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Weight Maintenance

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Maintaining: February 2015
01 Feb 2015, 10:35
Decided to beat@Lizbean to it this month!
Still within range-just :victory: hopefully I will be able to say the same on 28th.
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
03 Feb 2015, 01:02
Within my weight range, despite only one fast last week. :smile: I now have to negotiate five days of antibiotics, requiring food three times a day for five days, so no fasts until after that! I wonder what I will weigh by Saturday? :shock:
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
03 Feb 2015, 01:18
Hi @Merlin - we need another non lunch fast meet up as - Tiddley Pum, Pooh! this last week I was creeping up to my upper limit. I need to take control of my busy life which is encroaching my good space.
I'll sit down tomorrow and work out my plan for the next month and rein it all in ......
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
03 Feb 2015, 01:46
I guess since I'm officially calling 63-65kg my range, I am finally successfully maintaining too, at 64.2kg on most of my weigh-ins lately. I am still trying to lose a bit, but I'm trying to be very relaxed about it… (still doing 4:3/ADF, though often on slightly more than 500cals a day)
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
03 Feb 2015, 14:23
Somewhat overate at the weekend and also over-exercised so am holding on to a lot of water right now. This week's numbers therefore are rather dramatic: Lowest weight 62.6kg, highest weight 64.7kg (that's a 2.1kg range!!), trend 63.9. Maintenance range is 63 to 65 so I have been both too low and almost too high this week! Just goes to show how much our weight can vary!
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
03 Feb 2015, 15:02
@carorees, You and I now are at the exact same weight, 140.6 lbs for me this morning after my fast, but you are probably taller than I am and hence more svelt. Most people are.

I had an easy fast yesterday, at last, after taking a week off from both fasting and obsessing about food. Cold probably isn't the answer to the diet fatigue I was experiencing, as it got down to -10 degrees F last night and we have been stuck in the house for days thanks to the unending snow. We didn't get the big blizzard they hyped as the "storm of the century", just the next one that followed a few days later that didn't hit the news because it didn't threaten New York City but dropped two feet on us. So now we have some 2.8 feet of snow on the ground and more snow in the forecast for 3 of the next 4 days. It's so cold we can't get the ice off our steep driveway and the plowed roads are white. So there is no way I can get out to Dunkin Donuts for the donut I'd promised myself if I didn't bake anything.
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
06 Feb 2015, 14:39
This WOE is really magic for me :smile: I got up to two pounds over my goal of 135 this week; but fasting yesterday brought me right back down to goal--and it was the first time I fasted in more than a month! I know it's harder for so many others and wish I could transfer a copy of my good luck to them.

I keep forgetting to measure my waist first thing in the am, but my clothes feel the same, so I guess it's all good.

We had another below zero F night last night, too, @peebles; I'm pretty tired of it and the wind chills, too; but at least we can get out--the city keeps walks and streets well-cleared. Hope you get an early Spring there in Massachusetts.

Good luck to all maintainers! :clover: :clover:
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
07 Feb 2015, 05:45

You do seem to have found a wonderful place to live! I finally got out of the house today and went into town to shop and get my car inspected before it starts snowing again. The sidewalks were cleared, but there were still patches of ice, so I only walked a few blocks and then called it a day.

I did pick up some really nice Grade B maple syrup with which to sweeten my yogurt, so that cheered me up. But the snow is really deep here now. Our steep driveway is down to one narrow lane and we have another 6 to 10" coming over the next few days too. It amazes me to think of how many of these winters I've been through and how totally I manage to block out the memories once they are done! Usually, though, I have an engrossing large project. This year I didn't come up with one, so though I'm doing little projects I'm not able to get completely buried in something that keeps me from noticing what is going on around me.

I'll be glad when spring comes, though, that's the truth!
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
07 Feb 2015, 08:47
Marybeth wrote: I know it's harder for so many others and wish I could transfer a copy of my good luck to them.

What a lovely thought, @Marybeth - and congratulations on the flexibility that you have with maintenance.

I'm 105.8lbs today which is comfortably within my maintenance range, so :cool:.

tbh, I didn't think I'd have a 105.x lbs weigh-in today. I'm having a fair amount of trouble with my joints and back so at the beginning of the week I'd gone into the high 107.xlbs and remained there until Thursday. I had a 5-6 week period in November/December when my weight was drifting up to the top of my range altho' it felt like I wasn't doing anything different. Fortunately, it then moved down again without a conscious change. But, I was wondering if the same thing was about to happen again - and it still might during February.
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
07 Feb 2015, 15:05
I do weigh everyday but I only record once a week. Happy to say this week I'm at the lower end of my maintenance range. I was mindful this last week (apart from 2 glasses of wine) as I was creeping upwards. All going well so far. :lol:
Pleased to hear you had a good fast @peebles :like: and I hope the snow gives up soon.
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
08 Feb 2015, 12:01
My weigh-in day today and I am right on my target weight of 147 pounds, despite no fasting this week, not much exercise and rather a lot of indulgences! :victory: In order to space my antibiotics at regular intervals throughout my waking day, I found myself eating extra food at 4pm and 11.30pm, only a banana or yoghurt, but I was very relieved to find that my weight hasn't been affected.
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
09 Feb 2015, 00:48
Hiya all - good to hear from you!

I thought I should check in and say - yup, I'm still actively maintaining - I weigh most mornings (after having had a few long breaks from the scales over the summer hols), and I'm happy to say that with little intervention on my part I seem to be sticking to the 70-72kg range. Still trying to keep twice-weekly fasts going (not really counting the calories for the day but with at least an 18 hour fast), and it seems to be working...even though I feel like I'm eating more on non-fast days.

I love this WOL! :smile:
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
09 Feb 2015, 10:35
I'm also staying within my range (66.5-68.5kg) without doing proper fasts. I have been feeling very bloated (GP is looking into it) so am having high fibre breakfasts and lots of water, legumes, fruit and vegetables, less eggs, during the day. The food knowledge and recipe ideas I have gained from 5:2 and this forum comes in very handy.
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
09 Feb 2015, 14:45
Hi @wmr309 Sorry to hear you're feeling bloated. Have you looked into the FODMAPS diet? It involves restricting foods that cause fermentation in the gut (and so release of gas causing bloating). Many of the things you say you are eating more of can cause bloating, such as the high fibre breakfasts, whole grains, legumes and fruits! This website gives some info on what foods to reduce: and here is a page explaining what FODMAPS are by the people who developed the diet: ... odmap-diet
Hope that helps
Re: Maintaining: February 2015
10 Feb 2015, 12:29
Hi, I am also still maintaining at the top of my range. Before Christmas I was nicely at the bottom and have not been able to get to that point any more. My fasts are more 800-1000cal fasts now but tomorrow I really want to do a proper below 350 cal (preferably 0 cal) fast. My weight does not fluctuate too much so I just want to lose a pound or two and stay there.
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