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If it's any consolation AB@azureblue you weigh a LOT less than me xx
Hugs tho coz i know its all relative and is very frustrating xx
next week will be better and less things to go wrong ( tho it usually comes in threes :confused: )...
Firebrigade has been here today - a bad fire at a doors alarm is going off now and theyre away..(new neighbours so dont have their mobile number)
No sign of break in so we're trying 101 the less urgent police number for advice..
I just hope we dont need the third emergency service before the night is thru :confused: !
Yikes! It's all going on, innit! Hope things quietened down your way @CandiceMarie and some peace resumed.
I had a mad moment whilst watching 'Young Montalbano' on TV last night and finished off a packet of GF shortbread :bugeyes: :confused:
This won't have helped :wink: (though was very tasty).
Onwards, maybe one day downwards :oops:
*WAVES" ..... wishing you a better week ahead @Azureblue
Another one and a half pound chunk off this week..19 lb down...hopefully make it to 20 or 21 lb by end of the month ( does it finish 31 aug @pennyforthem ? X
@CandiceMarie so pleased for you .. and your giddy up pony
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x :heart: :cool:
Two more pounds off. That makes a total of 11 pounds. Am hoping to reach the stone mark by the end of this challenge but that might be pushing it a bit!! :0
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Happy Day to nursebean from Graciebean, Lizbean's great neice
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Happy Day to nursebean from Graciebean, Lizbean's great neice
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One for each pound! take care :heart: :victory: :wink:
Hello everybody! And Thank you for all your encouraging notes!!! The guests left yesterday. I weighed 53.8 kg this morning. I am fasting now. I do not know whether I had done anything to this extra weight now, IF IT WERE NOT FOR THIS CHALLENGE. I have 10 days left of August to loose. This summer I have already been on the classic 5:2, and on the fast -5 eating window. This time I thought I'd try ADF (Alternate Day Fasting). I have been having very small lunches, with the guests. I embarrassed one of my husband's sisters, when I declared that 5"2 people cannot eat three meals a day. She is also 5"2 :oops: Anyway, I am already looking forward to tomorrow when I can eat more. No breakfast at tea time today! Only supper tonight. Phew. I am also waiting for the end of August!!! We had a lovely holiday with our visitors and everything worked very well. Even the cold and rainy summer turned into sunshine and cloudless blue skies. :smile:
Oooahh, 125.4 last week, 123.8 this week, my lowest weight recorded in 18 months of 52 :grin: Being good, as I'm looking forward to my treats during a week in the Dordogne in September.
@Margotsylvia well done for fasting today. :clover:
I am NOT having a good month! Blah. Today I am at 152.6 lbs. I have been so ravenous lately. I don't know what's going on with me. I am constantly snacking on something. Oh, how I miss the 148 I saw a couple of weeks ago :cry: I've decided that I am going back to fasting on Monday. It's going to be way more difficult as I'm used to eating every 3-4 hours now. What's weird is I incorporate some kind of protein into almost every meal and I'm still hungry all of the time. I have been exhausted lately and really stressed out with my living situation (My lease is up at the end of the month and I haven't found a new apartment yet). I'm guessing that's what's leading to the hunger monster and subsequent weight gain.
Lovely Pic of yr little niece @lizbean i love the name Gracie x
Well done all Challengers ..we have only a week or so to go in our big Summer Showdown,so,one big last puuuuush everyone!
@SammyIAm good luck with finding a new abode...i have experienced that incessant hunger feels different to usual hunger,it just doesnt stop,no matter what you eat
Some say its fasting fatigue and that you need to take a week off fasting. Worked for me about 18 months ago. After many weeks of diligent fasting i had that awful gnawing hunger that wdnt go away. I ate carefully for a week,no fasting,then resumed fasting as normal,feeling ok again xx
I was sure I'd get below 11.3 this summer but I seem to be stuck. Been bouncing about between 11.3.5 & 11.5 for 2 weeks. I've never done a diet day & not weighed less the next morning - till the last 2 weeks when its happened twice.

I've been doing a lot more exercise recently - mostly treadmill at the gym - I know people say muscle is heavier than flab but surely exercise can't stop you losing weight ... can it? (If so I'll lay off for the rest of the month to try to get the weight-loss moving again).
Even after many days of nail biting and then celebratory meals over the past week or so, I was at target 9 stone on Friday. A few more bread and cake treats have taken me up to 9 st 3lb in the space of 2 days. I have done 4 fasts in the last 2 weeks and found them easy. I suspect because I low carb most of the time. Just need to keep my eye on the ball now this week.

@warriorprincess, any of the runners here @carieoates and @creakypete can help you with your question. It's something to do with water being retained whilst the exercised muscles are repairing.
As Wendy says, muscle damage/inflammation retains water and thus weight for a couple of days. Exercise generally messes with weight anyway, I can lose pounds to dehydration one day and be overweight a day or two later when balance is restored and muscles are inflamed. Salt levels (lost in sweat, gained through curry etc) make a big difference to retained water, glycogen burning liberates water but has to be replaced. I would say keep exercising at a decent level and not worry if the weight takes a while to start dropping again, fitness is more useful than lightness I reckon!
Brilliant - thank you @Wendy Darling &@CreakyPete. Muscle inflammation water retention & weight gain is a new one on me but could well explain the odd weight patterns I've seen recently.

Getting to the gym would be difficult anyway this week if the tube strikes happen - I'll give the training a break & see if that makes a difference on the lightness front. I've got massively fitter in the last 4 weeks, beginning training for my first 10k (my best Parkrun time since late 2011 popped up last Saturday completely unexpectedly!) I shall be lazy and call it muscle recovery - fitness can take a back seat to lightness till next weekend!
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