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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi guys,
Not been on here for a bit, still doing 5:2 but have missed the odd day due to hiccups/outside influences, just to say that I do still drink and sometimes that is what messes up my 5:2 eg fast all day, say, light soup for lunch, then go to someone's house pm who brings out tortilla chips, dips, wine so think Oh b..... it I'll do it tomorrow' Anyway, what I was going to say was this - although I am normally a wine drinker, I do like a drop of Pimms in the summer- I went to a festival last weekend and where normally from 2 - 10 I would get through roughly 2/3 bottles of rose and fizzy water whilst dancing, eating etc. I took less than 1/2 litre (about 1/3 actually) of Pimms very diluted to make 4 litres of liquid with low-cal lemondade. It was very hot, I drank the Pimms (I also put ice in the 2l plastic bottles I made it in) OK might not be the helthiest of drinks with the artificial sweetener in the lemonade but surely less calories than all that wine - so this weekend, instead of the wine it will be be Pimms again with the bbq (also lo-fat). Cheers! :smile:
I've been on this WOE since beginning of April and have lost around 12 kilos. I drink wine Friday-Sunday in what ever quantity I feel like - usually 1-3 glasses of wine. Usually no alcohol on fast days.
So I drink 1-2 bottles of wine per week and lost weight. Now I've stalled and it might be time to restrict alcohol to reach my goal - but I will definately try to fit in the amount of wine I fancy in my maintenance. I'd rather cut back on other calories to keep this indulgence.

My life, my choice ;-)
I'm a light drinker, around 5 or 6 glasses of wine a week and 1 or 2 whiskies with fresh lemon, and I have no intention of changing.
I'm losing weight at a rate I'm very happy with.
So cheers everyone!
PS Hmmm- I think that is a light drinker?? :?: :wink:
I am with you GMH .............. that will be another yes
The proof of the pudding and all that. I think my weight loss is pretty good and I have not stopped drinking wine, cut down yes, but not stopped. This is a WOL not a diet and it's not necessary to stop having a social life. Live your life not your diet!
Can you life life without drinking wine???
@TML - Yes you can - but where's the fun in that? :grin: :grin:
I've no idea!!!
This thread (or maybe it was the one about wine vs exercise) inspired me to experiment on yesterday's fast (I'm maintaining on 6:1). At the end of the day I had 40 calories left and a hankering for Strega. I looked up the calorie count (1 oz = 103 c). I carefully measured the golden liquid and enjoyed--by morning I'm now 2 pounds lighter than yesterday morning!

So yes, we can sometimes indulge even on a fast day and still lose.
On 5:2, I switched from my usual wine on say 3 days (say 2 glasses) to only 1 or 2 glasses on one day of the week, being Saturday (its my gourmet weekend night so a bit of an indulgent day)

for me .. lost 3kg in 3 months so not going back to the 3 days of wine again.

Indeed its saved me heaps of dollars in not buying wine. Whilst im ok with the $10 bottle, over time it does add up.

i remember my lovely thread about saving money too. 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic4284.html
Life is for living and I love living so, everything in moderation and enjoy it. I don't enjoy getting drunk, I don't enjoy feeling stuffed with food, I don't enjoy walking til I'm exhausted but I do enjoy a glass or two of wine with a lovely meal after an invigorating walk! Horses for courses,

Ballerina x :heart:
In answer to the question: yes. I love my wine and have not stopped enjoying it. I usually drink a few glasses on Fridays or Saturdays and have continued to lose weight every week. For me the beauty of this way of life is that I get to enjoy the things I enjoy. Couldn't ask for more.
Yes. I've lost almost 2 stone while still enjoying wine, cider, chocolate, scones with cream and jam, roast dinner with all the trimmings - whatever I want. Not necessarily all at the same time! - and none of them on my WA-days*. I do find I'm generally wanting less of these things, but I'm not consciously cutting down.

SianS, mummybunny and others have put it very well. This WOE is forever, so it has to be what works long-term for each individual. It doesn't matter at all how long the weight loss takes, unless you are someone who needs to lose weight urgently for medical reasons.

*I call fast days WA-days = Wheelchair avoidance days, inspired by the thought of my poor old Dad who has spent 13 years unable to walk due to diabetes.
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