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Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

50 posts Page 3 of 4
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
14 Nov 2013, 02:45
Okay, did just about what I said I would, with the addition of 60 calories worth of whole wheat crackers with the soup. That's acceptable. Tomorrow will be my third fast since I weighed myself last Friday morning and was so disappointed. I was pretty good all week, and did the extra fast, so a better weight should appear Friday. At least that would be awfully nice...
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
16 Nov 2013, 18:33
As noted in my signature, only a .5 lb improvement since last week. But no worries. I'll get there, at least by Christmas, I would think. And I don't actually believe these .5 - 1.5 lb changes are significant. Our bodies all vary by the time of day, day of the week, day of the month (well, not mine anymore for that one). Still, there is something to be said for seeing your goal number on the scale, gazing happily up at you. Hmmm.
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
19 Nov 2013, 05:20
Just noting, at the end of a successful fast day, how virtuous I feel. Powerful, too. Yet another reason to continue this WOE for life, not just use it as a weight loss strategy.
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
05 Dec 2013, 21:12
I haven't stopped in here for a while. Just killing a few minutes after my salad lunch on a fast day (20 calories, maybe?). Looking forward to seeing the number at my Friday morning weigh in tomorrow. It seems like a pound and a half should be nothing to lose by Christmas. I hope. Sigh... Then I'll be done and will be able to stop obsessing. Again, I hope. I don't like this fixation I currently have on my body.
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
06 Dec 2013, 06:33
Today my neighbor and I went out for coffee, and she noticed I'd lost weight. She is the 6th person to notice. Not that I'm keeping track :smile: In fact, maybe it's time to stop counting and just start smiling and saying thanks and enjoying looking better!
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
17 Dec 2013, 02:33
My fast day dinner was a piece of turkey meatloaf, spaghetti squash sauteed with a bit of olive oil and butter and a few pumpkin seeds, and salad with about 5 walnut halves. Doesn't seem like much, yet I'm stuffed. All I had had earlier was a small nonfat latte.
Strange. :?:
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
17 Dec 2013, 03:53
I'm always amazed at how quickly I get full. It makes overeating difficult!
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
17 Dec 2013, 04:29
The problem, @MaryAnn, is that on a day like today I end up feeling like I must have actually overeaten. I normally try to leave the table on a fast day feeling not-quite-full. Since I don't count calories, I've come to trust that that feeling means I've had about 300 to 350 calories. So if I feel stuffed, I wonder if that might have accidentally been a 600 calorie meal :frown: .

I started this thread two months ago saying that I was on the home stretch. The home stretch has been way too stretched, I have to say. I'll be too embarrassed to go to the Party if I've let down my 150 buddies in the CC tent.

(don't anyone take this whining too seriously :smile: )
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
17 Dec 2013, 06:21
I don't know the calories of those things off the top of my head, but it doesn't sound like you've gone over 500 to me. I assumed that what has changed is your appetite. I'm not sure fullness is a good indication of calories...

Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
17 Dec 2013, 06:34
I will weigh tomorrow morning, and then we shall see what we shall see.
And you all will either hear a stony silence, or wild screaming.
Half a pound - how hard can that be? (yeah, I know, hard)
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
17 Dec 2013, 19:58
*stony silence*

What is it with my scale anyway? Is it a Vary Fairy scale? @Fatdog, does the Vary Fairy have her own scales? It started this morning at 1/2 pound over last Friday. Subsequently went down two entire pounds - to a whole pound below my goal weight. Then up 1 and 1/2, to where I was last Friday. All in 15 minutes. So I gave up and decided to call my weight unchanged.
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
18 Dec 2013, 12:36
Sounds more like the eeeevil scales-fairy to me @wendyjane - the V&P vary-fairy is, at least, consistent at the same measuring session. Are your scales electronic ones? In which case I'd suggest trying new batteries. That said, our scales can throw a wobbly some days and give two pound differences in the one weighing session too, and that's only days after the battery has been changed.

Not sure what causes the eeeeevil scales-fairy to pop up when one's religious about flat floor / same place / same time blah blah. I do wonder if electronic scales are heat / damp / barometric pressure sensitive - not much one can do about that.

I've an ancient set of Salter analogue scales (two quid from Bethany) which I use to sanity check the digital ones - it helps me choose which of the random readings is more like reality :)

Fingers crossed for that half pound being gone by Christmas! All the best, FatDog
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
19 Dec 2013, 02:12
@Fatdog - I was sure you'd solved the problem, since I realized immediately that I have never put a new battery in. So I ran upstairs and flipped the damn thing over, and a sticker on the back reads "No user serviceable parts. No battery to replace." So it's another appliance engineered for a short life, designed not to be maintained, destined for a landfill for no good reason. It does work (sort of) so I'm not chucking it yet.

But the whole thing makes me so mad. Just bought a new toaster. My parents had a toaster that worked fine for probably 30 years. Need a new blender. Need a new vacuum. I'm thinking of buying a Miele or Riccar vacuum for two or three times what a Hoover costs, because my SIL says they are so well built that I will be able to pass it on to my children - or grandchildren.

Okay, rant over. But, as I just posted over on the Christmas Club thread, if this stupid scale gives me a low number even once on Friday morning, I'm going with it! SO THERE!
(calm down, Wendy...)
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
19 Dec 2013, 13:30
Ah ha...

If the scales are electronic @wendyjane, and there's a label saying that there is "no battery", chances are that they are solar charged. And one thing that's in short supply at this time of year is good light for solar charging... Might be worth checking? If they are solar, you could try bunging them right by the window, or sticking them under a bright light - don't think Christmas tree lights would be any good though :) FatDog
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
25 Jan 2014, 03:24
I never answered your post of a month ago, @FatDog, mostly because I swore off this thread till I was at goal, not wanting to come here and whine anymore!

The scales are called "Lithium Electronic Scale" (we generally use the singular around here - scale, not scales). The label says "No user serviceable parts. No battery to replace. For service return to manufacturer." Yeah, right. Translation: The battery will last forever, but no such promises on the scale. When it dies, chuck it and go buy a new one.

Which I guess I will do, because this is what happened this morning...

I weighed myself and was thrilled to see my new favorite number, 98, looking up at me. Three times. So then I ran around the bedroom happily for a few minutes, stepped on again, and...49.5! Yes, folks, that's pounds. That one came up three times too. Very weird that the scale chose this day of all days to stop working. At that point, I got dressed and went out, so maybe I'll try it again before my next official weighing next Friday. I think I deserve a new scale, anyway. Though it really pisses me off that nearly every piece of electronics, small to large, ends up in the landfill. More often sooner than later.
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