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66 posts Page 5 of 5
Hello Fast Friends, I'm back with a little update. It's been slow going this last month, I think maybe another plateau... but I"m still hopeful. I do have to hunker down and start really containing my fast day meal. When I don't eat, I'm fine, but when I start... well, it's difficult to contain. I'm thinking of containers. I like that some of you eat something already prepared on fast days, something with the calories on it! I may try that, but when I think about it, I really love making and eating fresh food, and you know, fresh food has no container! It's just too easy to go over 5 or 6 hundred calories on fast days these days. I'm still really fasting until the evening meal though, so I know that it's still working in an eating window style 3 times a week. Perhaps I should just follow that for another day? I'm not sure, I do still love to eat, even now. I know my slow pace is all about me, and containment. So that's going to be my focus for the next few weeks. Now that I think about it, I have old jars around, I think I'll make my fresh dinner as usual, and put it in the jar before serving it to myself, or grab myself a special sized bowl or plate... a much smaller plate, and just say to myself, "that's it for today." That's what I'm going to try next! A few limits and containment to break this plateau! Wish me :clover:, the same to you!

Just couldn't resist another little scroll down to see ya. :oops:
I know that some people may be fed up about me banging on about cutting carbs. But...... @Debs and I have been struggling together and supporting each other My problem now is that it's hard to eat up to my TDEE as I've dropped so many calories from refined and other carbs.
Also @nursebean has been magnificently successful as her food is mainly prepared by the lovely Mr marks and Spencer, therefore her cals and portions are sorted. I agree that portion control is lesson well learnt.
Anyhow, look at you, brilliant so far..

Keep up the good work.
It sounds like you have a good plan :like:
@carieoates you are right about those carbs, of course… I know that less would mean more loss for sure! I like the idea of a couple low carb days, it really is so reasonable. You look so great as well - it's been very transformative around my waist! :) In any case, thanks so much for the support. I'm glad to have you along for this long journey! :heart: :heart: :heart:

@Winsome as well, thanks so much for the support. :heart: :heart: :heart:
If I am cooking more than a single portion it tends to be something that is easy to portion out and freeze, otherwise it would be too tempting. I try not to do this on a fast day. When I cook on fast days, it tends to be just a single portion, though often (usually) completely home-made. For stir fry, I have the chicken portioned out and frozen already, so I know I'm getting the right amount. And vegetables are sold in portions here that last for about two stir fries, so I just use half.

Even on non-fast days, I often freeze the part of large dishes that I shouldn't eat before I start eating, otherwise I'm too tempted to just keep going. It's a problem living alone...
@MaryAnn, your plan sounds like a very good one! :like: I cook for my family, and like you said, it's a little easier to just keep gong sometimes if the food is there.

Good planning for myself is what it comes down to... like you really plan out portions before even cooking! Eating on a fast day is my weakest time. It's really good to have a plan and stick to it.

Thanks so much for your support again friends, I really couldn't do it without you all! :heart: :heart: :heart: :like:
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