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Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

59 posts Page 2 of 4
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 11:09
I've just cleaned the oven! One way to make the morning disappear.
I've got miso soup for's not too bad.
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 11:27
3rd fast day for me and husband has decided to join me. Not sure whether I like that or not, we shall see. Just been out for a bike ride, first time I have excersised on a fast day but it was fine. Wonder if I will be hungrier the rest of the day tho. Fell off my bike on an icy patch which was a bit of a shock but seem to have got away with bumps and bruises.

Ready meal quorn lasagna for my tea tonight but will have to wait till back from kids swimming at about 7 so will be starving by then I spect.
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 11:41
3rd day of fasting here - and the first one i've done in the office. Also extra hungry after a massive session at the gym yesterday where I burnt over 900 cals. My team are all sat scoffing their lunches at their desks and it smells delicious, even if it is food from our awful canteen. Not going to give in though! I lost 5lb last week on my first week so I'm truly amazed with results so far.
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 11:48
Yeah, it seems to be down so I don't have to go back for 6 months. I won't give a reading as there was lots of difference between the ones taken but down from the all-time high of 160/103!

I've lost 2.5 kgs on their scales too from the reading back in Nov. Been doing this since the start of the year.
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 11:50
Great news BBT053! Must have been a pretty good drop if you don't have to go back for 6 months...well done. I am thinking of getting my BP taken soon as I have been getting dizzy spells after exercise so think it might be going a bit low (so hopefully I can get the medication reduced).
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 11:54
I'll take a reading here at home a bit later.

I assume the amount of medication is linked to the reading, so if yours has dropped, you might well need less or none at all. Get a monitor at home as it's better to get a series of readings than just the one and you sound like someone who likes the science!
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 11:57
Good luck allic! It gets easier. When I had a few go at 5:2 in Oct/Nov I couldn't face missing my breakfast and lunch. But now I feel much better keeping all for dinner. I am less hungry and that gives me a break from food. Monday is easier than Thursday I found coz week end are a bit too sweet ;)
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 11:59
BBT053: The trouble with the home monitors is that I really hate the automatic cuff. I have fibromyalgia so I find it REALLY painful when it inflates resulting in really high readings. The doc is really nice and uses an old fashioned hand pump to inflate the cuff which doesn't hurt so much resulting in lower readings.
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 12:08
Ah, I use the bigger cuff but when they use the small one it really hurts & that's enough so much sympathy. Trundle in then as anytime you can possibly cut medication, it's always worth it.

Anyway, 140/83 ish...
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 12:28
I'm fasting today too - I think it's our fourth week we're starting? we started on January 8th.

It's definitely gotten a lot easier. I'm only down about 3.5 lbs, but as far as diets go, this is a lot easier than most, especially if I save all of my calories for the evening. I'm making a pot of black bean soup with lots of veggies in it for dinner and we have some fresh strawberries from Florida for dessert.

Here in the US, even doctors offices use that stupid automatic cuff, btw. They say their insurance makes them use it, and almost all of the nurses complain about it. I hate them too - irrational fear that it will damage my arm or somethign! LOL
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 12:37
Have made it so far without giving in :) I had to go into town this morning to pay tax bill and kept coming across yummy smells everywhere - but I didn't give in, so feeling pleased O:-)

I'm trying to make it all the way to dinner today before having any calories... I figure I won't know if I don't try. I have 2 hours of tennis soon, which will be the first time I've exercised on a fast day. I think it will be fine. Will report back...

Good luck to all the other Monday fasters!
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 12:43
I'm fasting today also, had a banana and half a cup of juice.

Looking forwards to a cup of vending machine veg soup in about half an hour :roll:

I hate those automatic bp machines too, as soon as the noise starts I can feel myself tense up. Give me the pump and stethoscope any day.

Well done on the bp result BBT053 :)
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 12:53
Thanks! :-)

You're right about the tensing up!

My sister (OT) says they also measure higher than the manual measurement.
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 12:56
Yes, they are supposedly more accurate but not, I think, if you're gasping in pain at the time!
Re: Fasting Mon 28th
28 Jan 2013, 13:06
Hi all
This is my second fast day too! I had scrambled eggs & 1/2 tin tomatoes at about 7.45 this morning and am planning chicken with veg baked with the rest of the tomatoes for dinner tonight.
I'm at my desk so should be busy all day, lets see how it goes!
Enjoy everyone.
Well done M on your weigh in, what a fabulous loss, a great inspiration on a fast day
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