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The 5:2 Lab

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Re: Newbie from Durham
05 Mar 2013, 06:55
Sorry for lack of reply
Training has been disordered, it's my 8th marathon and I'm not a true sportsman
Long run at the weekend 16miles on Saturday, very poor run.
Between time, 30 or 60 minutes sessions probably 3/week
Mostly bike or run machine, some runs with harriers but this is currently embarassing
I can run on a fast day but ten to be less than an hour
Interesting the Saturday run did follow a partial fast day and I did Bonk, nothing left in the tank.
Re: Newbie from Durham
21 Apr 2013, 09:24
So I completed Paris, and I won't document the time. I was on for 5hr but my friend dropped out at 21km and I lost some impetus. Paris also has 2 long sections through parks without supporters. So from 21 miles to 25.5 it's a long, straight, boring run with no encouragement.
Just excuses!
Anyway the forum is about weight. I have kept going but weight loss has plateaued. Don't quiet know why. I've not lost heart and will continue.
I also plan to stop beta blockers, if I get permission.
Changing my training to only run sub 9min miles.
And finally I'm going to restart statins. Just hoping ths new one won't produce the muscle injury with exercise that caused so much problem previously.
I currently do 2 fasts per week with a single evening meal of 600kcal.
That's Monday and Wednesday.
Friday I fast all day then have a normal evening meal.
I hope weight loss restarts, logically it has to!?
Re: Newbie from Durham
21 Apr 2013, 10:06
Welcome back and well done completing the Paris marathon!

Re the flat-lining weight loss, my thoughts are:
  1. If you've plateaued for more than just a week or two it must be because of the overall energy balance. With all your exercise I guess you are eating more to compensate, but maybe that 'more' is greater than it needs to be for you to keep losing weight.
  2. One idea that has come out of the Nerds Corner here is to mix up your calorie intake on the 5 days i.e. have maybe a couple of days with more of those calories and then a couple of leaner (but still not 'fasting') days. Some people have reported that they are bigger losers when they do this.
  3. Does your metabolism slow down at all on fasting days (e.g. you get cold)? This does affect some of us and you are more likely to be affected I suspect if your fasting style is to have a near-total fast until evening - as you (and I) do. Obviously running a marathon on a fasting day would not be a good idea but less prolonged exercise is fine and as well as burning calories itself I think it may reset the metabolism if it has gone into a 'low energy' fasting mode. I play squash and do HIIT on fasting days and have not suffered any ill effects. Of course you may already be exercising on fasting days...
Re: Newbie from Durham
22 Apr 2013, 06:08
Very helpful response.
Not conscious that I'm cold or slow on fast days
I do exercise on fast days, not over heavily
I think I have enjoyed my non fast days too much, as you say being canny through the non fast part of the week is obviously sensible.
We made a weekend of Paris with food and drink
And then I had 3 days on leadership training visit to Holand, with associated food and drink. I had to move a fast day. So I think I've had an abnormal calory load for the last couple of weeks. Just need to be more sensible and keep exercising.
Not got away with HIT yet. How do you define HIT seperate from training. Excepting its intensive and short but how do you know it's high enough
Re: Newbie from Durham
22 Apr 2013, 07:09
Re HIIT: it should be your maximum output so if you could go faster it's not fast enough! I can't actually do more than 20 secs at max output! So 20 secs then recovery until you can talk again then repeat twice more.
Re: Newbie from Durham
23 May 2013, 06:16
Still loosing, many are commenting on substantial difference in appearance but only just reached 1st 8lb in loss.
It's definately influencesd by how I eat on non fast days, surprise eh!
Exercise on a fast day is easy
The challenge is, in the midst of a working week, doing the exercise.
Despit slow progress this is the best I've dome.
Question for us nerds. Given the nature of the excelent progress tracker, in particular only those who are succeeding will continue is there a way to improve our understanding of how and when and or who this works?
As I've mentioned before i still thinks this is suitable for adolescents.
Re: Newbie from Durham
23 May 2013, 07:42
Hi, good to hear you're still plugging away!

We ran a questionnaire while you were AWOL from which I am currently extracting the data. We had over 100 respondents. Hopefully we can find some factors that influence weightloss (apart from the obvious ones of starting weight, gender, age and thyroid disorders).
Re: Newbie from Durham
31 May 2013, 05:47
I did the questioner by the way.
Small friendly comments
Some question presumed a female respondent and the descriptors of meal times were class dependant for interpretation.
What are the core questions it's trying to address?
Re: Newbie from Durham
31 May 2013, 13:08
not sure about specifically "class dependent" as also a regional thing, but if someone couldn't figure out that lunch and dinner are terms used for midday and evening meal then they must live in a cave somewhere.
Re: Newbie from Durham
29 Jul 2013, 20:40
Gained weight in Florida 5lbs
They came off easy but I'm locked at 13st 13lbs
I eat too much in the gaps despite a nearly 4/3 process
Still very please to be down 1st 8lbs
And will keep plugging on
Re: Newbie from Durham
22 Jan 2014, 12:02
No longer a newbie and also a failure.
Post great north run especialy pre christmass my diet deterioated in particualr sugar/chocolate consumption on non fast days.
So as of Jab 4th 15 2.
Back on diet and exerecising at least 5 dasy a week for longer than 30 min. Taining for prudential 100 in auguts and not a biker.
Weight today 14st 10.
This time......
Re: Newbie from Durham
22 Jan 2014, 12:05
But at least you came back!! As you can see from my date and weight loss, I too failed mid year after big holidays. We can do it together!!
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