Hello everyone
Thought I would start this thread, after seeing mrstee's comment in the June thread.
I hope I am maintaining this month... We have been on the road with the caravan for 2 wonderful weeks, and goodness knows what is happening with my weight. I am trying to judge by clothes, but always find that difficult. I am certainly having more carbs that I normally would - well, I started off that way, but am trying to cut back a bit...
I have worked out that I need to keep not having breakfast - extending the fasting period does help. But I will still treat myself from time to time - it is hols after all.
I just reread the June posts - always very interesting and useful to hear about others' experiences - and comforting when they have similar experiences to mine!!
Best wishes to all for another month of successful maintenance.
Thought I would start this thread, after seeing mrstee's comment in the June thread.
I hope I am maintaining this month... We have been on the road with the caravan for 2 wonderful weeks, and goodness knows what is happening with my weight. I am trying to judge by clothes, but always find that difficult. I am certainly having more carbs that I normally would - well, I started off that way, but am trying to cut back a bit...
I have worked out that I need to keep not having breakfast - extending the fasting period does help. But I will still treat myself from time to time - it is hols after all.
I just reread the June posts - always very interesting and useful to hear about others' experiences - and comforting when they have similar experiences to mine!!
Best wishes to all for another month of successful maintenance.