Re: After the first whole year
14 Feb 2015, 13:48
The fact that he has a hiccup that comes and goes for 3 days (it's not always there) is a big worry even if I know that it can be because of a big flu but still, everything worries me these days. To tell you the truth he's never sick, the last time he was sick was in 2003 when he had his cancers so you can imagine.... The situation is slightly better but it goes very slowly and I don't see any end.

On the other hand, I am still sick with that damn stomach flu, can't eat properly as I had big nausea since the beginning of the week so today is my 5th fast in a row and I force myself to eat something at dinner time. Quite difficult to find something appetizing enough though.

Let's hope everything will be back to normal in a few days.... :clover: :crossed: