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OK, so possible ways of adding fat to veg

Cauliflower in a cream sauce
Mushrooms in garlic butter
Green salad with an oily dressing
Roasted butternut squash
Fried tomatoes
Adding nuts and seeds to your diet is a good way of increasing fats generally. Butter your bread but have only one slice, same idea with potatoes, eat full fat yogurt, buy full fat milk, have cream, not custard or ice cream on your berries, have a goodly lump of cheese on a tiny cracker or skip the cracker completely, butter your veggies. These are some ideas that I use to increase fat and decrease carbs.
What about meat fat - I love crackling, crispy bacon rind, chicken skin - presumably not too much protein in the fat? And use rendered pork and beef fat for roasting veg, or frying cabbage
Hi all and thanks.

I sense a commercial opportunity for someone willing to write a slick, high fat cookbook (or maybe one on French cuisine or an old Julia Child's)?
I see some numbers floating around that don't seem to add up here, regarding a low-carb, low/moderate-protein, high-fat diet. Considering myself at my target weight (~82kg) my TDEE will come in ~2400kcal/day.

The 0.8g/kg thumbrule for protein (to reduce cancer risk deriving from excess protein consumption) means ~66g of protein per day, or 264kcal/day.

I've seen carb recommendations of about 100g/day limit, or about 400kcal/day. We're up to 664kcal.

That leaves 1736kcal (193g) to be found in fat, which would be 72% of my daily calories.

Are there any studies out there that look seriously at a 11/17/72 (protein/carb/fat) split? Is it even possible with non-engineered foods? Has anyone accomplished this kind of split and found a sustainable diet that is realistic (or has ever been realistic at any point in history) in the reality of today's world of food?

Most importantly, can such a diet be tasty? :grin:
@Brucee have you read Peter Attia's website: he sends to have more protein 1.6g/kg, because he trains hard I think. He has though about 250g fat per day. His diet looks tasty: ... -ii-ifik-2
carorees wrote: @Brucee have you read Peter Attia's website: he sends to have more protein 1.6g/kg, because he trains hard I think. He has though about 250g fat per day. His diet looks tasty: ... -ii-ifik-2

Thanks carorees! Interesting stuff.

Of course, he's averaging 1.67g/kg of protein on the three days he highlighted, which is more than double the rule-of-thumb I was trying to reconcile with low-carb.

It is interesting that he does actually hit ~72% fat calories, though, and his carbs are indeed low.

It's that difference between 66g and 136g of protein per day (for my example above) that is not insubstantial. When it comes to reducing cancer risk, I understand that we need 'X' grams of protein every day, but that increased cancer risk comes from the amount by which we exceed that 'X' grams, whatever it is. What level of training and exercise would I need to be doing to eat 136g of protein every day without greatly increasing excess-protein-caused cancer risk?

Interesting study linked below, conclusions recommend sticking to the RDA of 0.8g/kg or less protein per day:
I can tell you right now, I would rather be fat than have to eat a diet that Peter Attia eats. To me, that's just miserable. When I tried Atkins and eating that sort of food, I felt incredibly sick and clogged up.

Extreme diets are not for me.
hmmm, interesting reading everyone, I feel my brain being somewhat rearranged!

@carorees, that was a great presentation on vimeo by Peter Attia, I should review my opinion of him being overly intense - he did a really good job I thought. Great to contemplate the political history in conjunction with the dietary recommendations!

I read the abstract you referenced, but it didn't give what the diet proportions actually were, or how much the parameters they measured changed. I think there is potentially a big difference between eating a normal fatty American diet and a very high fat diet a la Peter Attia.

I notice even Peter Attia did concede there was a place for statins for secondary prevention of heart disease or in high risk population - I still reckon I fall into the high risk population (although I may change my mind as I continue to shrink!). But I have halved my dose of statin in the meantime, will be interesting to see what's happened to my blood lipids in a month or so!

Re: the recommendation of 0.8g protein/kg body weight - as some of us have a higher BMI, does that mean we get to consume more protein? or is it more related to FFM? I'd appreciate comments.

I do like your suggestions for increasing fat content, Caroline. And I do appreciate what you say, Tracieknits about any diet changes having to be edible/tasty - that's always been my bottom line!

great discussion!
I'm sure it must be really related to muscle/fat free mass, so for Dr Attia perhaps 1.6g is ok. In another part of his website there's a video where he mentions that on being scanned he was found to have the lowest internal fat the tech had ever seen, he trains hard so I think his FFM is v high. I'll need to do some research to see if there is any info out there!
FFM?? Que? As Manuel would say!
fat free mass
@Minumonline thanks for the inspiration for dinner tonight, just polished of a juicy steak with cheesy cauliflower au gratin and Savoy cabbage, broccoli, carrot folded in seasoned garlic butter. Groan if that is how I ought be eating it is very rich, not so sure my liver will be happy with that, as it protests if food too rich. As well Fasting seems to reduce the my tolerance for a large meal these days too

Loving this thread though lots of very interesting discussion and contribution, thanks
Mine does too gillymary, so it will be interesting to see how we go!! I have just found an amazing pudding recipe which I shall be testing soon, coconut cream, chia seed, honey, mango and strawberry. MMMMM!!
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