I reached my target weight on the 10th of March, so, let's see, yep, that would have been 9 months ago and what has happened since, you ask? Well, ask or not, here is what happened. A few weeks after reaching 'THE GOAL' I had, inexplicably lost another 7 lbs. WOW! Nice little extra but no more please. Now it was time for some serious maintenance and you know what, it was an absolute doddle. I just continued my version of 16/8 every day as this suits me so much and that is a very personal view, it is not for everyone. My 'window' is rarely as long as 8 hours, more like 3-5 and some days I only ate once giving me a good long fast til the next day. I ate as much as I wanted of the foods I wanted to eat but my tastes had changed so dramatically that this was never a problem. Holidays came and went, remember 'BOLLOX DU JOUR' girls? Gosh that was good fun, then there was Scotland then the missing VON BERLIN trip, what a summer of eating, drinking, travelling and never getting fatter, THANK YOU GOD, or as he is known round here Dr. Moseley! Now, the thing is, the weather has got colder, we have slipped into our winter routine and the other evening as I sat in the pub with my second glass of wine, a bag of crisps and knowing I was going to have some cheese and biscuits and perhaps a little bit of chocolate ( OK, a LOT ) I realised that sliding back into old habits can so easily sneak up on you. I had been weighing myself every day and I could see that the scales were moving, very slowly, but nevertheless, they were showing an increase in blubber. Ouch! Every day I would tell myself that it was not a problem, actually, it was no major problem as I never got back up to my target weight but I was still suffering from fat creep. So, a wet fish was applied, harshly, to the back of my head, more than once and a good talking to was administered to the mirror and the, very few pounds that had stuck to my middle got a good fright and took off sharpish. Now, the moral of all this is, no matter how successful you have been, no matter how determined you are to never be fat again, no matter how many new clothes you have bought to show off your new reduced figure, if you start to stupidly indulge in the social eating that got you overweight in the first place then you will be a lost cause, another statistic, another failed dieter, another yo-yo person with a wardrobe full of clothes that cover a multitude of sizes and sins, and you will be very, very UNHAPPY and we don't want that, now do we? So, the message is, yes the few pounds gained have been seen off again and it was not difficult but it was SO easy to start slipping back again for no good reason, certainly not because of hunger, just pure laziness and loads of complacency.
Ballerina x
Ballerina x