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Benefits & Side Effects

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I have been getting lightheaded and a little dizzy on my non-fasting days also. I am a little concerned it might be due to my recent high blood pressure reading (which is going down slowly). But you say it might be because your blood pressure might be going to low. Think another check up with my doctor is in order. Luckily my doctor is also on 5:2
It could be the drop in blood pressure...your body reacting to the change rather than the absolute value.
I've noticed I get hiccups on fast day and the day after too only happened since I started this:)
I did my first fast yesterday. By yesterday afternoon, I was wandering around the house singing "Walking in a Skinny Wonderland". This morning I found that I'd lost at least 1.8 lbs, so I started singing "I Feel Good, Doot, Doot, Doot".

My boyfriend remarked that, clearly, one of the side effects of 5:2 is excessive singing.

Apart from a momentary flash of light-headedness yesterday morning, afternoon and this morning before breakfast, the first fast was an absolute doddle. I actually slept really well, no doubt due to not having to process the usual large evening meal.

Still, you might want to watch out for the singing, especially if in public.
Moogie wrote: What a great idea for a topic!

I've been doing 5:2 since August, I started on lunch & dinner of 250cals but this made me extra hungry so after 6-8 weeks doing that I swapped onto a 400-500 cal dinner, sometimes allowing myself 50 cals of that to have a low cal soup or hot choc during the day if needed. I fast on Mondays & Thursdays. I try not to eat after dinner on the day before a fast day, but that isn't always adhered to ;)

The only side effects I've had have been:

Feeling cold Worse since now it's winter, and moreso too when it's 'that time of the month'.

Irritable/snappy Definately less patient with my husband when he gets home from work an hour or two before dinner! I work from home all day so am on my own and don't know if I'd be snappy the rest of the time too. I don't seem to get snappy with anyone else I encounter in the daytime - delivery folks or people in the local shop.

Loss of concentration For most of the day I feel really alert and quite chipper! About 4pm I notice a slight decline in my concentration, but perk up again within an hour and can happy carry on through until dinner at about 6.30pm. Actually this might not be specific to fast days, I'm probably just more aware of it then due to the hightened alertness for the rest of the day. I think a lot of us start to wain towards the end of work anyway!

Overcompensate on confectionary on feed days Same as above, I've found myself overcompensating in the last month but only the day immediately after the fast (Tues/Fridays). The other days I eat pretty normally. I know I'm more inclined towards snacking in cold weather and usually a chilly piece of fruit doesn't cut it for me then, I just want some comfort food! I think I'd be just as bad fasting or not ;)

Do we also have a thread for positive side effects? If there isn, I'll go reply now. If not, I shall make one!

I didnt read about these side effects in the book, so yesterday I was really surprised when I literally could nt sleep for hours because I was freezing cold. I ended up with hubby's thick socks, winter pjs and hubby's nightgown plus duvet. Well now I know for next time. The thing is it is May and I live in Spain, I dread to think what the winter months will be like. I actually thought I might have a fever, but no!!!! Does it get easier? :cry:

Another bizarre side effect is that I dreamt that it was my fast day and I was overeating whilst talking to my Mum and I didnt even know it. I literally looked down and saw that I had a huge packet of crisps in my hand and was scoffing away whilst chatting to her. :frown:
I feel the cold more and also I find my sleep more disturbed. As for being short tempered and irritable - my husband may say nothing new there! Plus, not going into details - gastic sluggishness! Probably due to the increased egg consumption. I exercise about the same.
I also have a long history of binge eating. I am really comfortable on fast days, because like most bingers, I am great at short term rigid self discipline. I am working really hard on mastering my fear of being hungry and I am also working on not obsessing about food and dieting. Negative effects wise, I am having days and days of diarrhea.... I have decided that long sessions of limited food is upsetting my gut flora..... Taking a probiotic and that seems to be helping.
Ok, so I've been 5:2 ing for 5 months and on fast days I distinctly feel cold, my breaths smells bad, my gums bleed, I am constipated unless I add flaxseed to my feed day breakfast yogurt.
All rather unpleasant innit.
Anyone got any helpful suggestions out there please?
sasny wrote: Two side effects for me so far: being really cold on my fast days (but I'm normally always cold anyway, so it's not much of a major difference). But the weirdest one is how lethargic I feel the day AFTER my fast. I feel very very low-energy. And no matter what I eat, or when I eat on my feast day I have very low energy. Strangely, during my fast day I don't feel as low-energy as the next day. Anyone know what that might be about?

This sounds just like me! In fact for the first six weeks I felt great - now all of sudden, I'm very tired on my feed days. I'm at my weight goal, but wanted to go a little below it as I'm going on a 4 week vacation and afraid I'll gain it back.

Has your response to fasting changed?
I almost fainted this morning. I don't think that's happened since I was at university! I went to the health clinic at work and checked my blood pressure. It is quite low: 105/70. I'm still quite heavy. I hope it doesn't keep going down as I lose weight! It was after a feed day btw.
MaryAnn wrote: I almost fainted this morning. I don't think that's happened since I was at university! I went to the health clinic at work and checked my blood pressure. It is quite low: 105/70. I'm still quite heavy. I hope it doesn't keep going down as I lose weight! It was after a feed day btw.

MaryAnn, hope you are feeling okay now. I have not felt like I was going to faint from fasting, but sometimes I feel a bit drained, even the following day. At the same time I feel better after a fast. Hard to explain to people who don't fast.
I also feel a funny tingly feeling in my feet at the end of a fast, sort of like when your feet fall asleep but it's not too bothersome. I still feel well enough to walk and do pilates, function as normal.
Sifrina wrote: MaryAnn, hope you are feeling okay now. I have not felt like I was going to faint from fasting, but sometimes I feel a bit drained, even the following day. At the same time I feel better after a fast. Hard to explain to people who don't fast.

Thanks, Sifrina. I feel fine now. I'll just be careful when I stand up today...
I am on my second week, fast day today and feeling good so far. I just wondered if anyone else has experienced nausea and dizzyness on the day AFTER the fast day. Last week I fasted Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesday morning I felt tricky when I first woke up but ok after eating. On Friday though the nausea and dizzyness persisted for most of the day. I felt very thirsty too and probably hadn't drunk enough. I am a carb fiend normally - I just love potatoes, rice, pasta etc. and eat loads of them. Is this just me adjusting? Has anyone else had this?
I haven't had any issues on my Fast days apart from the occasional headache and patch of tiredness.
When I am on my feed days I am having really bad side effects from eating non-complex carbs. Within 10 minutes my skin is red and burns, I feel really drained and tired and I have a blinding sinus headache.

I don't know whether the fast days are highlighting a food intolerance possibly Gluten? Any Ideas?

Such a shame I love carbs!!
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