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Weight Maintenance

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Haven't weighed in a while, until yesterday, when weighed 9st 5oz! However, just coming out of a tummy bug phase ... Will be eating sensibly over xmas as tum still sensitive, but do expect a move upwards ... We shall see. Happy xmas to all on this thread and to P-JK for keeping order in such an understated manner! :reindeer: :reindeer: :reindeer:
Every cloud has a silver lining eh @silverdarling? That's a good buffer for Christmas you've got there!

My pre-Christmas weigh in report: max weight 64kg, min 62.8kg, trend 63.4kg, today's weight 63.4kg so I'm "on trend" :lol: (never been on trend fashion wise so this is the best I can do!).
I'm within my weight range so I take that as A Good Thing :cool: - and will be pleased if that's still true in 10 days time. :)

I wish a joyful holiday season to my fellow maintainers. Thanks to P-JK for this thread.
I am 142lbs this morning, which is just at the lower end of my range of 142-145lbs.
At the top of my range already today ... It will undoubtedly get worse before the weekend, then I'll put the brakes on nonsense-eating as hopefully all the sundry goodies will be gone!

I was bottom of my range yesterday. Not sure when I am going to brave the scales again!
Oh heck ! I'm at the high end of my self inflicted 1kg / 2lb allowance, but I have been eating lots of naughty things. Mustn't let it slide now. A few fasts should help. I love this WOE !
I'm ending the year within my maintenance range. Scales were all over the place this morning though. At one point I weighed 61 pounds (28kg) :grin: :grin: I finally took the most frequent reading. Is it possible to buy scales that only show one reading if you get on them 5 times within a two minute period?
I'm 105.6lbs today which is :cool: and within my maintenance range so unless something unfortunate happens (major swelling) I shall end the year well within my comfort zone. My 4th New Year as a faster so I'm confident that I can navigate most NYE Scylla and Charybdis (famous last words).
Oops! 100g over the top of my range today and New Year's Eve yet to come! I predict that the eating windows in January will be very small...portholes perhaps!
I saw 8st 9lb twice a few weeks ago. My lowest weight for years. I used this as a buffer and so far, over Christmas I have seen my target of 9st but nothing over. I was hoping that I could bounce up and down between that and 8st 7lb. So, so far, so good. Fasting will resume on Monday and I will endeavour to get down to 8st 7lb by the time the holidays start.
Oops! I seem to be six pounds over my target weight, having put five of them on since the 28th December! :shock: I have been eating sooooo much, quite unnecessarily, :frown: but come January third, when the last of my visitors have gone, I will be back on the 5:2 band wagon.
Well done to all of you very clever people who are maintaining within your 'buffer'. :angel: The only way that I could do that would be to have a buffer of ten pounds!
Here's to a successful new year for us all! :smile:
@StowgateResident you said it all for me ... I've even seen 74kgs on the scales in the Xmas madness :0@
There is one tiny slice of Xmas cake left for me then that's it, all done.
I'm going to have to properly concentrate on fasting in 2015 :0)
Good luck everyone and hasn't 2014 had some special moments for us all :0D

Edit: 73.4kgs today so started going in the right direction at last!
Up 1 kg after X-mas, with a couple of eating days to come. Somewhere what could be expected, so no problem, comes the new year, comes some fasting. :smile:
Maintenance Month 006
Goal weight 120 lbs, initial weight 123 lbs, method 7 x 20/4
01/12/14. 123 lbs
08/12/14. 125 lbs
15/12/14. 123 lbs
21/12/14. 120 lbs
29/12/14 . 125 lbs

Entry weight 2014 137 lbs, exit weight 2014 123 lbs, average maintenance weight 121.57 lbs.

2015 will be Fast-5 and >= 10,000 steps daily. The scales can say what they like!

Happy New Year to all maintainers, losers and gainers. :clover: :heart:
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