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Progress Diaries & Journals

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The Pilgrim's Progress
22 Oct 2013, 21:05
I couldn't help it! I had to! To be honest, I was a bit surprised no one else has used this title. The second part of the very long title of this novel is "From this world to that which is to come." Now I really don't want to compare being fit with heaven (where Christian is headed), but still, doesn't it sound apropos?

I'm so close to goal, and feeling, well, kind of heavenly, that I figured I'd check in here for a few comments on the home stretch.

More soon...
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
22 Oct 2013, 21:50
Slough of Despond? Oh yes, been there on this journey! :)
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
23 Oct 2013, 17:27
shachat wrote: Slough of Despond? Oh yes, been there on this journey! :)

Now that I've borrowed the title, is the book worth reading?
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
23 Oct 2013, 18:33
Oh heavens, I can't really remember. The only reason I'm familiar with it at all is I was a literature student back in my misbegotten youth. I know it's a Christian parable but don't remember it as being particularly heavy going. Which more than I could have said about some of the rest of the syllabus! :)
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
23 Oct 2013, 18:40
Try to read it once a year or so. Always pinged by some bit in it. A stop and think kinda book :0)
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
25 Oct 2013, 23:59
Now I'm in the Slough of Despond :cry:

Do I need to buy a new bathroom scale? I looked at the bottom of mine and a sticker reads "r698". Does this mean it was made in 1998? That's not so long ago - shouldn't it still work? Aaagh!

Here's the story: Two weeks ago (I was traveling last week on Friday, my usual weighing day) I jumped on and off the scale about 200 times, and finally decided to use the average. The range was one pound, and the scale registers in half pound increments. Fine. I was happy because I had lost from the week before. Today I took three readings, all were one pound below last time's "estimate". Happiness. Then I took a shower. That's all. Weighed again (should have just walked away) and I was one and a half pounds heavier. I did not have 1 1/2 pounds of water in my damp hair. I tried another 200 times but this time all readings were the same.

So now I'm obliged to be honest, take the last reading, show an increase of 1/2 pound on the progress tracker, report back to the Christmas Club Queen (that's you @Juliana.Rivers) that I gained. Disaster. Now my goal is 4 pounds away. By Thanksgiving, which is in less than 5 weeks. Probably not achievable.

Lots of questions herein, but the only one I want an answer to is this: Are modern 2013 built scales more accurate than 15 year old ones? I know they claim to have more precision (measuring to the tenth of a pound or kilo), but that's not significant when everyone's weight varies more than that. Accuracy I would like. And consistency.
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
26 Oct 2013, 01:16
Is it possible that the humidity in the room changed anything? Did you have a drink of water or coffee before getting in the shower? Why are you obsessing over the difference in weight? I get up and weigh myself, if I don't like what I see, I either accept it or hope I will have a significant emptying, lol. Get over it! It's a blip in the scales accept what you first weighed in the morning and ignore after that! ;)
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
26 Oct 2013, 01:19
PS water has quite a signifcant weight! Do you have a kitchen scale? Take a glass and weight it then add water, It's ALOT when compared to ounces and pounds on a scale. :)
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
26 Oct 2013, 01:27
Thanks, @Betsysgr8. Yes, deep breath. Okay. Feeling better. Going now to make some chocolate chip cookies for my husband, who has complained there is no dessert in the house (no, he didn't demand dessert, just whined a bit. So I'm being nice, not being bullied).

PS I suppose in addition to the water in my damp hair, my skin also had added moisture after the shower. I'll buy that...
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
26 Oct 2013, 02:02
Aww that's better ... can I have a cookie now? :angel: :grin:
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
26 Oct 2013, 02:17
Sure. They are low fat. I hope they don't end up weird. Husband is not too discerning, so probably will enjoy them in any case. Plenty of chocolate, sugar, just a bit low in butter.
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
26 Oct 2013, 07:18
Wendy, did you really jump on and off the scales 200 times? No, I'm sure you didn't. (I'm doing the nervous laughing thing you do when you're not quite sure if someone's joking!)

Seriously, woman, Betsy's right - stop obsessing! Shrug and walk away. Everyone knows scales are mad (more modern ones aren't any better). Trendline, that's the thing to hang on to.

Hope hubs enjoyed the cookies! :)
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
26 Oct 2013, 18:41
Yes, @shachat he said the cookies were great like three times. I had one and was pretty impressed myself. You never know what will happen when you try a random recipe from the "interweb" as my kids like to joke.

I am done obsessing about the Friday weighing. I used the initial, lower weight for the progress tracker, so I am officially just two and a half pounds from goal. That should be doable by Thanksgiving (Nov. 28), as my "Christmas Club" goal is to reach goal by then.

And I think I won't invest in new scales till I'm at goal at least, so I don't change any more variables in the process of reaching the goal. It would be rather frustrating if new ones did the same bounce up and down thing.

Okay, okay, maybe it was closer to weighing 8 times than 200...
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
26 Oct 2013, 18:54
wendyjane wrote: Yes, @shachat he said the cookies were great like three times. I had one and was pretty impressed myself. You never know what will happen when you try a random recipe from the "interweb" as my kids like to joke.

I am done obsessing about the Friday weighing. I used the initial, lower weight for the progress tracker, so I am officially just two and a half pounds from goal. That should be doable by Thanksgiving (Nov. 28), as my "Christmas Club" goal is to reach goal by then.

And I think I won't invest in new scales till I'm at goal at least, so I don't change any more variables in the process of reaching the goal. It would be rather frustrating if new ones did the same bounce up and down thing.

Okay, okay, maybe it was closer to weighing 8 times than 200...

Glad you are feeling better. Any movement on the measuring?
Re: The Pilgrim's Progress
26 Oct 2013, 19:15
rawkaren wrote: Glad you are feeling better. Any movement on the measuring?

I'm only weighing weekly, so if your question is whether today's number is different, no idea. But I am feeling quite relaxed, so thanks.
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