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Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
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Re: DeMuralist's Progress
16 Jun 2014, 12:38
thanks, I checked that, and realized it was a bit late in the game to jump in.

Ok 255 this morning, so 1.2 down for the week. Yeah, I am on my way.

My steps yesterday were a bit lower, but only because I did a few hours of gardening which takes more upper body work than much moving around. I got in 5 rose bushes and 5 perennials and 2 buckets full of weeds out. Odd that it didn't help my sleep last night though.

Today is a non-fast day. And I plan to get more of the compass rose that I am staining onto my deck done before the sun gets too hot. I also need to take my son out to practice driving so that he can get his driver's license this year.
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
19 Jun 2014, 14:32
So Tuesday morning I went up to 256.2, but then after Tuesday's fast went down to 254! At 254.8 this morning after a very high non-fast day.

I actually had a very successful non-fast day going. Then, I could not fall asleep. Finally ended up eating again. Which would put me way over in calories for the day as I had already bumped up against my limit, and well, I really ate! Went to bed just before 4am.

Up this morning at 8:30, felt refreshed actually. Unfortunately it was too late to do any painting on my compass rose as the sun had already started baking the deck.

So now I am just going to have to move on to the next set of chores and errands and do some painting this afternoon.
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
22 Jun 2014, 14:46
243.6 that is down .6 after a non-fasting day (was 254.2 on Friday morning after Thursday's fast). This is my second week of being back on 5:2 in a stricter fashion.

2 days below 500, 4 days well below 2,000, and 1 day allowed a treat day but I don't necessarily take it, this week I did take the treat day-yesterday, and still lost the weight. Thrilled to say the least!

Off to find some plants for the yard.
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
23 Jun 2014, 15:12
255.6 after a non-fasting day.

Holding some serious fluids this week, gotta do something about it. Even yesterday with the lower weight, my fingers and feet are puffy, it is very uncomfortable.

I have to go to the mall today to return some pants I had ordered for my husband. Even though it is only a couple of miles from my house, I have not been in YEARS! Hate hate hate going. But I need to see if the store has the replacements I need. Rats. I will make the best of it and walk the whole mall to get some steps in though.
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
25 Jun 2014, 12:15
251.6 after a day of fasting, tons of drinking, and no salt. I have been retaining fluids and so I am making a concerted effort to get rid of it. That combined with a fast makes for a nice drop on the scale.

Work today nothing exciting
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
26 Jun 2014, 14:10
251.8 so only up .2 after a non-fasting day. The trick seems to be that second non-fasting day in a row. Not sure if I eat more, drink less, or if days in a row of non-fasting have more of an effect on the scale. This will be an interesting thing to try to figure out. I am going to try to have the same number of calories as yesterday and see what happens.
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
11 Jul 2014, 22:12
255.2 after 8 days on vacation, eating ice cream every day, and finally having a fried fish combo plate with french fries and garlic bread, nary a veggie in sight!

Today is my first day back home and is a fasting day. I am going back to a 4:3 since I am not working this month, I am also going to only do one meal a day, or a very short eating window at the very least, on all days. I have a portion control issue, and while this doesn't do a lot to help me overcome that, it does admit I have a problem and works with it.

so M-W-F are fast days with a 500 calorie smoothie, and lots of tea and water for most of the day. The rest of the days I will eat reasonably, allowing a treat no more often than once a week.
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
12 Jul 2014, 12:48
249.6 this morning after what ended up not being a fast day. Down 5.6 pounds. I will take it!
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
21 Jul 2014, 14:13
248 this morning after a very emotional, TTOM, non-fasting day. That makes me happy!

Today is a fasting day, housekeeping getting ready for company tomorrow.
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
22 Jul 2014, 13:31
246.6 this morning, yeah, dropped below the low weight of 247.4 I hit back in December. So I have lost back the Christmas and funeral weight finally.

My Happy Scale app tells me I am losing at a rate of 1.1 a week, just about perfect, though I do expect it to slow down a bit.
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
22 Jul 2014, 14:12
Great job! 1 lb. a week is great. I hope you can keep it up for a while! This weight loss business is so hard, isn't it??
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
23 Jul 2014, 13:13
thank you! I was doing really well on a 4:3 last fall, losing just less than a pound a week. Then got side tracked over the holidays and couldn't seem to get my footing again until the beginning of June, but I am back on track now. Even with the gain and the long break, the tracker on here still has me losing .38lbs a week. This makes me feel good, as if I didn't really lose much ground.

247.6 this morning after a non-fasting day, which included a generous serving of a very yummy dessert. Today is a fasting day.
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
31 Jul 2014, 11:45
244.6 after a fasting day, a nice steady decline. The tracker has me losing .42 a week, so I am gaining ground. Actually if I am just going from my restart, I am averaging a bit over 1.5 a week. I expect it to slow down, but as long as it keeps in this direction I am very happy.

I am finding the 4:3 easier this time, not sure why, but I am thankful. I am learning things. Things like, if I put food in my mouth on a fasting day it is hard for me to stop putting food in my mouth. So I make a smoothie, which is tick enough to almost be soft serve ice cream, and I work very hard not to nibble on anything or taste something I am cooking for the hubs.

I also am finding I don't eat as much on my non-fasting days except for the occasional treat. No cravings and no binges.
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
03 Aug 2014, 14:18
247.4 I cannot do more than 2 non-fasting days in a row unless I really pay attention to what I am eating. I don't want to have to do that, that is the point of doing this program.

I found ADF too hard to use as a lifestyle, so I am sticking to the 4:3. In those weeks when that is not reasonable to do (i.e.. vacation) I will plan to only do one meal a day, and prepare myself for the probability that I will put on weight.

I think that this is telling me that some version of 4:3 is how I will be eating for the rest of my life. And I can live with that, especially knowing that when I do it, it works.
Re: DeMuralist's Progress
06 Aug 2014, 12:41
244.2 a nice steady progression down the scale. I get into a bit of trouble every once in a while with getting back to a fast day when I go off for travel or whatever, but I get there eventually.

My 4:3 days are Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday now, and that seems to be working well.
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