs down on last week, I hope this continues :grin:
Hi everybody
No. 41 reporting in this week. Now at 96kg.
Hooray for the nice scales :grin: - 1kg gone since starting back on 5:2 three weeks ago, I am totally committed to this WOE. :like:
Apart from two fast days, I am doing 16/8 most other days, keeping the carbs down very low by not having most wheat products and sugar, just some allowed fruit. (I am doing FODMAP as well for the IBS)

Maggie. :smile: :smile:
Member 107
Hi. I have been asked to do a bit of an introduction as I am a total newbie to both this site and this eating plan. I literally heard of the 5:2 plan one week ago and spent a weekend reading about it before jumping in feet first. I knew that I needed to do something and a friend's early success was motivating. I have tried plenty of diets to varying success. The idea that I can still have some of those foods I enjoy while hopefully gaining some control of my overall eating pattern sounds amazing. I do know that sugar is a trigger for me and I need to reduce/eliminate it as much as I can. This is something I will be working on. I have already fasted 2 days since starting and I did need to eat 3 small meals on the first day but managed to do 2 on my second. It was not as hard as I thought. I definitely felt hungry a few times but just told myself that being hungry is OK. I stumbled across this site and have enjoyed learning tips from others. It would be nice to have a support system and a bit of accountability - so I asked to join the Christmas challenge. I am going to play around with the different options to see what works best for me. I do have A LOT of weight to lose. I am hoping some of the initial weight comes off quickly but know well enough that it will slow down. I have recently started swimming - my aim is for 3 sessions per week and to add more walking into my daily routine. I plan to add some regular gym time in the next few weeks as well. I do have a question - as I am feeling that early motivation should I try for a 4:3 plan or is it better to save that for a plateau period? Thanks for any help or advice. Happymama/ member 107
Number 80 checking in for the first time...mainly because I've been ashamed to post anything - since Oct 1st (11.4) I went back up to 11.7 then 11.5.6 then on Monday I was 11.5.2 and today FINALLY I can report a net loss of 1lb, weighing in at 11.3.2 (157lbs). :smile:

Slow progress but in the right direction. I've been pretty strict on fast days, so all I can assume is I've overdone it a bit on feast days. Fingers crossed it doesn't go up again after the weekend. It's not that I go mad at the weekend but I don't deny myself anything. During the week, however, I try to go easy on Wednesday and treat it like a fast day until the evening, when I allow myself a proper meal and a drink. So I suppose I'm doing 4and a half: 2anda half, if that makes any sense! :bugeyes:
@happymama - thanks for the intro, well done for starting this and welcome! :heart:
Your post (and replies) might get moved to another Topic by the way, as this is really for Xmas Challenge Weigh-ins...
There are many folks on here who will give you great advice, support & encouragement along the way. For my own part, I'd suggest starting with 5:2 rather than going straight into 4: 3. See what progress you make. If you have a lot to lose, you'll probably find 5:2 is sufficient - the aim being to lose steadily but for the whole regimen/lifestyle to be sustainable. If you are too ambitious to begin with you might find it tougher to stick with. Just my 2p-worth!
And do fill in your Tracker and measure everything - not just waist and hips but arms, thighs, bust etc - it's great to keep track of results as you go along, however small.
GOOD LUCK and I'm sure you'll have every success! :victory: :clover: :victory: :clover:
No 5 checking in with a 0.75lb loss. Quite pleased with that this week.
Hello everyone
Member No 69 reporting in for week 2 ... I am minus 0.4kg.
Now weighing 70.3 kg - edging closer to that Christmas goal :)
Juliana.Rivers wrote: Hello @Matillianwelcome aboard. Not too late. I have made you member number 108. wow.. i wish i had time to do dance classes and salsa dancing sounds like so much fun. Do you ever get to dress up in those fancy dresses in a performance?

Thank you!
Yes, the school has this event to celebrate the anniversary and each group presents a coreography, there's different pretty dresses for each group, I'm in the beginners group, just started going in July but I didn't sign up for the coreography because they will rehearse every Sunday for 4 hours until february and it's too much for me, maybe next year, but the classes are a lot of fun, I love it.
#52 Weight: 62.4kg (1.2kg total loss this challenge) Slow and steady - feeling good and motivated to make my goal. All the best to everyone.
# 12 checking in.

Last weigh in: 80.4
This week: 80.2
200 gm/7.0548oz loss

At last I have some downward movement happening. I have been on a plateau for some weeks, hopefully it's time for a decent weight loss. Thanks @Juliana.Rivers, for organising this challenge,what an enormous amount of work to keep us all up to date. Much appreciated!
#96 reporting in with week three results:
2kg lost - which is 200g better than last week
Wow such great results being reported all round.. keep it coming. the weight loss is catchy !

@happymama I agree that you should just stick to 5: 2 for at least 3 or 4 weeks, thus easing you into 4:3 should you feel you need to. From memory i didnt start the extra day for a few months after starting.. Havent looked back and still 4:3ing and will never do 5:2 even on maintenance I dont think .
mas54321 wrote: #96 reporting in with week three results:
2kg lost - which is 200g better than last week

wow @mas54321 you must be so proud of the results! you might be first to get to your goal.. (Not that its a race) but i do remember last year the first one that got to their goal was very exciting indeed.
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