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Weight Maintenance

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Sorry, I haven't checked in in a while! I am still below goal by a pound or 2 (I forgot what my exact weight is today :shock: ).

Anyway, hope all y'all are well - get well soon PJK!
After one week of 'sedentary' life as a couch potato, I can say that one week (including one fast day on the day of surgery) is not enough to give my weight a real boost. I see not much of a difference, but it might help that my scales only have a 0.5 kg increment :wink: . Feeling fine, but the stiches are still 'a pain in the ass', though luckily in a slightly different spot. :smile:
Here we are: I was wondering where this topic was. My not eating lunches Mon - Fri seems to be working. I am 53 kg not 54 like I used to be all the time. Last Thursday when I fasted until supper I lost 700g. So I was 52.3 kg on my Tracker. That is within a kilo of my target weight (51.7kg). Tomorrow is Father's day. I made a cake for Hubby - low carb 'After 8 Cake': Cream and sweetener and 68% chocolate. But I am not going to worry about my weight gain now. Just enjoying my lunches at week ends enormously :grin: . I am going to fast again in Advent. An old and sensible Christian Tradition. I am planning on doing a fasting window every day 4:20. But that won't happen until 30th November. Good to be maintaining with you guys this month. :smile:
Still within my maintenance range :) It's odd tho', how 'dangerous' 107.2lbs feels tho' it's just on the mid-point of my 105-110lbs range.

Unlike P-JK and others, I think I'm a distrustful maintainer - I don't feel safe when I'm anywhere near the top of my theoretical range. I know this absurd but it is the way that I feel. I think this is exacerbated by the knowledge that anything that I gain is body fat and makes me vulnerable to the metabolic conditions that typically accompany sarcopenia. I don't feel that I have the buffer that a more adequate amount of lean body mass or skeletal muscle would provide.
I've decided to maintain for now, after having surgery in October. I'm below my original target weight and have decided to reset my target, but to stay where I am until the New Year. I am surprised that I have lost a little weight, without trying, over the past few weeks. I imagine that a good part of that will be related to the surgery itself, but I had thought that a few weeks of being a couch potato whould have done some damage.

Anyway, I'm delighted to stay roughly where I am for now.

@Brackenyour chart looks pretty impressive! Well done. :-)
11 days on nearly sedentary life and the weight is going ... down? :confused: :?: :shock: Today on the official weight day it's 62, from 62.5 last week. Surely, there will have been some water retention the first days after surgery, that might have gone lost the last days. However, weight seems to fluctuate over different days, so too early to tell what the long term influence of couch life will be (well, I am walking around, but no cycling to work and other sports activities). The experiment continues :geek:
Wishing you a speedy recovery @P-JK :) Maybe your body is using extra energy to help in the healing process? I found when I was recovering from surgery last year and almost immobile for some while, that I continued to lose weight. And I certainly was not eating less. All part of the experiment, as you say, to understand how our own body works!
I'm glad so many of you manage to maintain so easily. I'm insanely jealous! I'm on the list at the beginning of the post, but I probably shouldn't be because I finally decided to join the Christmas challenge to lose a bit and get back to goal. I'm trying to be relaxed about it. I think maintaining at this higher weight is still a lot better than where I was at the start. It's just in the healthy BMI range, which for my shape is just fine. I lost 2kg quite quickly after I joined the challenge (water weight from half-marathon recovery probably), but then it popped back up after an alcohol-fueled weekend with a visiting friend. It's slowly going down again. I think it will help my running to get back down to goal otherwise I probably wouldn't bother. Anyway, carry on, you maintainers. I hope to join you again in a few months for proper maintenance at something closer to my goal weight!
:smile: :heart: :clover:

p.s. Odaijini, @P-JK
A week on from my last entry here, in which I said I would try to maintain and not slip lower and I have dropped another 100g on my trend. I know it's not much but surprising as I have been eating more. The stats for the last 7 days are: highest weight 63.2, lowest 62.4, average 63.0kg. My arbitrarily decided lower limit is 63 kg, so hmm... :confused:
MaryAnn wrote: I hope to join you again in a few months for proper maintenance at something closer to my goal weight!
:smile: :heart: :clover:

Ok, took you of the list, but hope to meet you soon in the maintenance section.
carorees wrote: A week on from my last entry here, in which I said I would try to maintain and not slip lower and I have dropped another 100g on my trend. I know it's not much but surprising as I have been eating more. The stats for the last 7 days are: highest weight 63.2, lowest 62.4, average 63.0kg. My arbitrarily decided lower limit is 63 kg, so hmm... :confused:

Well, the human body is full of surprises :smile: As long as you feel and look well, nothing wrong with losing a few grams, especially when enjoying good food.
Edit: you might be burning some extra calories by working so hard on the program for starters :geek:
Hi, just quickly checking in saying that I am happily maintaining but feel that my body needs to get used tot his weight for a bit. So at the moment I am still vigilant (fasting twice a week rather than three days)
New to the forums and I'd love to join all of you :smile: I've been maintaining for around 2 years (used ADF to lose around 57lbs), but have noticed a weight creep over the past couple of months. Got lazy with portion sizes, and then I've also cut out exercise due to schedule changes. So, back to ADF this week, to get rid of the creep. Should have that taken care of in the next 2-3 weeks and then back to maintaining!
Beginning stats, when I started ADF: 175ish pounds
Lowest weight (when I transitioned into maintenance):118lbs
Fast forward a couple of years....127lbs this past Monday (been in the 127-130lb range for a while now)
So a few rotations of ADF to get rid of the creep and then back to maintaining :)
Hope its ok that I join you all here, even though I'm doing some corrective work right now-I still consider myself in maintenance since I've been doing that for a while now :)
Welcome to the club @KateKat. Sure you are welcome, particularly when small corrections are needed. Just because you are maintaining, doesn't mean you don't have to do something :smile: Keep us posted!
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