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Thanks for this.
Everyone should take the time to listen to this - the science has been there for years, but getting it out to the public has been hard.
And those of you that like coconut oil should just love this.
Please, enjoy!
Everyone should take the time to listen to this - the science has been there for years, but getting it out to the public has been hard.
And those of you that like coconut oil should just love this.
Please, enjoy!

For those who would like to read a transcript:
http://healthimpactnews.com/2011/enjoy- ... d-for-you/
Keep that highlighter handy...
http://healthimpactnews.com/2011/enjoy- ... d-for-you/
Keep that highlighter handy...

Thank you. Bookmarked it for when I have a bit more time.

Very interesting talk (though he's not a very good speaker - reading his speech and misspeaking repeatedly). I've been continuing to eat a largely low fat diet through my 5:2 journey. It's so ingrained in me to avoid fat and especially sat fat. So I know now, more than ever, that I need to shift my diet in the direction of more fat, and have been telling hubs about it, so he won't be too shocked at me preparing higher fat meals
. I might have to start following your blog more closely, @Fatdog!
At one point at the end, someone asked the doctor "what about fiber?" He had an opportunity there to put in a plug for more fresh vegetables and didn't, and furthermore said you could get fiber from eating lots of meat. As far as I know, no one believes that meat has ANY fiber. I'm pretty sure it's still true - no fiber in meat. So this highly reputed doctor doesn't know this?

At one point at the end, someone asked the doctor "what about fiber?" He had an opportunity there to put in a plug for more fresh vegetables and didn't, and furthermore said you could get fiber from eating lots of meat. As far as I know, no one believes that meat has ANY fiber. I'm pretty sure it's still true - no fiber in meat. So this highly reputed doctor doesn't know this?

wendyjane wrote: At one point at the end, someone asked the doctor "what about fiber?" He had an opportunity there to put in a plug for more fresh vegetables and didn't, and furthermore said you could get fiber from eating lots of meat. As far as I know, no one believes that meat has ANY fiber. I'm pretty sure it's still true - no fiber in meat. So this highly reputed doctor doesn't know this?
The fiber content of "meat": 1 ounce (28g) has .1 grams of fiber. (wikipedia)
I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt believing that his efforts concentrated on the dominant factors in reducing heart problems (hence ignoring fiber).
Dietary changes that do have the greatest impact are also those that have the potential to put him out of a job.

Kill the message by attacking the messenger?

simcoeluv wrote: Kill the message by attacking the messenger?
Not sure what you mean by this, @simcoeluv...
Are you suggesting we shouldn't be criticizing the doctor for apparently being unaware of basic nutrition information (ie. no fiber in meat) because he has an important message to impart?
Or are you saying something else? Please clarify.

The topic of the speech had nothing to do with fiber. Nothing at all to do with fiber. He is not a fiber specialist. It was a question in a question and answer period that had nothing to do with the topic of the speech. He made no claim to be a fiber specialist - he just is one of the top heart specialists in the U.S.
So what is your point that his off the cuff answer to a question having noting to do with his topic or speciality has anything to do with the quality of his message? And why do you mock his presentation? I'm sure he would have done better if he had a teleprompter.
So what is your point that his off the cuff answer to a question having noting to do with his topic or speciality has anything to do with the quality of his message? And why do you mock his presentation? I'm sure he would have done better if he had a teleprompter.

Whoa - calm down.
First, I started my post by saying "Very interesting talk." I (parenthetically) remarked that he's not a good speaker, and was pleased that @ADFnFuel provided a link to a transcript (hadn't seen that post when I watched the talk). I was certainly not "mocking" his presentation, just pointing out that he doesn't deliver his material fluidly.
And second, one doesn't have to be a fiber specialist to know which major food groups contain fiber and which don't. The point of my second paragraph was to express my surprise that he didn't know something that basic. I fully expected him to answer "Eat green leafy vegetables. They won't contribute many carb calories and will supply all the fiber you need".
In conclusion, you apparently completely misconstrued my post.
First, I started my post by saying "Very interesting talk." I (parenthetically) remarked that he's not a good speaker, and was pleased that @ADFnFuel provided a link to a transcript (hadn't seen that post when I watched the talk). I was certainly not "mocking" his presentation, just pointing out that he doesn't deliver his material fluidly.
And second, one doesn't have to be a fiber specialist to know which major food groups contain fiber and which don't. The point of my second paragraph was to express my surprise that he didn't know something that basic. I fully expected him to answer "Eat green leafy vegetables. They won't contribute many carb calories and will supply all the fiber you need".
In conclusion, you apparently completely misconstrued my post.

You completely do not understand how your post appeared to others reading it. What you meant, and what you conveyed, were obviously quite different.

A very good article which validates me spreading butter on my steak:) While I cook with coconut oil I still haven't crossed the thresh hold to eating 2 Tbsp straight up or in a drink.
My OH is such a carb eater I just don't know if I can turn him.
My OH is such a carb eater I just don't know if I can turn him.

Butter on steak is perfect!
I can't eat two tablespoons straight either.
It is hard to have 70% of my calories from fat. I'm trying.
I can't eat two tablespoons straight either.
It is hard to have 70% of my calories from fat. I'm trying.

I and my other half have read this interest and am still in the dark about a few things, such as, Inuit having low deaths from heart disease but high incidences of cancers such as bowel. Are we substituting one type of disease for another? Can we extrapolate American woes to other countries, I.e. trans fats, I believe were banned in some places in Europe a long time ago, whereas they weren't in the US.
People eating a Mediterranean diet don't have the same issues and eat a lot of carbs in terms of pasta and bread. Are we talking about certain types of carb here, I.e. refined sugars?
It is a very good argument but for us, still raises a lot of questions, I want to be convinced but have no one to ask these questions of.
BTW, have just looked at his website, an interesting mix of conspiracy theories, and interesting takes on vaccination, global warming etc. mmmmmmm. Enjoyed his article on how good Sarah Palin is especially and reading that Obamacare is 'medical fascism'. He may have some valid articles on saturated fat, but I struggle to take him too seriously having read some of the outrageous articles on his website. How I would love to be convinced by a credible scientist rather than by someone to subscribes to every strange and crackpot conspiracy theory going. Sorry to anyone who admires him but his credibility is damaged by this for me.
http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/cra ... er-review/
People eating a Mediterranean diet don't have the same issues and eat a lot of carbs in terms of pasta and bread. Are we talking about certain types of carb here, I.e. refined sugars?
It is a very good argument but for us, still raises a lot of questions, I want to be convinced but have no one to ask these questions of.
BTW, have just looked at his website, an interesting mix of conspiracy theories, and interesting takes on vaccination, global warming etc. mmmmmmm. Enjoyed his article on how good Sarah Palin is especially and reading that Obamacare is 'medical fascism'. He may have some valid articles on saturated fat, but I struggle to take him too seriously having read some of the outrageous articles on his website. How I would love to be convinced by a credible scientist rather than by someone to subscribes to every strange and crackpot conspiracy theory going. Sorry to anyone who admires him but his credibility is damaged by this for me.
http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/cra ... er-review/

for the record, I didn't read your post as negatively as simcoeluv, @wendyjane.
I will also bookmark this for when I have more time...
I will also bookmark this for when I have more time...
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